Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Today Will Cover the Latest Freedom Sleepers Protest (#19) 6 PM -8 PM


Today’s show on 101.3 FM (and has old 80’s tunes from Uncle Bansai and new audio clips from last Tuesday night’s Freedom Sleep Out on the sidewalks at City Hall on 11-17.Check out new repression strategies used by police to ticket protesters and steal their property–before and after the protest, but not during it while the activists with camera and internet are present.Freedom Sleepers will be meeting tomorrow as usual at the Cafe Pergolesi. 11 AM to 1 PM  for anyone interested in joining or supporting Freedom Sleep #20.

Phone in your reactions to the show at 831-423-4833.  Or any reports from your area about homeless rights-related stuff.

The show will archive at

HUFF hunkers and huddles at 11 AM Wednesday 11-18 at the Sub Rosa Cafe

 After two outdoors coffee-scarce meetings at the Sub Rosa, we’ll be trying again tomorrow

If the place is still closed, we’ll move to the Cafe Pergolesi. 

Likely subjects:  Transportation up to UCSC to troll for student HUFF volunteers up at the Housing Conference on campus 5:30 PM  Kresge Town Hall where Pat Colbe and Steve Pleich (among others) will be speaking; updates on court wrangles & prospects around the Freedom Sleepers; report from the Berkeley Freedom Sleeper-like SleepOut and City Council meeting there; prospects of fighting the RV bans likely to come up at the next Santa Cruz City Council meeting; impact of the Armory opening and deepening cold weather–HUFF responses…and more

Snoring Against Stupidity: Freedom Sleep #19 to Nestle on City Hall Sidewalk Tuesday Night

Title: Fight Cold Hearts and Cold Weather: Freedom SleepOut #19
START DATE: Tuesday November 17
TIME: 5:00 PM – 8:00 AM Wednesday
Location Details:
Another all-nighter in front of City Hall on the sidewalks, the bricks, the grass, and in vehicles parked nearby from dusk Tuesday to morning Wednesday at 809 Center St.
Event Type: Protest
Contact Name Robert Norse
Email Address rnorse3 [at]
Phone Number 831-423-4833
Address 309 Cedar PMB 14B S.C. CA 95060
The protest continues apparently to provide a temporary emergency “safe from tickets” zone on the sidewalk (and recently on the red bricks) from ticketing for survival sleeping. Or such has been police practice for the last month or more.

Last week the usual harassing klieg lights, “no parking” jackets, and even police harassment were absent. And the 1st Alarm “security patrols” were reduced. The City Hall Courtyard grounds still posted A-frame signs and yellow tape cutting off day and night use.

Officer “Winter” however is also battering at the protest, so bring cold weather gear and any donations you may have.

Coffee and the usual barebones pb&j supplies will be available as well as some prospective addition edibles from generous donors.

The beloved Freedom Portapotty will be available for welcome relief since City Hall is locking its bathrooms at night–again.

Berkeley activists have drawn strength and resolution from our struggle against the Sleeping Ban here and are holding their own 11-16 Sleep-Out and 11-17 Speak-Out at their City Council. (See ).

More on the Berkeley protests today and tomorrow at—Elisa-Cooper

Additional articles are at

Students and union activists at UCSC will be throwing a Housing and Homelessness Forum on campus Wednesday night where Freedom Sleepers and HUFF will be speaking. It will begin at 5:30 PM at Kresge Town Hall.

Police citations for MC 6.36 (the Camping Ordinance) seem to be down for October (to 43 compared to 79 in September by a rough count). (This does not take into account eager Parks and Recreation Ranger harassment though).

Outgoing Mayor Lane (due to rotate out in December though he will still be on the Council) has made no further public statements nor taken any actions to agendaize elimination of the Sleeping or Blanket bans.

His facebook statement and my response (as well as other Freedom Sleeper info) can be found at .

Tickets and stay-away orders are still being given out for being in a park after dark to unhoused folks elsewhere in town.

The Winter Armory Shelter begins operation today, however it only houses 100 and has many restrictions.

The Homeless (Lack of) Services Center continues to ban the majority of homeless people from its campus, meals, bathrooms, showers, and laundry services under the new director Phil Kramer unless they are “on a path to housing”.

Photographer Alex Darocy, who has regularly covered these sleep-out’s is facing charges for photographing the student/community protest against police brutality and tuition hikes in the Highway 6 case. (See ).

Alex was also cited for MC 13.04.011 (being on the City Hall grounds after 10 PM), but that citation was reportedly dismissed.

Trials for Freedom Sleepers on the same charges will be coming up in the weeks ahead. Watch this website for information.


The need to provide indoor protection from the cold is coming into clearer focus as the weather worsens. In the face of El Nino winter, City Council has made no provision for warming shelters, campgrounds, car parks, or a lifting of the camping bn to allow unhoused folks to formtheir own protective community and shelter.

On the horizon at the next City Council meeting (11-24) is a nasty Niroyan-initiated plan to restrict or ban RV’s, requiring residential permits and eliminating parking spaces.

City Council indifference to public opinion can be seen in its ignoring the massive outpouring of support for the Beach Flats Community Garden on 11-3. The community needs to take its own independent direct action on issues involving community space and local human rights.

HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom) will hold its usual sleep-deprived meeting at 11 AM at the Sub Rosa Cafe at 703 Pacific the morning after the sleep-out.

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First New Sunday Show from Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 9:30 AM- 1 PM Today


After many hours of cranky weary turmoil, a new edition of Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides, the 20-year old Free Radio Santa Cruz show largely concerned with homeless civil rights and local Santa Cruz political shenanagans is coming your way.  

Featured on the show:

  • More poetry by Berkeley poet Julia Vinograd,
  • Interviews from the last Freedom Sleeper SleepOut on the cold cold sidewalk and bricks adjacent to City Hall,
  • Steve Pleich’s analysis of the Water Study Session at City Council,
  • Jeffrey Helms account of an SCPD gun drawn and (mis)fired at him,
  • Mama Shannon’s grim account of homeless sweeps on the tracks, deadly abuse at the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center, and her sticks-to-your-ribs poem “Peanut Butter”
  • Selections from Studs Turkel’s musical Working

                                            ….and more

If you miss it this morning (at 101.3 FM in Santa Cruz and on the net)  but want to hear it, go to

NEW BATHROBESPIERRE’S BROADSIDE SHOW TONIGHT 6-8 PM Free Radio Santa Cruz ! Archived…if you missed it

The ever lovable Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides, which has been playing “flashback” shows from earlier years, will be returning to the 2015 era tonight at 101.3 FM and with commentary and coverage of segments of last Tuesday’s Shitty Council meeting, street interviews, Keith McHenry on the Blue Box 2 from the hearing last Thursday in defense of street performers…and more!

If you missed the show (because the message is going out so late), it will be archived at shortly after broadcast.

Call in with any comments, carping, or cutting-edge analysis at 831-423-4833.

Robert Norse

HUFF ‘n Stuff will brave the mid-day cold to huddle together tomorrow 11-11 at 11 a.m. (!) at the Sub Rosa

HUFF agenda is likely to be brooding over:

+++  Berkeley’s Upcoming SleepOut on 11-16 and the Berkeley City Council meeting’s planned attack on the homeless (See
+++ The on-going struggle to focus federal attention via the DOJ and HUD oversight to finally force City Council to pay attention to basic homeless survival rights this winter before the suffering toll grows from El Nino.
+++ Support for other allied student and community struggles (Tuition/Police Abuse by UCSC activists, the Beach Flats Community Garden by activists there,  Tenant organizing).
+++ Transformed Support for the Freedom Sleepers Movement to account for freezing and wet weather ahead.
                                                            …and more!   Come to the Freedom Sleep Out Tonight, then wake up merry and bright for the HUFF follow-up!  What fun!

Back to the Barricades with Freedom SleepOut #18 Tuesday 11-10

Title: Fighting the Power: Freedom SleepOut 18 Coincides with Key Council Meeting
START DATE: Tuesday November 10
TIME: 3:00 PM – 3:00 AM
Location Details:
809 Center St.–In and outside City Hall and ultimately–if peaceful protesters are driven there–to the edges of the sidewalk under high-intensity klieg lights with First Alarm Security Guards patrolling. The protest officially begins at dusk, and goes through the night, but some activists will be at City Council to support Beach Flats Garden and tenant activists.
Event Type: Protest
Contact Name Robert Norse
Email Address rnorse3 [at]
Phone Number 831-423-4833
Address 309 Cedar PMB 14B S.C. CA 95060
Mayor Lane and his City Council continue to ignore the looming shadow of the Department of Justice and HUD with likely federal court attacks on the Sleeping Ban and federal fund cutoff’s for criminalization of the homeless.

Other Council members have declined to support and Lane has as yet not agendized his proposed modification of the Sleep Deprivation Ordinance revealed in a lengthy facebook lament at .

My reaction to Lane’s piece is at ,

Freedom Sleepers continue their Tuesday night Sidewalk Safe Sleeping Zone — “safe” apparently from sleeping tickets, which continue to be given out regularly elsewhere in the City. The next one is November 10th, beginning in and around City Council’s afternoon meeting.

Agenda Items ##16, 17, and 18 concern HUD funding for housing, the Beach Flats Garden project, and the airbnb Summer Rentals issues–all of which impact unhoused folks and their allies

Last week cops and bureaucrats expanded the roped off area outside City Council to further isolate and distance homeless protest from the Study Session of City Council. In addition, the entire grassy area from the City Council chambers to the sidewalk was–for the first time–marked a “no go zone”–This eliminated the prospect of unhoused people resting there during the day–something grudgingly allowed though harassed by roaming First Alarm “security” thugs.

Inside, the Council heard a three hour police panhandling and PR session celebrating their follow-up on the blatantly anti-homeless 2013 Citizens Public Safety Task Force recommendations. What are the costs, consequences,and effects of the anti-homeless laws spurred by this Task Force “public safety” concerns? Who knows? Police didn’t tell us.

There were no citations at the Sidewalk Safe Slumber Zone that followed, though the night was colder and the number of sleepers fewer.

For an account of the night see “Temperatures drop at the 17th Freedom Sleepers Community Sleepout” at

More background:

Items /#16, 17, and 18.

#16 covers some HUD funding–which may be impacted by Santa Cruz’s anti-homeless laws and HUD’s supposed new “end criminalization” requirements.

#17 involves the latest sell-out to the Seaside Company, offering a 3-year lease proposal that would only cover 2/3 of the Community Garden–in spite of the pleas and demands of hundreds of people two weeks ago.

#18 involves real estate owners moves to okay airbnb summer rentals

§ Granny Units (ADUs) or vacation rentals: 2:30 pm (?) Item 18. Introducing an ordinance amending portions of the Santa Cruz Municipal Code to limit short term/vacation rental use of Accessory Dwelling Units [ADU’s]. Tenant activists note that allowing ADU summer rental use:
§ removes affordable housing units from the local market;
§ caters to out-of-town visitors instead of local housing needs;
§ creates businesses within residential neighborhoods;
§ violates the intent of ADUs to increase long-term, small-scale rental housing.

Freedom Sleepers hope that some Beach Flats Garden supporters will join the Sleep-Out in solidarity.

Last week CPVAW asked for emergency shelter for women outside to be created along side of the anti-homeless RV measure coming back on November 24th. Assistant City Manager Scott Collins, cheerleading for the “no RV parking for the poor” resolution upcoming, cut short discussion time and cut off speakers.

Coming Up December 13th–a special Freedom Sleepers Presents event featuring attorney Tristia Bauman from the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, survivors from last year’s “disperse and destroy” raid on the San Jose homeless Jungle, and more! Scheduled for the Resource Center for Non-Violence at 6:30 PM.

In spite of two unanimous Council votes early last summer directing staff to open TWO 24-hour bathrooms, Public Works has only opened one (at the Soquel St. garage). And they are still complaining this essential service remain only a “pilot project” in spite of very few problems–according to the workers there (and even the staff report itself).

Meanwhile the Freedom Sleepers continue to provide a portapotty each Tuesday night, given the City’s refusal to either open the promised Locust St. facility or keep the City Hall bathrooms open at night.

A festive Portapotty Parade is in the works for 6 PM after the afternoon Council meeting. The mobile comfort station has been with the Freedom Sleepers for 18 weeks now.

The usual coffee and crunchables will be available at times during the night and for breakfast in the morning.

The Right To Sleep is the Right to Live.

Continue reading

Back to Occupy: A Free Radio Look Back at Police Repression and Mayor Lane’s “Response” 9:30 AM Sunday 11-8 at 101.3 FM

The Sunday show will be another Flashback–perhaps the last for awhile, as I’m going to be playing new and more current material next Thursday for the 11-19 6:30 PM show.

Specifically, Sunday’s show tomorrow will run two old shows back to back–the December 8th, 2011 show [] recorded immediately after the police crushing of the San Lorenzo campground and the earlier destruction of the Occupy Octagon.  This will be followed by the January 5, 2012 show []  which featured a live question-and-answer session with then-Mayor Don Lane.

Both shows can be independently downloaded by going to the links above.

Comments can be phoned in to 831-423-4833 and will be broadcast next Thursday (11-19) if technically feasible.

Free Radio Santa Cruz still has no studio–hence the fact we’re broadcasting and playing old shows.  And we’re still offer a sweet 500 bucks to whoever can find us one!   That pays for at least 150 cups of coffee!  Call me if you have any ideas, info, or inspiration!

Bathrobespierre Robert

Flashback Free Radio–Verdict in the “Don’t Sing Downtown Downtown” Verdict and More on Peace Camp 2010

Another follow-up Flashback on Free Radio Santa Cruz Archival 9-30-2015  Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show:     Verdict in the “Can a Heckler Shut Down a Political Song?” case… Sandra Leigh interviews me and Curbhugger Chris on PeaceCamp2010 and more.

Show can be heard anytime at .

Are these messages helpful to you HUFF e-mail readers?   Let me know.


HUFF it up later today–if you dare 11 AM Sub Rosa Cafe

Moving from Freedom SleepOut #17 to HUFF Chat-and-Sip #1608 (we’ve been meeting weekly since 1989 or perhaps before).    Agenda prospects for:  tonight’s City Commission for the Prevention of Violence to Women’s discussion of safe sleeping zones for women to (perhaps) be forwarded to the next Shitty Council meeting; RV Parking and Safe Zones on November 24th agenda; Panhandling laws coming up for challenge?; Blue Box 2 Case 8:30 AM 11-5; whatever the cold wind blows in…along with hot coffee and other drinkables.