Bathrobespierre’s Broadside’s Sunday, August 4, 2024 show follows the July 29, 2024 activist response to the City Mangler’s two weeks of anti-homeless raids and a Flashback to August 12, 2010 on PeaceCamp2010’s move to City Hall

The Sunday August 4, 2024 show includes:

  • Cavalcade of protests recent and upcoming around the Gaza genocide and the homeless removal sweeps
  • Rovics in narrative and song on the exploitive relationship of Spotify with musicians like him.
  • [Pre-Trial Inmates lose Minimum Wage Fight]
  • [7-28] Juan on probs with Funding Matters (which calls itself “Housing Matters”)
  • [7-31] Tamorack on changing Santa Cruz and successful ayahuasca therapy versus cancer
  • Phone Interview with “All-In” Athena on her support and copwatching of the 7-29 Golf Club Drive sweeps
  • [7-29] Sara, Pogonip resident, forced to move on but no shelter offer; Lisa & Daniel—another ousted residents.

The Flashback to August 12, 2010 includes:

  • [8-11-2010] P.J.  PeaceCamp 2010 [PC2010]’s new protest hub demanding decent services for those outside.
  • Crow & Red, vandwellers, who displayed protest sign and cleaned up trash
  • Bathrobespierre on Robert Facer’s court case: the background and basis of the months-long PC2010 Protest
  • A hoarse Curbhugger Chris Doyon on the new protest spot; Channel 8 News talk with Bathrobespierre & Chris
  • Wes Modes “walking in a parade without a permit” ticket [“Three Decisions in Court in the Wes Modes “Parading Without a Permit” Case“] at
  • Curbhugger’s on-the-stream Day One at City Hall for PC2010
  • [8-12] “Lighthouse” Linda Lemaster’s on her night at City Hall with PC2010 during the SCPD busts

Bathrobespierre’s Broadside’s Thursday, August 1, 2024 show Flashes back to June 15, 1997 featuring the fight against the Santa Barbara Sitting Ban, and struggles in Santa Monica and San Francisco

The August 1, 2024 show is a Flashback to June 15, 1997. 

It includes:

  • Jack Zedlitz discussing his court case defending against Santa Barbara’s Sit-on-the-sidewalk Ban on State St.
  • Santa Barbara attorneys Robert Landheer and Marc Chytilo on the Sitting Ban law
  • Kara Henson, Santa Barbara college student and participant in the protests against the Ban, tells how and why.
  • Santa Monica’s Jennifer Wagonner reports on open shower facilities, but cops stalking the food services
  • Santa Cruz’s Downtown Association bars activists from its subcommittee meeting
  • Report on the California Civil Rights Action Network
  • Keith McHenry on the plans for a San Francisco Presidio takeover to open up housing to the house-less.
  • June 4 S.F. Police Commission Hearings on public outrage at SFPD Mark Andiya’s murder of Aaron Williams
  • Lighthouse Linda Lemaster of Housing Now in Santa Cruz on the destruction of “welfare reform”
  • Bathrobespierre on City Council’s twists, turns, &- machinations in the last six months in “no shelter” Santa Cruz

HUFF gathers again at the Sub Rosa Cafe/Courtyard to respond to the ongoing war against the poor at home and abroad 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM Thursday August 1st at 703 Pacific next to the Bike Church

HUFF Ruf Loose Cannons Agenda Suggestions 8-1-24

This is a rough agenda—an edited and updated version will be available on August 1st at the HUFF meeting.  This is also simply suggestions—​to be considered and passed as HUFFsters wish.​                                                      

Top of the Agenda

++++   More informal process with Athena  

++++  XX The meeting will be shorter than usual with many members going to support the presentation to the Mental Health Advisory Board (MHAB] at 5200 Soquel with a proposed advisory letter seeking to end or soften the sweeps/raids on homeless survival encampments on Coral St. and elsewhere in so far as the County Sheriffs are involved.  

++++   The location of this meeting will be at the Sheriff’s Office Headquarters, Community Room, 5200 Soquel Avenue, Santa Cruz. Enter Building C, go to the right when you enter, pass the restrooms and you will find the Community Room.   It runs from 3 to 5.  Rides from Sub Rosa will likely be available.  

++++   For those interested in the presentation by Athena and Laura C. at the 6-20  MHAB meeting,  it’s available on line at  

++++   The letter forwarded to the Board of Superstupes can be found in flyer form at–a_breath_of_sanity_from_the_s.pdf .  

++++   The broader issue of the recent Coral St. and Pogonip police sweeps and sheriff/police abuses there is discussed at  

++++   More specific information regarding last Monday’s 7-29 Pogonip sweeps is available at

++++    The 4th in a series of educational protests against the recent homeless sweeps will focus on “Housing Matters” Director Phil Kramer  4-6 PM Monday August 6, 2023, Outside Housing matters at the Corner of river St. and Hiway 1   Free Food and Drinks.

++++    Mild temperatures in the 70s predicted for 8-1 afternoon and next week 

++++    Escalating creation of foreign homelessness in Gaza and Ukraine as well as Santa Cruz raids on survival encampments will be a focus for the next few weeks in other protests:                                              

Standard Stuff: Procedures and Preliminaries  

++++  Announcements:  See above

++++   Street Reports with particular focus on recent police attacks on encampments

++++   Preliminary analysis of excuses used to destroy survival encampments locally

++++   Possibly reviewing the Refugee Property Losses from Coral Street Demolitions (Athena)

++++   Passarounds & Handouts  TBA                                              

Current  and Upcoming Events

++++    Outcome of last Monday’s 3rd Union of the Homeless protest at parking lot next to  “Fast Lane” Fred Keeley house at Market and Water Strs demanding Homes Not Sweeps and planning for the 3rd protest.

++++   Saturday 7-20  11 AM-12:30 PM Ocean and Water  Stop genocide and support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza now. No more tax dollars for Israel. End the occupation and the apartheid system. Free all hostages and prisoners. 11 am to 12:30 pm every Saturday. Help hold up banners. More info:  call Laura at 831-247-5332.

++++   Reports from the surveillance and support crew that helped survival campers deal with the massive police raid of last Monday (7-29)

Closer Inspection

++++   Reports (if any) on reclaiming property from the survival-smashing sweeps of property.

++++   Still searching out Surveillance Camera Location (thru direct inquiry, observation, and public records)

++++   Flyer suggestions if any for upcoming Tourist Train protest with Coral St. info.

++++   Any posted notices of impending raids on existing camps?  Any court cases coming up?

++++   Examining MC 6.36 more closely—the Camping Services and Standards Act

++++   The impact of the Supreme Court’s bad decision on San Francisco’s Injunction; success then failure in Oakland.   

Possible Topics for Discussion

++++  Stop the War Against the Poor Sweeps/Raids + Gaza Genocide Lanyards?

++++  New  Strategies for Documenting Property Loss:  Case #, Receipts, Audio recordings

++++  Tourist Train Strategy & Spectacle Update

++++  Cooling Center when extreme heat threatens?  Suggestions?

++++  Specific Demands? (Stop the Sweeps, Reapportion funding to service existing camps)

++++  Reports from gov bodies (City Council, Board of Supes, Mental Health Advisory Board)

++++  Report on the new management contract for Evan Morrison’s group at the Armory

++++  Incidents from PovertyPimp Palaces (Housing Matters, Armory) & Service Agencies (MH CAN, Grey Bears, FNB, etc.)    


Keeping Tabs: Someday Follow-Up’s

++++  Protest Target Suggestions: Tourist Train Sites City Mangler’s office

…Police Station…Coastal Commission… City Hall…​Emeline/TelcCare/Supes 

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday 7-28-24 show features the third “Community Eyes on Mayor Keeley” protest + a Flashback to August 1, 2010 with many interviews from the PeaceCamp 2010 encampment on the Courthouse Steps

The Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides July 28,2024 show includes:

  • Protest July 29th “Police Raid of Encampment in Pognip”
  • Activist Keith McHenry’s look back at Friday’s “It’s Already Happened Here Protest” and other protests coming up…his 10-year ban from the Galleria for attempting to enter the “It Can’t Happen Here” “public” reading.
  • Other voices from the Town Clock on living outside: Russell, Cooper, Joe M., Ernestina, Mark W
  • [7-21] Heron debates an anti-homeless anonymity at the 3rd  “Stop the Sweeps” [aka “Cast Out Keeleyism in Santa Cruz”]
  • Occupy Santa Cruz veteran Pensky on life since 2011; Wes White on the continuing Bataan Protest in Salinas and the History of the 9-year old Flagpole Encampment at Salinas City Hall
  • Brihana Joy Grey interviews Alex Karakatsanis and Kamala Harris, copaganda, and surveillance sell-out at

The Flashback to August 1, 2010 includes:

  • [throughout]  Liberal Shop of Horrors by The Capital Steps
  • [7-31-10]  Early midnight wakings, ID-ing, of PeaceCamp2010 [PC2010], the 4-month long protest that began 7-4-10 on the steps of the Courthouse & became a 24-hour encampment/safe zone with Sheriff lieutenant Fred Plagueman, “Beggarbacker” Becky Johnson, “Eggbeater” Ed Frey, Razor Ray,& “Lighthouse”Linda Lemaster 
  • [8-1-10]  Malcolm and Margot Thornhill—frightened away from the protest by the Sheriff action; Morning-after report by Curbhugger Chris and others at the protest
  • Lost street interviews:  Around Ronee Currey’s Burritos, Beanies, and Chess table on Pacific Avenue; Becka’s on sexual work and abuse among the homeless; Anna Banana Richardson, Carol Williams, Merryweather Mike, Mickey Rat, and others.
  • July Oral Communications at City Council: Voices from PC2010
  • Ronee at PC2010
  • Attorney and activist Frey on the Robert Facer case that precipitated PC2010
  • A bit of Robert Whitaker—psychiatric researcher and author of Anatomy of an Epidemic