Public Hysteria Task Force Has 1st Meeting Tonight 5-7 6 PM Tony Hill Room Civic Auditorium SC

The “Public Safety” Task Force, hand-picked by Mayor Hillary Bryant, has its first meeting tonight at 6 PM in the small Tony Hill sideroom at the Civic Auditorium on Church St. across from City Council chambers. According Continue reading

Updates on the California Homeless Bill of Rights (AB5)

NOTES BY NORSE:  Santa Cruz’s reactionary City Council is moving in the opposite direction–to remove basic human rights from homeless people and shuffle them out of sight.  A bill coming up on May 14th at City Council would make it illegal to linger or loiter on the median strips in the middle of roads, where you Continue reading

Monterey to Discuss Santa Cruz Abuse Sitting Ban Law

NOTES BY NORSE:   Using euphemisms and pretexts like “public safety”, “quality of life”  “bad behavior”,  Santa Cruz mad steadily intensified its anti-homeless Sitting Ban over the years.
The current Santa Cruz law prohibits sitting down on the sidewalk “In the C-C community commercial, C-N neighborhood commercial,C-B commercial beach, CBD central business district, and R-T tourist residential zoning districts,  (a) At any bus stop; (b) Within 14′ of any building. Where any portion of a building is recessed from Continue reading

Sip Soup as you Gag at City Council’s Study Session on Homelessness

Title: Sip Soup as you Gag at City Council’s Study Session on Homelessness
START DATE: Tuesday April 30
TIME: 6:45 PM – 8:45 PM
Location Details:
809 Center St. Santa Cruz City Council Chambers
Event Type: Meeting
Contact Name Robert Norse
Email Address rnorse3 [at]
Phone Number 831-423-4833
Address 309 Cedar PMB #14B Santa Cruz, CA 95060
The Santa Cruz City Council has scheduled a Special “Study” Session on Homelessness.THE COUNCIL’S RECENT RECORD
Hey, April Fool’s day came and went nearly a month ago!

This is the Council that recently voted an Continue reading

Upcoming Protest of the American Psychiatric Association’s 2013 annual conference– an Occupy Psychiatry Event.

NOTE BY NORSE;  A segment of the homeless population has their status dismissed and demeaned by describing them as “mentally ill” and there are currently bills pending in the state legislature to strip rights from Continue reading

City Council’s “Public Safety” Committee Meets Wednesday 5-1 at 6 PM

The “Public Safety” Update below is from the Public Safety Task Force staff, not from the Public Safety Committee.  The Public Safety Committeewhich meets Wednesday at 6 PM is a standing Committee of City Council whose meetings are required to  be open to the public and agendaized 72 hours in advance.It’s not clear whether the Task Force, recently Continue reading