HUFF slips between sunshine and shade at the Sub Rosa Courtyard/Cafe Thursday September 5th 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM at 703 Pacific next to the Bike Church. We are a civil rights seeking organization

HUFF RUF Agenda Suggestions 9-5-24  

These are agenda suggestions and more guideposts than strict parliamentary requirements.  The agenda is also set by the participants of the meetings and a final copy will be distributed at the meeting.  

Top of the Agenda

++++   Street Spirits or Street Sheets next week.  Check on-line to read more current stories at ++++   Potential protest at Shitty Council 809 Center St.  1:30 p.m 9-10

++++   Thursdays 3:30 -4:30 pm (??)  at the Morrisey Blvd overpass over hiway 1

++++   Low 70s temperatures predicted for the next week; low 80s Thurs 9-5. ++++   Visiting City Mangler Matt Huffaker in his lair: possible protest

++++   Golf Club Drive Mutual Aid at the Green Gate Saturday morning?   

   Freeish Happenings:  

++++  S.F. Mime Troupe London Nelson 3 p.m. Sat 9-7, Sun 9-8 3 PM  

++++  Banned Book Protest outside Bookshop Santa Cruz Sunday 9-8  

++++  Really Really Free Market Sunday 9-8 Sub Rosa Courtyard 11 AM- 2 PM  

++++  The Brave and the Free meeting on Censorship at London Nelson 6 PM 9-9  ++++  Metro to S.C. County Fair at Watsonville Fairgrounds 9-11 -9-13  

++++  Latino Role Models half-day conference at Cabrillo 9 am- 1p.m . Sat 9-14  

++++  Housing (Funding) Matters groundbreaking 10-11:30 AM 9-17 115B Coral                         

Standard Stuff: Procedures and Preliminaries  

++++   Passarounds & Handouts;  

++++   Street Reports with focus on parking lot sleeper harassment  

++++   San Lorenzo Park Redesign Plan on Hold for Lack of Funding  

++++    MHAB Fallout :  

++++    The broader issue of the recent Coral St. and Pogonip police sweeps and sheriff/police abuses there is discussed at  

++++   Escalating creation of foreign homelessness in Gaza and Ukraine as well as Santa Cruz raids on survival encampments may be a way of uniting with other protests such as Hiroshima events and week long vigil against Pinetta’s pro-genocide posture.                                                         

Reporting Back  

++++   Report back from Funding Matters (aka Housing Matters) Forum & Protest;  

++++   Armory Trip Report from Robert, Reggie, and Laura’s 9-6 Visit Audio coming up on 9-1 HUFF archives at  

++++   Watsonville/Sacramento/Statewide Reports from Wes White  

++++   Preliminary analysis of excuses used to destroy survival encampments locally such as the Camping Services and Standards Ordinance (“the Camping Ban”)

++++   Lessons learned from Keeley and Kramer 7Monday Afternoon Protests  

++++   Saturday  8-3 11 AM-12:30 PM Ocean and Water  Stop genocide and support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza now. No more tax dollars for Israel. End the occupation and the apartheid system. Free all hostages and prisoners. 11 am to 12:30 pm every Saturday. Help hold up banners. More info:  call Laura at 831-247-5332.

++++  New Gaza genocide protests at UCSC?                        

Closer Inspection

++++   Still searching out Surveillance Camera Location (thru direct inquiry, observation, and public records)

++++   Any posted notices of impending raids on existing camps?  Any court cases coming up?

++++   Examining MC 6.36 more closely—the Camping (Standards and Services Ordinance)  Ban.                                           

Possible Topics for Future Discussion

++++  Stop the War Against the Poor Sweeps/Raids + Gaza Genocide Lanyards?

++++  New  Strategies for Documenting Property Loss:  Case #, Receipts, Audio recordings

++++  Tourist Train Strategy & Spectacle Update: Locations?

++++  Cooling Center when extreme heat threatens?  Emergency gathering location

++++  Forming Specific Demands? (Stop the Sweeps, Reapportion funding to service existing camps)

++++  Govt. Reports:  (City Council, Board of Supes, Mental Health Advisory Board)

++++  Incidents from PovertyPimp Palaces (Housing Matters, Armory) & Service Agencies (MH CAN, Grey Bears, FNB, etc.)

++++  Future Targets:    Tourist Train…City Mangler’s office…Police Station…Coastal Commission Office… Construction  Sites City Hall…​Emeline/TelcCare/Supes…     

Archived Net-Show Access: to read summaries of the shows:

Summary of August 15th  netshow:

Summary of September 1st   netshow

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday September 1, 2024 show features “Act Now, Worry Later” Athena at HUFF, “Stop Sweeps” Advocates at the Board of Stupidvipers, Bruce, Mike, Stefanie, & More + Flashback to March 11, 2001

The September 1, 2024 show includes:

  • Rude voices from the HUFF [Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom] meeting of a late August meeting featuring “Act Now, Agonize Later” Athena, “Nutcracker” Nick, and others on strategies for speaking at Santa Cruz Shitty Council
  • Bits from the “Stop the Sweeps” presentations of the County’s  Mental Health Advisory Board urgent “less cops, better training” advice to the Board of Stupidvipers led by “Lawseeker” Laura.
  • Interviews from the 4th August “Sweeps No More!” protest at Hiways 1 and 9 denouncing the Kramer-led Housing Matters (aka Funding Matters) from Bruce, Ocane, Magic Mike, and others
  • [August 31] Old hand Steffanie and Idaho newcomers Michele and Titus assess bad times in the downtown library parking lot recently.

The Flashback to March 11, 2001, includes:

  • “Steadfast” Steve Argue on the struggle to distribute Street Spirit, the homeless newspaper, against recurring police interference.
  • Interview with Richard Edmonson, S.F. pirate radio broadcaster, and author of Rising Up: Class War in America from the Streets to the Airwaves
  • Attorney Larry Hildes, attorney for Columbus statue-smasher “Justman” Jim Cosner,  on the recent takedown in San Jose of the infamous conquistador and genocide master.
  • In Studio Guests: Kiko and Veronica on a Racial Vehicular Stop
  • Beggarbacker Becky and Bathrobespierre Robert scrutinize upcoming appropriations on the Shitty Council agenda; Green Party assembly resolution protecting residents of the Dolphin & Lee apartments.
  • Citizen Police Review Board‘s public input on missing SCPD policy recommendations[Drug War, alcohol stings alcohol vendors surveillance, & prostitution harassment]; call for public hearings on Beach Flats crackdown, * more.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday, August 29, 2024 show Flashes back to April 23, 1997 featuring Bill Beebee, S.F. Liberation Radio’s Richard Edmonson, Direct Action Marijuana Activist Dennis Person, and other Santa Cruz activists

The Thursday August 29, 2024 show is a Flashback to April 23, 1997 which includes:

  • In-studio guest Bill Beebee discusses his plans for a new alternative paper the Lighthouse Alternative Press 
  • Phone Interview with Richard Edmonson of San Francisco Liberation Radio
  • “Dead On” David Silva braves Bathrobespierre’s interruptions discussing the coming merger of Citizen’s Committee for the Homeless [CCH] and Gillette’s Homeless Community Resource Center [HCRC]
  • “Beggarbacker” Becky Johnson of CCH on the CCH-HCRC merger and SCPD shooting up Brian Andress’s house.
  • Phone Interview with Marijuana provider, San Francisco’s Dennis Peron on his newly legal cannabis club
  • Silva on the Initiative to End the Sleeping Ban & Canfield’s 3rd Street Realignment
  • “Bourgeois Bob” Lamonica on the dilemma of the property-less