HUFF Back Wednesday 11 AM at the Sub Rosa Cafe or on the sidewalk nearby 9-6

In what may be a short small meeting, HUFFsters will gather at or near the Sub Rosa Cafe at 703 Pacific tomorrow (Wednesday September 6) at 11 AM.  On our minds:  the final vote coming up at City Council on 7-12 enlarging the cop-created Stay-Away edicts, new SCPD police chief Andy Mills–Eureka Record and Santa Cruz Direction, restarting the Vigil Against Two Wars–War on the Poor and Wars Abroad (with particular focus on Nuclear Threats against North Korea), the MHCAN question, and hopefully a spot of coffee.
If you abhor meetings and wish to work on Public Records, Help compile accounts of Police/Ranger abuses, Monitor the new Library Rules, and/or Assist in getting interviews for Free Radio broadcasts or You-Tube Postings, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833.  Activists around Food Not Bombs and the Freedom Sleepers are also looking for help gathering volunteers for the support meals on Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday as well as folks who want to help homeless harassed with citations for Being Visibly Homeless.  Contact them at 575-770-3377

Partial RV Residents Victory in Marina; HUFF Punts Again: NO 11 AM Meeting Wednesday– But There’s Still Stuff You Can Do to Fight City Council’s Home Grown Fascism Here

Though skipping another Wednesday meeting, HUFF members and sympathizers are still focused on our own local struggle against the long-term fascist wave against the homeless.

I’m still waiting for clarification from staff mouthpiece and Assistant City Manager Scott Collins just how far the new 72-hour police power extends.  It currently allows cops and rangers to issue Stay-Away orders from areas when they give out an infraction ticket.  The area seems to include Arana Gulch, Moore Creek, and the Pogonip as well as some smaller parks.

Go to and click on Item #20, then on  “School Safety Enhancement Zones Ordinance (CN) – Map” on the right side of the screen.    More details, hopefully from “Scapegoater” Scott when I get them.

This is a direct attack on poor people who try to sleep in the Pogonip at night–since there is no alternate shelter (and even when it is available to a few is often described as wretched, bug-ridden, unsafe, and dehumanizing).  I mistakenly wrote last week that this proposed banning-without-court-process power extended to all parks, which apparently it does not–only those within 300′ of a school  (again, see the map above).    Also while the law outrageously triples lengths of time that thugs in uniform can ban you from areas without a court conviction or trial, it does not triple the fines.

Final vote from the rubberstamping body comes in two weeks, but e-mail to the City Council can still be sent to them putting opposition on record at .  To read the detailed horrors of the original law, whose bans will triple in length, go to  and review 13.08.090 and 13.08.100–both anti-homeless laws passed in 2013, expanded in 2015, and now back for a final blow at the poor outside.

+++ write a letter to the Sentinel, Good Times, facebook friends, or other on-line media denouncing the ordinance.  See my story at (“Toxic Expansion of Stay-Away Ordinance Hits Council Agenda Today”) for description and discussion.

+++ Sign up to support homeless resistance by using the “appeal process” hastily added on to the Stay-Away law which requires the City Manager’s office to hear an appeal before the Stay-Away is implemented.  Contact Food Not Bombs at its Saturday and Sunday meals at the Post Office and Tuesday night outside City Hall.  Or go to their facebook page at Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs.  Leave a message there for HUFF or contact HUFF by phone at 831-423-4833.  Bring citations, reports of stay-away orders, and other street info to the Food Not Bombs literature table.

+++  Ongoing crackdown on MHCAN at a Public Hearing to “revoke and replace” their special unit permit according to Board of Director mouthpiece Steve Pleich.  He and his Board, after many months of hush-hush secrecy and “don’t rock the boat” tactics are calling for public letters and calls to the Planning Department in advance of their September 7th hearing.  Attention: Mike Ferry, City of Santa Cruz, Dept. of Planning and Community Development, 809 Center St., Room 206, S.C. 95060  or e-mail at Let us know of any new police or vigilante actions against MHCAN or their clients, as well as any internal “crackdown” regs within MHCAN itself.


+++ Monterey County Homeless Activists who a partial victory at the Monterey Board of Supervisors today getting a 90-day nighttime extension for the dozens of vehicular residents out on Lapis Road north of Marina.  Implicitly acknowledging they have no “resources”  (i.e. housing or a safe place to park their RV’s). the Board responded to the organizing effort of Becky Johnson and Wes White, signing up folks to show they weren’t “service-resistant”.  However the resolution passed, supposedly binding on the sheriffs, still requires residents to vacate between 10 AM and 6:30 AM.  Many of the vehicular homes have very poor gas mileage, their owners are poor, and half are not drivable.   Residents Amber and Wildfire are reportedly inventorying and helping mobilize people for the 8 a.m. Thursday deadline.  Support the Lapis Road RV Residents by contacting the Supervisors Luis Alejo and Jane Parker for a more reasonable settlement at


+++ If you wish to work on Public Records, or learn about other HUFF projects, contact Bathrobespierre Robert of HUFF at 831-423-4833.  

Another Week of HUFF Hiatus -NO 11 AM Meeting Today: But Stuff You Can Do to Fight City Council’s New Expanded Anti-Homeless Stay-Away Law and Other Nasty Attacks on the Poor

Though not meeting today, HUFF members and sympathizers are still focused on a resisting the War Against the Poor here.

The new 72-hour police power that allows cops to issue Stay-Away orders if they give out any infractions from all City parks, passed City Council 4-1 yesterday.  This is a direct attack on poor people who try to sleep in the Pogonip or San Lorenzo Park at night–since there is no alternate shelter (and when it available to a few was often regarded as wretched, bug-ridden, unsafe, and dehumanizing).  Assistant City Manager Scott Collins deceptively evaded when asked whether there were any shelter spaces to send those driven from the parks citing future collaboration with the Count

The law was dressed up in “protect the children” clothing as a “School Safety” measure.  No statistics citing specific problems with children were even attached to the staff report.

It will receive a final vote in two weeks to become law (which is fairly certain), but e-mail to the City Council can still be sent to them putting opposition on record at . If passed again in two weeks, he current 24-hour Stay-Away period will triple.

+++ write a letter to the Sentinel, Good Times, facebook friends, or other on-line media denouncing the ordinance.  See my story at (“Toxic Expansion of Stay-Away Ordinance Hits Council Agenda Today”) for a brief description.   Note: the law triples the length of cop-created Stay-Away time, but not the actual fine as misstated in my article.

+++ Sign up to support homeless resistance by using the “appeal process” hastily added on to the Stay-Away law which requires the City Manager’s office to hear an appeal before the Stay-Away is implemented.  Contact Food Not Bombs at its Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday meals.  Or go to their facebook page at Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs.  Leave a message there for HUFF or contact HUFF by phone at 831-423-4833.


+++ Restrictive library regulations (check out that fine print as you enter the downtown branch),  Let us know how library staff and “Security Thugs” are treating you.

+++  Ongoing crackdown on MHCAN at a Public Hearing to “revoke and replace” their special unit permit according to Board of Director mouthpiece Steve Pleich.  He and his Board, after many months of hush-hush secrecy and “don’t rock the boat” tactics are calling for public letters and calls to the Planning Department in advance of their September 7th hearing.  Attention: Mike Ferry, City of Santa Cruz, Dept. of Planning and Community Development, 809 Center St., Room 206, S.C. 95060  or e-mail at Let us know of any new police or vigilante actions against MHCAN or their clients, as well as any internal “crackdown” regs within MHCAN itself.

+++ Support Food Not Bombs and others who continue to support the Freedom Sleeper Tuesday Night protest at City Hall (there again for the 110th time, with food and frolic, though not necessarily any overnight sleepers).  Contact them if you wish to support their lawsuit against Santa Cruz’s anti-homeless laws (575-770-3377), to volunteer for FNB meal prep or protest support, or to provide information about ongoing harassment at San Lorenzo Park and elsewhere.  

+++ Keep informed on the struggles in other cities.  In Marina, RV dwellers are organizing with support from Monterey County Homeless Union activists Becky Johnson and Wes Modes.  See story at  For updated accounts from real people impacted  by the crackdown, check out

+++ If you wish to work on Public Records, or learn about other HUFF projects, contact Bathrobespierre Robert of HUFF at 831-423-4833.  

HUFF Extended Vacation Continues–NO 11 AM Meeting Tomorrow: at Sub Rosa Cafe–Contact by Phone or E-Mail if You Have Reports or Want to Volunteer

The local War Against the Poor shows no signs of letting up:

+++ restrictive library regulations (check out that fine print as you enter the downtown branch),  Let us know how library staff and “Security Thugs” are treating you.

+++ formalizing the crackdown on MHCAN at a Public Hearing to “revoke and replace” their special unit permit according to Board of Director mouthpiece Steve Pleich.  He and his Board, after many months of hush-hush secrecy and “don’t rock the boat” tactics are calling for public letters and calls to the Planning Department in advance of their September 7th hearing.  Attention: Mike Ferry, City of Santa Cruz, Dept. of Planning and Community Development, 809 Center St., Room 206, S.C. 95060  or e-mail at Let us know of any new police or vigilante actions against MHCAN or their clients, as well as any internal “crackdown” regs within MHCAN itself.

+++ supporting Food Not Bombs and others who continue to support the Freedom Sleeper Tuesday Night protest at City Hall (there again for the 110th time, with food and frolic, though not necessarily any overnight sleepers).  Contact them if you wish to support their lawsuit against Santa Cruz’s anti-homeless laws (575-770-3377), to volunteer for FNB meal prep or protest support, or to provide information about ongoing harassment at San Lorenzo Park and elsewhere.   Today is the 29th anniversary of Keith McHenry’s first arrest which he writes about at and .     FNB chapters continue to be under attack in Whittier, CA and elsewhere.

+++ keeping informed on the struggles in other cities.  FNB  successfully served food ignoring arrest threats at St. James Park in San Jose last Sunday.  In Marina, RV dwellers are organizing with support from Monterey County Homeless Union activists Becky Johnson and Wes Modes.  See story at  For updated accounts from real people impacted  by the crackdown, check out

If you wish to work on Public Records, or any of these other tasks, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833.  Activists around Food Not Bombs and the Freedom Sleepers are also looking for help gathering volunteers for the support meals on Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday as well as folks who want to help homeless harassed with citations for Being Visibly Homeless.  

HUFF in Reorganizational Recess– 11 AM Meeting Tomorrow: at Sub Rosa Cafe Depends on Who Shows Up

Hot-to-trot HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) may be largely taking a break tomorrow for Rest and Recuperation. Numbers if any are likely to be small and spotty.

Some activists may be showing up there for to exchange information, but a number are disabled by various medical and transportation problems, so it’s catch-as-catch can.   Realistically, there is no guarantee of coffee or company, but some may be showing to report on today’s Shitty Council meeting and Freedom Sleeper Daytime Protest outside the Chambers.

If you wish to work on Public Records, Help compile accounts of Police/Ranger abuses, Monitor the new Library Rules, and/or Assist in getting interviews for Free Radio broadcasts or You-Tube Postings, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833.  Activists around Food Not Bombs and the Freedom Sleepers are also looking for help gathering volunteers for the support meals on Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday as well as folks who want to help homeless harassed with citations for Being Visibly Homeless.  Contact them at 575-770-3377

HUFF coffees down again Wednesday 7-26 11 AM at the Sub Rosa 703 Pacific : Which Way Protest When Only the Houseless Are Left?

Debating the Road Ahead: 

Key Freedom Sleepers Say that the City Citation Crackdown has removed the Tuesday night “Safe Sleeping Zone” and without court and legal support, “luring” homeless people to protest is simply abusive.   Other unhoused Freedom Sleeper Veterans say they’ll be back with food support.   Which path to choose?    Come and weigh in at HUFF.

Other topics likely to be thrown about:              Focusing the Fight Against the SCPD’s Phony Stay-Away Orders.

Defending MHCAN–now under full-scale attack.  

DIY strategies for dealing with tickets. 

Connecting with Senior Houselessness Here and Across the Hill.                                                           And whatever the hot summer breeze blows in.

HUFF on Summer Leave Wednesday 7-12; Next Meeting Will Likely be 7-19 11 AM at the Sub Rosa Cafe

Given that the Sub Rosa, where HUFF regularly meets, is likely to be closed tomorrow and the folks leading the HUFF meeting have had to cancel, HUFF is postponing its next meeting until Wednesday the 19th.

If folks have any reports of on-going harassment of poor folks outside, around City Council and the Library, downtown or elsewhere, please forward accounts to Robert Norse at .

We are advised that Food Not Bombs activist Keith McHenry was hospitalized Sunday night, preventing the regular Tuesday night FNB support of Freedom SleepOut #105. After back surgery, he’s recovering.

In other cities attacks on outdoor Food Servers continue: .

And roaring out of Eureka comes the our new Chief of Police Andrew Mills,  whose active disdain and dehumanization policy towards the homeless there is baldly revealed in his June memo proposing clear-them-away solutions:

To catch Brent Adams’ Coalition on Homeless meeting, he hooks-up with notoriously anti-homeless Councilmember Richelle Niroyan, Library Worker Maile McGrew-Frede, San Jose activist Robert Aguirre in a two-hour presentation devoid of protest suggestions  videoed by Salinas activist Wes White at .

Flashback to Nine Years Ago When the Downtown Drum Circle Fought Successfully Plus Snips and Snatches of Police Attacks and Community Resistance 6 PM tonight 6-22-17 on 101.3 FM

Nearly a decade ago, dozens were willing to stand up for the right of all (particularly artists, poor folks, and those outside) to use public spaces in spite of increasing crackdowns by police, the City Council, and the City Manager.  The struggle was particularly sharp and public at the Wednesday Farmer’s Market.   The darkness enveloping Santa Cruz regarding class war against those outside has driven away the drum circle and made mere “lingering” on the levee, where fragments of the Drum Circlers continues to play, a crime.  Homelessness or more bluntly cashlessness itself is becoming a defined form of deviant behavior, while  much of the community is too busy, too exhausted, or too indifferent to respond.

Today’s show features numerous interviews and can be heard in tandem with Santa Cruz Indymedia photos, video, and narrative around the issue.  See follow-up stories  “Victory at Parking Lot #4 — The beat goes on!” at  “Drum Circle is Back with a Bang in Santa Cruz’s Parking Lot #4” at

The Thursday, September 11, 2008 flashback features Dave Derick, Officer Forbus, Mama Val, Sgt. Harms, Wes Modes, and others as well as Alaska attorney and psychiatric rights defender Jim Fottstein on the fight against forced drugging, electroshock, involuntary outpatent commitment, and other dangers looming ever closer on the horizon.

The show streams on and archives at

Apologies for the lack of input on Freedom SleepOut #101.  Your fearless reporter has been struggling with medical demons.  For info go to the Food Not Bombs and  Freedom Sleeper facebook pages.  Or directly to City Hall, the Main Postoffice, or whereever the struggle is raging.

Volunteer to help at 575-330-3377.

HUFF Huddles Again: Surveying the Prospects after a Successful 99th Freedom Sleep-Out Last Night Free coffee and chat at 703 Pacific, Sub Rosa, Next to the Bike Church 11 AM Today 5-31

Agenda Options:      More support work for the Survival Sleepers that may return to City Hall tonight;  PR Support for Freedom Sleep-Out #100 Coming Up Tuesday June 6th; Parsing the City Manager’s Public Records Response to the New Anti-First Amendment Signs at City Hall; Salinas Victory–Activist Wes White Opens a Chinatown Shelter; Exposing The Phony “Resources” List Being Given Out by Police to Justify Creating More Homeless Refugees Downtown; and coffee to boot!    Activist “Laughing” Laura Tucker will be maintaining humorous order at the meeting.