Shiver in the cold, then huddle in the warmth: HUFF meets 1:30 PM-3:30 PM Thursday 1-23 at Sub Rose Cafe next to the Bike Church 703 Pacific Ave.

PRE MEETING PROTEST FOR ANY INTERESTED:  HANDS OFF SUMMER !  Rally Thursday Jan 23 Noon at Science and Engineering Library Plaza at UCSC,   March to Kerr Hall ! Two under grad students were suspended for Palestinian advocacy last year + a grad worker fired for going on strike for Palestine! 

Rough Suggestions & Reminders for next HUFF sit-down 1-23-25

Apologies to HUFFsters for the likely absence of Robert and Gloria from the 1-23 Thursday meeting  We are likely still  down for the count with some unclear ailment (lots of sneezing and coughing).  These Agenda suggestions are only intended as possible guidelines.  Athena, Gaia, and the HUFFsters, of course, have the final word.

Underlined  links are for background reading.   Many others items are really signposts & reminders of where we’d be going if and when we find the person power, time, interest, and resources.  We are gathering information and evidence to challenge the Dominant (False) Narrative.  Organize! If anyone has questions, please raise them. AGENDA SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

                                       Top of the Agenda (Quick Announcements)

++++   Passarounds:  Agenda, perhaps.

++++   Street reports from the last week. 

++++   Jan 20th Martin Luther King Day parade lookback (also Trump Inauguration Day) & possible Gaza ceasefire 

++++   Rebele Family Shelter’s Eviction of family with motel accomoodation to run out on Friday.

++++   New Scent-Anal reporter on local homeless beat(?)

++++   Response to Police Abuse:

++++   Following up on Google number  216-8238 with regular report provider.
++++   Additions and Suggestions for Thomas’s TipZine…  Follow-up’s.

++++   Possible Small Claims Court Follow-Up

++++   Possible Armory Revisit; Dreamcatcher visit  Info from People First Staff?  Cat?  Avi

++++   Berkeley Where Did They?—gone from Old City Hall

++++    Jan 14 Shitty Council and Stupervisers reports?  Upcoming 28th Chatter-thons.

++++   Helga: Sweeps at Coral St…, at Library, and elsewhere…?  Library activists gone missing?  Cops downtown?

++++   No New Street Spirits  and Street Sheets available  Hard Copies of earlier issues may be available at 903 Pacific and at the Food Not Bombs Saturday/Sunday meals at Town Clock—ask Drew  Contact Street Spirit and Street Sheet to submit local stories & news accounts

++++   Are Gaza protests continuing as ceasefire may stall…

++++   Chilling Reports from emergency weather shelters:  The usual crowded often full non-emergency winter shelter only when temps drop below 38 degrees or flood warnings run by “People First” + Brent’s Warming Wednesdays 12-3 PM at 150 Felker St.

++++  People First Free Guides:  for S.C., Watsonville, SLV, Free Phones, Youth, Housing Waitlist, Pet Food, Addiction, Immigrant Storm Relief, SLE, Diaper Bank, and more (unchecked for usefulness)
++++ SC Free Guide  (Correction and checking badly needed)

++++  No rules or procedures posted, no waiting list length for 1220 River St., 115 Coral St., or People’s First RV and Armory Programs on the SC Free Guide.  Request written guidelines.

RESOURCES AND PROSPECTS including Regular Check-In’s, Older Stores. Possible Future Action Items, Signposts Against the Nasty New Narrative, Archived Net-Show Access, Still Older Resources & News  (the full HUFF blog) .  FOR MORE DETAILS CHECK THE RESOURCES AND PROSPECTS SECTION AT 

Random   New (to us, but dated) Articles, Videos &  Resources                               S.F Chronicle Stories

+++ Barnes v. Felix court case may bring U.S. “moment of threat” lethal force use into line with international “totality of circumstances, necessary and proportionate” standard (1-22)

+++  Activists look to halt use of Alien Enemies Act of 1798 (detaining 17,000 Japanese, 11,000 Germans, and 3000 Italian nationals in WWII (1-15)

+++ Starbucks ends open-door welcome policy (1-15)

+++ State’s federal courts likely to stay liberal (1-15)

+++ New buying rules should end $1.l7 M toilets (1-12)

+++ Supervisor: Increase arrests, detox for users (1-6)

+++ 5 UC campuses reach deal over Gaza protests (12-22-24)

+++ Transphobic apparel the new hotness (1-3)                           

S.C.Scent Anal (Sentinel) Stories

+++ Law may help tenants stay in homes (12-25-24)

+++ Community mourns longtime Sentinel report Jessica York (1-14)

+++ Biden misses chance to finally close Guantanamo prison (1-11)

+++ Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office:  Public weighs in on watchdog report (10-30-24)

+++ U.S. homelessness up 18% as affordable housing out of reach (12-28-25)

                                   S.J. Mercury Stories

+++ Rochester, NY, Lawsuit: Guards ‘casually’ beat inmate to death (1-16)

+++ FDA proposes making cigarettes less addictive with a cap on nicotine (1-16)

+++ 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre—300 killed in by White mob in “coordinated, military-style attack” (1-12)

+++  Enforcement on RV encampments starts: city creates 30 temporary tow-away zones (1-10)

+++  Kentucky Judge scraps Title X rules expanding protections for LGBTQ+ students (1-10)

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday Jan 19, 2025 show is Flashback to January 27, 2008 and covers the struggle to support the Farmer’s Market Drum Circle against SCPD repression

The January 19, 2025 Show is a Flashback to January 27, 2008. 

It includes:

++++More contemporary accounts available at: (Taking Back the Tarmac–Santa Cruz Reclaims People’s Parking Lot #4)   See also  (Beat It!  This is Our Parking Lot) and  the earlier (ALERT: Drummers Being Hassled at Farmer’s Market).

++++  Intro and commentary on the Drum Circle struggle (“Taking Back the Tarmac”) by Bathrobespierre Robert and Troublesome Thomas.

++++   Audio interviews and narrative at the Circle: Jade, Mary’s arrest, Tim Rinker, Bob Pickenpa, Suzanne, 

++++   Bumbloodier Baskett’s new “thou shalt not sleep” policy.

++++   [1-26] Bob P.’s arrest account where his finger broken  ++++   Spook and Mandy on fake LSD sales, [9-12-07] Jason Pasquel, Shane vs. Ranger Wallace,

++++   Community TV programmer and former Citizens Police Review Board Mark Halfmoon on Triple-Fine Zone Behavior in Halloween 2007. 

++++    Brian Parquette on SCPD violation of Measure K

++++    George Carlin’s expanded “7 Dirty Words” Routine

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday, January 16, 2025, show Flashes back to February 17, 2008 featuring Phil Baer on the early Dolphin-Lee (Nueva Vista) struggle, San Diego Rose interview, and David Silva’s Sleep Fast Organizing

The Thursday January 16, 2025 show is a Flashback to February 17, 2008 and features:

  • Prop 21 (criminalizing youth 14+ as thought they were adults) and Judge Akao’s anti-21 speech
  • Rose, San Diego Street Light writer, on the killing of homeless William Anthony Miller, Jr. 
  • San Jose cops arrest 23 of us at City Hall by Mayor Ron Gonzalez under Community Homeless Alliance Minister [CHAM]
  • “Dead-on” David Silva presses Rolling Sleepfast, weekly Press Conference, Council call-in
  • Wanda C. Knight back on 5-31-98 punished by Boardwalk Seaside Security Guards, now facing 11 car stops in 6 weeks in Felton.
  • Bathrobespierre’s 1st visit to Dolphin-Lee in 1 ½ year after City sent in inspectors; landlord Phil Baer’s reaction to complaints.
  • Baer’s call stop demolishing 63 units of affordable housing for 50 units at a price that consumes next 5 years of affordable housing $
  • Attorney Ed Frey on “merciless” Mercy Housing in Soquel mobile home park relocation for 6 months—tax dodge for rich Catholics

HUFF Weighs in as “liberal Santa Cruz” marks Martin Luther King day with a token march–HUFF meets 1-16-25 as usual at the Sub Rosa Cafe 703 Pacific next to the Bike Church 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM

HUFF “Loose Cannons” Suggestions & Reminders 1-16-25

Thanks to Athena for moving up her “Loose Cannons” agenda from next week to this week.  Gloria and I are likely down for the count with some unclear ailment (lots of sneezing and coughing).  These are only intended for suggestions.  Athena and HUFFsters, of course, have the final word.

Underlined  links are for background reading.   Many others items are really signposts & reminders of where we’d be going if and when we find the person power, time, interest, and resources.  We are gathering information and evidence to challenge the Dominant (False) Narrative.  Organize! If anyone has questions, please raise them. AGENDA SUBJECT TO CHANGE; COME IF YOU’RE INTERESTED IN SUPPORTING HUMAN RIGHTS FOR THOSE OUTSIDE IN S.C.                                       Top of the Agenda (Quick Announcements)

++++   Passarounds:  TBA

++++   Street reports from the last week. 

++++   Jan 20th Martin Luther King Day parade (also Trump Inauguration Day) & supposed Gaza ceasefire  10 AM Pacific and Cathcart leading to Civic Auditorium at 11 AM

++++   Rebele Family Shelter’s Eviction of family on Friday

++++   Helga and/or Reggie phone report on raids throughout the last week

++++   Response to Police Abuse:

++++   Following up on Google number  216-8238 with regular report provider.
++++   Additions and Suggestions for Thomas’s TipZine…  Follow-up’s.

++++   Possible Small Claims Court Follow-Up

++++   Possible Armory Revisit; Dreamcatcher visit  Info from People First Staff?  Cat?  Avi

++++   Berkeley Where Do We Go?  Any Updates?

++++    Jan 14 Shitty Council and Stupervisers reports? 

++++   Helga: Sweeps at Coral St…, at Library, and elsewhere…?  Library activists hiding?  Cops downtown?

++++   New Street Spirits  and Street Sheets available  Hard Copies of earlier issues may be available at 903 Pacific and at the Food Not Bombs Saturday/Sunday meals at Town Clock—ask Drew  Contact Street Spirit and Street Sheet to submit local stories & news accounts

++++   Potential Gaza ceasefire may start Sunday

++++   Reports from emergency weather shelters:  The usual crowded often full non-emergency winter shelter only when temps drop below 38 degrees or flood warnings run by “People First” + Brent’s Warming Wednesdays 12-3 PM at 150 Felker St.

++++  People First Free Guides:  for S.C., Watsonville, SLV, Free Phones, Youth, Housing Waitlist, Pet Food, Addiction, Immigrant Storm Relief, SLE, Diaper Bank, and more (unchecked for usefulness)
++++ SC Free Guide++++  No rules or procedures posted, no waiting list length for 1220 River St., 115 Coral St., or People’s First RV and Armory Programs on the SC Free Guide.  Request written guidelines.

RESOURCES AND PROSPECTS including Regular Check-In’s, Older Stores. Possible Future Action Items, Signposts Against the Nasty New Narrative, Archived Net-Show Access, Still Older Resources & News  (the full HUFF blog) .  FOR MORE DETAILS CHECK THE RESOURCES AND PROSPECTS SECTION AT 

Random   New (to us, but dated) Articles, Videos &  Resources                               S.F Chronicle Stories

+++ Starbucks ends open-door welcome policy (1-15)

+++ State’s federal courts likely to stay liberal (1-15)

+++ New buying rules should end $1`l7 M toilets (1-12)

+++ Supervisor: Increase arrests, detox for users (1-6)

+++ 5 UC campuses reach deal over Gaza protests (12-22-24)

+++ Transphobic apparel the new hotness (1-3)                       

S.C.Scent Anal (Sentinel) Stories

+++ Law may help tenants stay in homes (12-25-24)

+++ Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office:  Public weighs in on watchdog report (10-30-24)

+++ U.S. homelessness up 18% as affordable housing out of reach (12-28-25) +++ Downtown Plan Expansion report released (1-9)

+++ Councilmembers reflect on City Council tensure (1-12)

+++ Mayor’s Message: Our commitment to affordable housing by Fred Keeley (1-12)    

On Jan 5, 2025, at 4:29 PM, sheila carrillo <> wrote:   Hello Everyone and may this new year see burgeoning justice in our shadowy world!!

I wanted to share with you that I just registered for a place in the MLK march downtown at 10AM on the January 20 as a Community Coalition for Justice for Palestine and I am going to notify all the groups I am aware of about it. In answer to how many would be marching, I said 50, but hope for more, so broadcast widely. They request 2 or 3 volunteers, so if anyone is interested, let me know. I encourage signs and a 1/4 or 1/2 page informational handout to raise awareness, educate, build activism as well as signs and banners. I will be the point person on this and keep all informed.   If anyone has ideas for a better name, I’m sure I can change it so let me know!!

In solidarity and with determination,


Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday January 12, 2025 show features Troublesome Thomas Leavitt, Lots of David Rovic’s music, & Berkeley’s Jesse on Gaza + a Flashback to February 10, 2008 with Gillian Greensite on SCPD’s Rape Neglect ( Drum Circle Victory

The Sunday January 23, 2025 show includes:

+++  [1-6] Jesse of the Berkeley Sidewalk Chess Club on the getting straight news on the Gaza genocide

+++  Jesse on the local City Council’s complicity and corruption in the Gaza slaughters

+++  [throughout] A History of the World according to David Rovics beginning with “Song for the Eureka Stockade” , commentary: “The Eureka Stockade uprising in Australia”.

+++  Jesse on Apec Security’s attacks on him for challenging the strangulation of People’s Park

+++  Jesse on the problems of mixing satire and comedy with the tragic Gaza genocide

+++  Jesse on AI and legacy media censorship around Gaza

+++  [1-11] Upcoming Santa Cruz City Council meeting analysis by “Scope-It-Out” Scott Graham

+++  [1-10]  “Troublesome”  Thomas Leavitt A New Small College Instructor on Poverty Times in Santa Cruz and Arizona

+++  [1-11]   “Deep Heart” Drew Writes the Wealthy & the Woe-struck on the same Page

+++  Felix on Prop 36; Greg on the Fungus Festival & Cheap Meals Around Town;

+++   Flashback Summary

The Flashback to February 10, 2008 includes: 

+++  Flash within a Flash: 1999—Jerry Henry held for trial on $100,000 bail

+++  [occasional music by Mike True throughout the show]

+++  Eric, Vice-Chair of the City’s Measure K (“Lowest Enforcement for Private Over-21 City Use of Marijuana”)

+++  Bathrobepierre menaced by Sheriff’s Deputy Smith

+++  John on marijuana rights and police terrorism

+++  “Peaceful protesters prevail at parking lot #4 despite the foolish 15 minute provocateur!” (

+++   Conversations to the beat of the Drum Circle Successful Protest

+++   Mike True’s Account of his Successful $15,000 Lawsuit Against Butchie “Sticky Fingers” Baker

+++   Gillian Greensite’s critique of the SCPD’ poor record of rape kit closure

+++   HRO activist Bob Patton reports Scott and Elizabeth’s letter from City Attorney dismissing citations.

+++   Jhond Golder on the “Take Me to a Magistrate” law and fighting bad RV citations.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday, January 9, 2025, show Flashes back to January 17, 2008 featuring an L.A. ACLU activist, and the S.C. Drum Circle struggle

The January 9, 2025 show is a Flashback to January 17, 2008. 

It includes:

As Gaza burns and starves and S.C. unhoused folks lose property, health, and dignity, HUFF meets 1-9 1:30 – 3:30 PM at the Sub Rosa Cafe next to the Bike Church

Ruf HUFF “Loose Cannons” Suggestions & Reminders 1-9-25

Underlined  links are for background reading.   Many others items are really signposts & reminders of where we’d be going if and when we find the person power, time, interest, and resources.  We are gathering information and evidence to challenge the Dominant (False) Narrative.  Organize! If anyone has questions, please raise them. AGENDA SUBJECT TO CHANGE; COME IF YOU’RE INTERESTED IN SUPPORTING HUMAN RIGHTS FOR THOSE OUTSIDE IN S.C.      

                   Top of the Agenda (Quick Announcements)

++++   Passarounds:  TBA

++++    Focus stuff: Staying on target; Vote on Disruption Policy

++++   Meeting etiquette: raise hands, stacker, time keeper

++++   Street reports from the last week. 

++++   Helga and/or Reggie phone report on raids throughout the last week

++++   Respond to Police Abuse:

++++   Following up on Google number  216-8238 with regular report provider.
++++   Additions and Suggestions for Thomas’s TipZine…  Between Meetings Report

++++   Small Claims Court Between Meetings Report

++++   Possible Armory Revisit; Dreamcatcher visit  Info from People First Staff?

++++   Berkeley Where Do We Go?  Any Updates?

++++    S.C. Shitty Council for Jan 14 Agenda out tomorrow in library, at City Hall, on line, Church St. sidewalk

++++   Sweep reports from Coral St., under the Soquel Bridge, along Coral St., at Library, and elsewhere…?

++++   New Street Spirits  and Street Sheets available  Hard Copies of earlier issues may be available at 903 Pacific and at the Food Not Bombs Saturday/Sunday meals at Town Clock—ask Drew  Contact Street Spirit and Street Sheet to submit local stories & news accounts

++++   Saturday January 10th 11 AM-12:30 PM Ocean and Water  Israeli butchery and aggression now expanded to Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, West Bank, and Gaza Support BDS locally. No more tax dollars for Israel. End the occupation & the apartheid system. Free all hostages & prisoners. 11 am-12:30 pm every Saturday. info:  call to confirm at 831-247-5332.

++++  U.S. Out:  Thursdays 3:30 to 4:30 pm  Morrisey Blvd overpass over hiway 1 

++++  U.S. Out:  Tuesdays 4-5 PM at Mission & Lauren at base of UCSC with banners/signs 415-954-2763    

++++  The usual crowded often full non-emergency winter shelter only when temps drop below 38 degrees or flood warnings run by “People First” + Brent’s Warming Wednesdays 12-3 PM at 150 Felker St.

++++  People First Free Guides:  for S.C., Watsonville, SLV, Free Phones, Youth, Housing Waitlist, Pet Food, Addiction, Immigrant Storm Relief, SLE, Diaper Bank, and more (unchecked for usefulness)
++++ SC Free Guide

++++  No rules or procedures posted, no waiting list length for 1220 River St., 115 Coral St., or People’s First RV and Armory Programs on the SC Free Guide.

RESOURCES AND PROSPECTS including Regular Check-In’s, Older Stores. Possible Future Action Items, Signposts Against the Nasty New Narrative, Archived Net-Show Access, Still Older Resources & News  (the full HUFF blog) .  FOR MORE DETAILS CHECK THE RESOURCES AND PROSPECTS SECTION AT 

Random   New (to us, but dated) Articles, Videos &  Resources   15 minutes  Columbia, MO Cops Dispose Of Homeless Woman’s Son’s Ashes In Grants Pass  Disabled Veteran Says Las Vegas Treats Homeless People the Worst

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday January 5, 2025 show features Winter Woes at the Library Parking Lot and Flashbacks to June 3 and July 12, 1996–a Linda the Lark memorial and Bathrobespierre in jail

The January 5, 2025 show includes:

  • [various spots throughout]  Historical songs and commentary from A History of the World According to David Rovics beginning with “Ballad of Lachlan Macquarie”
  • “Kill the Poor 2.0” –by Bob McCloskey Community Alliance (Jan 2025)–report from Fresno, CA
  • “Jambalaya” Jaya, “Hurricane” Helga, & others at the 1-2-25 HUFF meeting on the police encampment demolition at the Library parking lot
  • Helga’s outrage and Nutcracker Nick on street and legislative solutions
  • Helga- sweep schedules and Izzy on Funding Matters (150 Coral St.) services (limited to clients)
  • Stefanie (Parking Lot resident)’s report on the recent 12-30 report
  • New Years Day at the Town Clock—report from Sasha, Izzy, and K. McHenry

The Flashback to June 3, 1996 includes:

  • Eulogy for homeless activist and heroine Linda the Lark Edwards: Flash within a Flashback to one of her last interviews May 27, 1995 on the murder of Berkeley People’s Park activist Rosebud De Novo by police
  • The Angry Stanford Reverand May 1996
  • May 16 S.F. Bathrobespierre hearing where both prosecution and defense agreed on no jail, but judge overruled both.

The Flashback to July 12, 1996 includes:

  • Host-while-Bathrobespierre-in-jail “Beggarbacker” Becky Johnson interviews Deborah Johnson on her fight to reclaim 3 children
  • Johnson interviews me and prison guards from San Francisco County Jail #8

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday, January 2, 2025, show Flashes back to June 5, 2005 featuring Robert Lederman, vendor champion of NYC’s A.R.T.I.S.T, Berkeley’s Julia Vinograd, and Ron Lau of Santa Cruz

The January 2, 2005 show is a Flashback to June 5, 2005. 

It includes:

  • 2-hour interview with Robert Lederman, President  of Artists Response to Illegal State Taxes, on his NYC legal fight for the rights of street vendors, performers, & wanderers to sell art or simply be there.
  • Julia Vinograd’s voice and verses from Bubbles and Bones (1995)
  • Ron Lau speaks about the City’s Redevelopment Agency to seize his Pacific Ave. property
  • Caregiver & Cannabis advocate Jim Lohse of follow the law!
  • Andrea Tishler of Compassion Flower Inn on Coral’s WAMMM‘s finally pressing City Council to extend its medical marijuana distribution allowance.

HUFF huddles around the coffeepot Thursday January 2nd 1:30-3:30 PM at the Sub Rose Cafe at 703 Pacific Ave next to the Bike Church

WARNING FROM SURVIVAL CAMPERS AT THE CITY PARKING LOT NEXT TO THE MAIN LIBRARY: Police have reportedly said that on Thursday morning (January 2nd) between 7 and 10 a.m anyone found there will be ticketed, possibly arrested, with their property either seized or disposed of.  Anyone witnessing such police abuse should and phone in a report to 216-8238.  The information requested is clarified in this article:

Ruf HUFF Suggestions & Reminders 1-2-25

Underlined  links are for background reading.   Many others items are really signposts & reminders of where we’d be going if and when we find the person power, time, interest, and resources.  We are gathering information and evidence to challenge the Dominant (False) Narrative.  Organize! If anyone has questions, please raise them.                                      

Top of the Agenda (Quick Announcements)

++++   Passarounds:  TBA

++++   Meeting etiquette: raise hands, stacker, time keeper

++++   Street reports from the last week. 

++++   Helga and/or Reggie phone report on Library parking lot raid 1-2 morning if it happened.

++++   Following up on Google number  216-8238 with regular report provider.
++++   Additions and Suggestions for Thomas’s Tips—Saturday meeting report.  Requested help?

++++   Possible Armory Revisit; Dreamcatcher visit  Info from People First Staff?

++++   Berkeley Where Do We Go?  Any Updates?

++++   New Years Eve Reports?

++++   Sweep reports from Coral St., under the Soquel Bridge, along Coral St., at Library, and elsewhere…?

++++   New Street Spirits not yet available.   Hard Copies of earlier issues may be available at 903 Pacific and at the Food Not Bombs Saturday/Sunday meals at Town Clock—ask Drew  Contact Street Spirit and Street Sheet to submit local stories & news accounts

++++   Saturday January 3rd 11 AM-12:30 PM Ocean and Water  Israeli butchery and aggression now expanded to Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, West Bank, and Gaza Support BDS locally. No more tax dollars for Israel. End the occupation & the apartheid system. Free all hostages & prisoners. 11 am-12:30 pm every Saturday. info:  call Laura at 831-247-5332.

++++  U.S. Out:  Thursdays 3:30 to 4:30 pm  Morrisey Blvd overpass over hiway 1

++++  U.S. Out:  Tuesdays 4-5 at Mission & Lauren at base of UCSC with banners/signs 415-954-2763    

++++  Rain Friday (1-3) Cool weather Thursday (1-2) and through the week.  Latest SC Free Guide

++++  The usual crowded often full non-emergency winter shelter only when temps drop below 38 degrees or flood warnings run by “People First” + Brent’s Warming Wednesdays 12-3 PM at 150 Felker St.

++++  People First Free Guides:  for S.C., Watsonville, SLV, Free Phones, Youth, Housing Waitlist, Pet Food, Addiction, Immigrant Storm Relief, SLE, Diaper Bank, and more (unchecked for usefulness)
++++ SC Free Guide

++++  No rules or procedures posted for 1220 River St., 115 Coral St., or People’s First RV and Armory Programs.

RESOURCES AND PROSPECTS including Regular Check-In’s, Older Stores. Possible Future Action Items, Signposts Against the Nasty New Narrative, Archived Net-Show Access, Still Older Resources & News  (the full HUFF blog)  .   To review ongoing projects, check out last week’s agenda, found at the same website to check for the full list of Resources and Prospects, which will be updated on line and hard copy  later on 1-2 or at the HUFF meeting.