Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday September 14, 2023 show is a Flashback to August 6, 2015 covering interviews around one the earlier Freedom Sleep-Out’s at City Hall then called Community Camp-Out’s

The September 14, 2023 edition of Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides (an August 6, 2015 flashback) includes:

  • Andrea Meagan, signer on the medians, denounces Homeless Lack of Services Center (HLOSC)
  • Lucero Luna, awakened after a nap in her car by Capitola cops in mid-afternoon.
  • Beggarbacker Becky Johnson on various colorful homeless protests coming up.
  • Brief interviews with the newly-named Freedom Sleepers including “Anonymous”, Dolan, and others
  • A longer chat with “Can’t Help But Care” Kevin Rothwell on high-pressure help for Alexis and her dog
  • Martin v. Boise case—various readings
  • Becky Johnson counts 28 people nearing 11 p.m. for SleepOut #4 including Monterey Maxwell, the Green Baron (  “3rd Sleep-In at City Hall”
  • “Hiroshima and the Persistence of Nuclear Weapons” at

HUFF huddles indoors in the face of likely overcast skies at 10:45 a.m. September 14 Thursday morning at the Sub Rosa Cafe 703 Pacific next to ye olde bike church

HUFF Agenda Prospects 9-14-23      

  ++++  Priorities, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs   

  ++++  Possible phone guests: Reggie Meisler, Keith McHenry, Oswaldo Valdez      

  ++++  Passarounds: San Rafael Injunction (2), S.F. Injunction (2) Glover Notes (2)   

  ++++  Handouts:  outdated SC Free Guide; and other TBA  

  ++++  Early call-in from civil libertarian and human rights worker Dylan Verner-Christ

  ++++  SC Free Guide: Truth Squad Probe; recent e-mails to Evan and Cat 

  ++++  Public Record 2018-9 Infractions:  (good only for another week or two, so download it soon if you want it) 

  ++++   Former Councilmember Drew Glover’s extensive homelessness file: 

  ++++  Coalition vs. SF Hearing, 9th Circuit Hearing Update:

  ++++  As ever…Street reports; Sweeps on Beach & elsewhere: Demo?    

  ++++   Diplomacy Not War in Ukraine Saturday 9-30 noon Town Clock  

  ++++  Vouchers for RV immunity—progress? Tier 3  No reply.    

  ++++  Q.Z.’s MHCAN concerns; Greybears issues 

  ++++  Street Sheet availability:  Drew of Food Not Bombs on Sat and Sunday; paper racks near UN Assoc 903 Pacific; public library perhaps, next week new issue    

  ++++  Street Shit Sheet #170, 171, 172  now available in hard copy at the HUFF meeting and on line 

  ++++   Federal temporary restraining order halting implementing the anti-homeless ordinance SMC 19.50 in San Rafael.

  ++++  COH vs. SFPD stopping tows for parking tickets; resolution of support    

  ++++  Santa Cruz Camping/Sleeping Ban  (MC 6.36)!/SantaCruz06/SantaCruz0636.html#6.36    

  ++++ Santa Cruz Oversized Vehicle Ordinance (OVO MC 10.40.120):!/SantaCruz10/SantaCruz1040.html#10.40.120     

  ++++   Shudderworthy Shadows from Julie Schaul 

  ++++ Oswaldo Vasquez—Harassment in Watsonville by cops and schools for disability autism?

  ++++  Mayor grilling—Keeley back; no reply yet; HUFF input    

  ++++  Sleeping Ban/OVO Law Flyers:  Help Still Wanted    

  ++++  COH Lawsuit Enforcement Update:   

  ++++  Legislative Updates: AB 1082 Slowing down tows; AB 920 (banning “homeless” discrimination) SB 31 (banning sitting, lying, or camping within 1000′ of a daycare center, library, park or school); SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, (easier conservatorship, forced drugging, & 5150 powers); SB 326 (shifting housing to drug funding)      

  ++++  Wes White videos at See “City Pressured…”, “Union Pacific”, & his most recent videos 

 ++++  HUFF Indybay Story archive library:          ,    

 ++++ HUFF Streetshit sheet archives:   

 ++++ HUFF Street Spirit archives (also at the library Main Branch):

++++  Checking in:, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes; Sleeping Ban Sweeps/OVO threats—flyer work    


Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want    


Marking progress; keeping up momentum  

Since the summer of 2022, the city of Santa Cruz’s programs addressing homelessness have made remarkable strides: 

• We’ve served 578 individuals through shelter and safe parking programs. 

• 74 individuals have transitioned into housing. 

• 77 people reconnected with family and friends in their hometowns. 

• We’ve provided 725 emergency shelter beds over the course of 19 nights   

(more details available on the City’s website at ) 

Progress?  Missing: the actual cost of the “emergency shelter beds”,  the large number of people left outside, & the wasteful and futile cost of the enforcement sweeps 

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday September 10, 2023 show features Vehicular Survivors James and Rose Nay, Scope-it-Out Scott Graham on the Shitty Counsel, Tenderfoot Tim Rumford, and more + Flashback to Freedom Sleepers #19 Nov.19, 2015

The Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show of September 10, 2023 includes:

  • Katzenjammer Keith’s “Coming Events” Announcements
  • [throughout] David Rovics historical songs of struggle
  • [9-4] Talkin’ with Tenderfoot Tim—RV report from Antonelli’s Pond—and more
  • Pacific Ave. Interviews: Reticent Robert on the Diminishing Sleep-Out Scene; Joseph Taylor a fellow bench-sitter lambasts Housing Matters; Rory—got infections from rats in HM
  • Scope-it-Out Scott Graham and Bathrobespierre pick and peck at the upcoming Santa Cruz Shitty Council Meeting
  • [9-9] Streetside Interview with James Nay and his daughter Rose Nay, both vehicular dwellers who report regular harassment from SCPD and deputies.
  • “Never Make Fun of an Arab” at (Foundring—a​ local pianist and singer banned and removed from you-tube)

Flashback to November 19, 2015 includes

  • At Freedom Sleep-Out #19 on 11-17, Glen Richard Cubana, union electrician from San Jose, reports beating and losses of his truck and dog by police and security, ticketed for sleeping, trespass, with possessions taken without receipts
  • Plenty of Commentary from Bathrobespierre Robert throughout
  • Dreamcatcher ticketed for bike on the sidewalk, saved stuff from unattended property tickets, others did not.
  • Ticked-off Tony the shirtbringer, Uncle Lee, and Bathrobespierre exchange satirical and serious commentary, Deryk Smith, on new cop tactic—pre-protest harassment because City Hall grounds are now “a park”, seizing sleeping bags and other survival gear.  
  • Michele Irway on 6-cops descending on Lucky with her massage table, & grocery cart; other cops hauled off two carloads full.
  • FRSC Broadcaster Doc Mike on the Winter Armory Shelter rules
  • Joshua’s “camping” ticket for sitting on a blanket eating breakfast
  • Story of the Minneapolis police shooting of the black Jamar Clark
  • Afternotes by Alex Darocy & Thai

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday September 7, 2023 show is a Flashback to November 19, 2015 featuring cohost Pat Colby on the recycling challenges of folks outside; Courtney of Sin Barras, Julia on Cannabis farming, and more

The September 7, 2023 edition of Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides (a November 19, 2015 flashback) contains:

  • [throughout] songs from Plain Brown Rapper by Uncle Bonsai
  • Interviews from Freedom Sleep-Out #19 on 11-17:  Lawrence MacGregor (aka Blue Viper), Juan Richard Cubana (tickets and jail), Dreamcatcher (Unattended property swoop), Tony (the satirical t-shirt provider), Razor Ray
  • Deryk, Jimmy Costa, Marco, Michele Irway: police seized property early calling City Hall “a park” during the day prior to protest;  Michele on Depot Park raid 11-16
  • Doc Mike on Changes at Coral Street Homeless (Lack of) Services Center: Daily showers with ID & Meals for Armory users.
  • Marcos on bikescene: easy come, easy go; blankets, bags stolen and dumped;
  • [11-17] Pacific Ave interviews:  Joshua—tickets for eating breakfast on a blanket with dog
  • Minneapolis activists occupy police department after police shooting of Jamar Clark
  • After-report from photographer/reporter Alex Darocy

HUFF back at the survival gear-stealing sweeps and the phony “we have shelter” City narrative at the 10:45 AM meeting today (September 7th) at the Sub Rosa (703 Pacific next to the Bike Church). Come anytime up to 1 PM. All are welcome

Coffee, cookies, carrots, and conversation.  Come one, come all.

HUFF Agenda Prospects 9-7-23     

  ++++  Priorities, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs       

  ++++  Passarounds: San Rafael Injunction (2), S.F. Injunction (2) Glover Notes (2)  

  ++++  Handouts:  outdated SC Free Guide; and other TBA 

  ++++  SC Free Guide: Truth Squad Probe; recent e-mails to Evan and Cat

  ++++  Public Record 2018-9 Infractions:  (good only for another week or two, so download it soon if you want it)

  ++++  Compare the City’s file with Former Councilmember Drew Glover’s extensive homelessness file:

  ++++  Coalition vs. SF Hearing, 9th Circuit Hearing Update:

  ++++  As ever…Street reports; Sweeps on Beach & elsewhere: Demo?    

  ++++  Vouchers for RV immunity—progress? Tier 3  No reply.   

  ++++  Q.Z.’s MHCAN concerns

  ++++  Street Sheet availability:  Drew of Food Not Bombs on Sat and Sunday; paper racks near UN Assoc 903 Pacific; public library perhaps, next week new issue   

  ++++  Street Shit Sheet #170, 171  now available in hard copy at the HUFF meeting and on line at

  ++++   Federal temporary restraining order halting implementing the anti-homeless ordinance SMC 19.50 in San Rafael.

  ++++  COH vs. SFPD stopping tows for parking tickets; resolution of support   

  ++++  Santa Cruz Camping/Sleeping Ban  (MC 6.36)!/SantaCruz06/SantaCruz0636.html#6.36   

  ++++ Santa Cruz Oversized Vehicle Ordinance (OVO MC 10.40.120):!/SantaCruz10/SantaCruz1040.html#10.40.120    

  ++++  Mayor grilling—Keeley back; no reply yet; HUFF input   

  ++++  Sleeping Ban/OVO Law Flyers:  Help Still Wanted   

  ++++  COH Lawsuit Enforcement Update: 

  ++++  Legislative Updates: AB 1082 Slowing down tows; AB 920 (banning “homeless” discrimination) SB 31 (banning sitting, lying, or camping within 1000′ of a daycare center, library, park or school); SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, (easier conservatorship, forced drugging, & 5150 powers); SB 326 (shifting housing to drug funding)     

  ++++  Wes White videos at See “City Pressured…”, “Union Pacific”, & his most recent videos

 ++++  HUFF Indybay Story archive library:          ,   

 ++++ HUFF Streetshit sheet archives:  

 ++++ HUFF Street Spirit archives (also at the library Main Branch):

++++  Checking in:, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes; Sleeping Ban Sweeps/OVO threats—flyer work    


Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want    


Marking progress; keeping up momentum

Since the summer of 2022, the city of Santa Cruz’s programs addressing homelessness have made remarkable strides:

• We’ve served 578 individuals through shelter and safe parking programs.

• 74 individuals have transitioned into housing.

• 77 people reconnected with family and friends in their hometowns.

• We’ve provided 725 emergency shelter beds over the course of 19 nights  

(more details available on the City’s website at )

Progress?  Missing: the actual cost of the “emergency shelter beds”,  the large number of people left outside, & the wasteful and futile cost of the enforcement sweeps

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday September 3, 2023 show features Wayward Willie, Alicia Kuhl, Visible Vicki, and HUFFsters galore at the 8-31 HUFF meeting plus s Flashback to October 29, 1998 on eve of election of the Three Amigos Who Turned tail

The Sunday September 3, 2023 show includes: 

The Flashback to October 29, 1998 includes:

  • Bathrobespierre’s Intro and Election-Eve Update
  • Steve of “Parents That Care About Their Children” on his daughter taken on complaint of neighbors
  • Hans on his Capitola cop clubbing after arrest for bike riding without a light
  • Paul Volpino of TRUSC (Tenants Rights Union of Santa Cruz) challenging Environmental Health and Building with its pro-landlord policies
  • Jolly Roger Comedy Troupe: Border Patrol v. Santa Claus
  • Aurora, Colorado’s anti-loitering law; Toronto’s cops force 20+ 3-year church residents off property with shelters and hostels full; 4 recent Sleeping Ban tickets; 
  • Need for Sleeping Ban Repeal as winter looms; Councilmember Kennedy’s sabotage; dubious prospects for new “progressive” Council 
  • Strategies for Handling SCPD’s Headley, for hassling FRSC broadcaster Sara, for giving away FRSC t-shirts on Pacific Ave. as incentive for donations.
  • Dialogue with Sara and more strategies for dealing with Headley harassment
  • Memorial and forum on anniversary of the murder of Happy John Dine in November 12th .  

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday August 31 show is a Flashback to December 12, 2002 featuring the FCC crackdown on Berkeley Pirate Radio, Cassandra Brown and Amy Courtney’s anti-war freeway overpass bannerdrop, and more.

The August 31, 2023 edition is a Flashback to the Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show of  December 12, 2002.  It includes:

  • Cassandra Brown & Amy Courtney on their trial to stop Cal Trans from banning anti-war banner drops on freeway overpasses
  • Broadcaster, street musician, and community activist Phil Free on the FCC shutdown of Berkeley Liberation Radio recently.
  • Phone-in discussion of the latest reports from the Berkeley Liberation Radio going off the air.
  • Exchange on City Council’s continued effective prohibition of medical marijuana dispensaries in the city
  • More from Brown and Courtney on some Peace Fridays ago.
  • Bathrobespierrre critiques City Council’s rejection of the Downtown Commission’s reform of the Downtown Ordinances.
  • [12-6] Michael Rays describes being rousted at City Hall by Officers Klein and Seiley.
  • Scope-it-Out Scott Graham on the Council’s tightening of the Downtown Ordinances

HUFF hides from the heat Thursday August 31st at the Sub Rose Cafe 703 Pacific next to the Bike Church at 10:45 a.m. or as soon thereafter as we can assemble

HUFF Agenda Prospects 8-31-23     

  ++++  Priorities, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs       

  ++++  Passarounds: tba  

  ++++  Handouts:  Mime Troupe Flyer, City Council Blurb, 2019 Homelessness 

  ++++  Public Record 2018-9 Infractions:  (good only for another week or two, so download it soon if you want it)

  ++++   Former Councilmember Drew Glover’s extensive homelessness file:

  ++++  Coalition vs. SF Hearing, 9th Circuit Hearing:  

  ++++  As ever…Street reports; Sweeps on Beach & elsewhere: Demo?    

  ++++  Supervisor Report; No Shitty Council meeting next Tuesday

  ++++  Harm Reduction Lawsuit; attempted Denise Elrich call 

  ++++  Vouchers for RV immunity—progress? Tier 3  No reply.   

  ++++  Mental Health Advis Board Report back ; Q.Z.’s MHCAN concerns

  ++++  Street Sheet availability:  Drew of Food Not Bombs on Sat and Sunday; paper racks near UN Assoc 903 Pacific; public library perhaps, next week new issue   

  ++++  Street Shit Sheet #170  now available in hard copy at the HUFF meeting and on line at

  ++++   Federal temporary restraining order halting implementing the anti-homeless ordinance SMC 19.50 in San Rafael.  Next hearing is September 6th, 10am in San Francisco. Contact Robbie Powelson via facebook  to help drive the plaintiffs down.

  ++++  Restraining order stopping Marin County sheriffs from destroying boat-home of Logan Paul Walker:


  ++++  COH vs. SFPD stopping tows for parking tickets; resolution of support   

  ++++  Santa Cruz Camping/Sleeping Ban  (MC 6.36)!/SantaCruz06/SantaCruz0636.html#6.36   

  ++++ Santa Cruz Oversized Vehicle Ordinance (OVO MC 10.40.120):!/SantaCruz10/SantaCruz1040.html#10.40.120    

  ++++  Mayor grilling—Keeley back; no reply yet; HUFF input   

  ++++  Sleeping Ban/OVO Law Flyers:  Help Still Wanted   

  ++++  COH Lawsuit Enforcement Update: + Verner-Crist’s letter   

  ++++  Legislative Updates: AB 1082 Slowing down tows; XXX CareCourt Crap; AB 920 (banning “homeless” discrimination) SB 31 (banning sitting, lying, or camping within 1000′ of a daycare center, library, park or school); SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, (easier conservatorship, forced drugging, & 5150 powers); SB 326 (shifting housing to drug funding)     

  ++++  HUFF Indybay Story archive library:          ,   

 ++++ HUFF Streetshit sheet archives:  

 ++++ HUFF Street Spirit archives (also at the library):

++++  Checking in: Free Guide Verification, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes,     

TO HEAR THE BATHROBESPIERRE’S BROADSIDES NET-RADIO SHOW:       Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday August 27, 2023 show features Berkeley’s Carol Denney on People’s Park, SF Anti-Sweep Lawsuit Updates, Street Interviews, and Keith McHenry stuff too! Long flashback to 9-25-05

The August 27, 2023 show includes

The Flashback to September 25, 2005 includes: 

  • [throughout: psychiatric survival songs by Morgan Firestar]
  • “Mad Mike the Wonder Dog” Balderos on a double homicide, memorial for Abdullah Hassan, aka George Eugene Dawson or General Dread, died a week ago
  • City Council slated to consider closing access trail between Eastcliff Ave. and Branceforte at night over Commission opposition
  • Norse’s disruption trial date for standing at the City Council microphone Oct. 24; John Maurer’s “Fuck the Pigs” case on Closed agenda
  • Critique of Juan Cole’s “phased withdrawal” from Iraq proposal:
  • 7-6-05: Interview with Uncle Dennis (the Bard) Holt for not showing his driver’s license; Honorable mention of HotRod (John Rapaport) and Leatherlungs Jim Purcell’s cases; Holt also reports on S.F. anti-war protest
  • Phone interview with Pebbles Trippet—on the right of self-defense in Medina Meteras case, a marijuana grower who defended their crop. 707-964-YESS
  • ” Pepper-in-your-Punch” Pat Kittle on the Mexican Marijuana Mafia
  • Trumping Public Defender Desiree Young’s advice to plead out.  “Bad Boy” Brozda  wins a dismissal from Judge Akao after hearing of his abuse in custody (reports being shackled hand and foot, forcibly medicated, money taken, held in solitary).
  • Jeremiah facing trial for “disturbing the peace” and “resisting arrest”, reported deputies using Abu Gharab-style masks on prisoners
  • David Anthony Cross tasered to death a week ago, with Mayor Rotkin unwilling to respond.  See “Stop Lethal Tasering in Santa Cruz”
  • Reports from 9-24-05 anti-war rally
  • Tent University activist Pat True follows up on UCSC stonewallking
  • Andrea Tishler  of the Compassion Flower Inn reports on the San Francisco anti-war protest and LOVE parade
  • Curtis Reliford on his recent journey to aid victims of Katrina.

The original version of the show can be heard with all its bells, whistles, pauses, and fumbles at

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday August 24 show is a Flashback to September 22, 2005 featuring many voices including psychedelic writer Peter Stafford, Bike Church worker Toby, protesters against Sizzla, marijuana activist Lisa M., and more

The August 24, 2023 edition of Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides is a September 22, 2005 flashback.  It includes 

  • Peter Stafford, psychedelic author and Homeless Garden Project worker, describes his jury duty in a competency case from the past where he was one of the two hold-out’s.
  • Troy of The Bike Church on group bike rides like Critical Mass as well as the Church’s services
  • Protests against Sizzla Kalonja at the Catalyst as for threatening homophobic lyrics: Mike Motorcyle the skateboarder, signholders Rachel and Julie urging boycott and ban,
  • Matthew Embri of FRSC’s Clatterbox on the anti-Sizzla protests, the lyrics, and the musician
  • Lisa Molyneux of Greenway discusses the first two days of Santa Cruz City’s first medical dispensary in five years (not counting the exclusionary and generally inaccessible WAMM (WoMen’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana)
  • “Crossroads” Chris Brozda presses County Counsel and others against the City’s Sleeping Ban
  • “Monkey” (aka Colin Campbell Clyde) on disappearing Pacific Avenue benches
  • L.A. babble from “Bruce” calls in to note creativity becomes ugly when shrill
  • Steve and Virginia Percy’s “Bush Lied; I Died” anti-war display ripped down again
  • ‘Battleready’ Bob Patton calls in to praise Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides