Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday December 17, 2023 show features interviews with local homeless refugees Cooper D. & Mike Q., D. Rovics, an anonymous ceasefire supporter, & Scott G. on Council capers, plus Flashbacks to February 6 & 10, 2000

The contemporary events section of the Sunday December 17, 2023 Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show includes:

The Flashback to the February 6, 2000 show (partial) includes:

  • Food Not Bombs [FNB] Videojournalist Hugh Mejia on police backoff, international expansion, and the struggle to be heard in the courts.
  • Caller Jim Smigma, upcoming City Council meeting, recent homeless deaths, discussion of Silva’s fast
  • Silva’s Press Conference announcing his fast from late January
  • Becky Johnson before the Board of Supervisors on Solitary Confinement, inadequate blankets, in the main jail.

The Flashback to the February 10, 2000 show includes:

  • Street Light (homeless San Diego monthly) story published by Forrest Curo about police shooting of a homeless guy by Ron Sills.
  • Interview with Street Spirit editor Terry Messman on the protest against Proposition E (stripping homeless folks of money and giving them housing vouchers).
  • Two interviews with Kevin Clark, low-income auto rental provider at Front and Laurel, fighting City Council’s move to seize his business and turn it into a Nickelodeon parking lot.
  • Challenging the Dolphin-Lee (Nueva Vista) Project at the Redevelopment Agency
  • Beach Flats resident Phil Baer—dialogue on the Dophin-Lee.
  • Speaking with Umbrella Man-in-a-garbage-bag outside Bunny’s Shoes on harassment by high schoolers—the Robert Stephan report.
  • [12-18] Windsong Wendy caught panhandling after dark on Pacific Ave.
  • Decorous Dan Hopkins on the Almar Avenue appeal—NIMBY’s seek to put up “No Parking” signs.
  • Copwatcher Becky Johnson videos a “Driving While Brown” ticket.  Interview with the driver Aaron.
  • Steadfast Steve Argue calls in from jail—on being beaten up by Deputy Zamora.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday December 14, 2023 show is a Flashback to December 25, 2014 featuring an analysis of the infamous “Performance Pens”–discs limiting poor people on Pacific Ave., and an talk with Doug Loisel, former service provider

The introduction includes:

  • a brief summary of the December 25, 2014 Flashback
  • a short update on recent events
  • a quick conversation with Reggie Meisler on the Coastal Commission’s hearing in Santa Cruz tomorrow and the Oversized Vehicle status.

The Flashback to December 25, 2014 includes: 

  • Lane-Comstock “Performance Pens” [PP], new laws passed 11-18, going into force now severely limiting vending, sitting, sparechanging, or performing replacing the earlier Sidewalk Shrinkage laws passed in 2013 to discourage visible homeless and street person presence
  • Deconstruction and detailing of the PP law
  • Vice-Mayor Don Lane fields criticisms from Kate Winzell, Bathrobespierre, Alex the Artist, and others on the PP law
  • “Dead-on” David Silva calls in to announce he’ll do some public sidewalk dancing to help end the Sleeping Ban
  • Lengthy interview with Doug Loisel, former Executive Director of the Homeless [Lack of] Services Center, now called “Housing Matters”, discussing his work with Homeless Runaway Youth in Monterey and his memories of Santa Cruz’s homeless services.

HUFF huddles for a last effort before the coming and going of Xmas at the Sub Rosa 703 Pacific next to ye olde Bike Church 10:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. more or less.

HUFF Agenda Prospects 12-14-23:      

  ++++  Priorities, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs , Passarounds   

  ++++  Hand-outs: Next new Street Sheet in hard copy mid-Dec  go on line to after 12-15    

  ++++  Street reports; break-up of Cooper’s camp in last week. 

  ++++  Report on past week’s meetings, protests:  Sunday UN meeting, Saturday Demo Women’s Club at copshop,  

  ++++  Forecast for frequent rain: Sunday 12-1 through Wednesday 12-27:  

  ++++  12-21 HUFF meeting change of time and place or HUFF Xmas pause 

  ++++  Street Sheet paper edition for 12-1 and 12-15 to be available next week 

  ++++  HUFF Notes & Announcements:TBA  

  ++++  Reggie M’s Strategy to Defeat OVO 

  ++++  Pleich on Harm Reduction Coalition 

  ++++  As ever…Street reports; Beach, Parking Lots, Pogonip, Library, Levee 

  ++++  Homeless Housing Now Memorial:  Thursday December 21 10 AM Civic; FNB Memorial at Town Clock 4 p.m.
  ++++  Protest Targets for Winter Shelter/Stop the Sweeps: City Mangler’s office…Police Station…Coastal Commission… 

  ++++  City Council vote on Automatic License Plate Scanners 

  ++++  Local Legislative Antics—Report from those who went or watched 

  ++++  Homeless Persons Legal Assistance Project 10-noon  except M,Tu, W, F at UN HQ with blue banner in window at 903 Pacific Ave.  Civil Grand Jury    

  ++++  Alicia Kuhl: OVO update/support for possible protests as well as point-in-time count outcome; Kuhl’s concerns. 

  ++++  Update on San Rafael’s Camp Integrity: 

  ++++  Local Anti-War Action:  Ocean/Water St. Saturday picketing 10 am-noon 

  ++++  Pet vaccinations, microchips, supplies: Fri Dec 15 10 AM-2 PM Parking Lot across from 115 Coral St. 

  ++++  Placeholder followup—study groups:  student anti-war contacts, Darius rental follow-up, Psych rights subcommittee; ticket documenting/public records act request filing 


          Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want                          Last  Sunday’s show (12-10):  Hurricaine Helga and Backstory Brent—long interviews at

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday December 10, 2023 show features interviews with Hurricaine Helga & Backstory Brent…plus a Flashback to October 10, 1994 when the FCC seized Free Radio’s equipment and more

The Sunday December 10, 2023 show features:

  • “Hurricane” Helga Neibel on the recent raids along the levee path in Santa Cruz and elsewhere
  • Helga on her own experiences in post-WWII Germany as a child and how she came to be a homeless activist
  • Hundreds pack S.F. City hall as supervisor introduces resolution calling for case-fire in Israel-Hamas war
  • “Backstory” Brent Adams: Lessons from his decade-long work providing services with the Warming Center and Footbridge Services
  • “The Brave and the Free” and others protest the ACLU award to Gail Newel.
  • Voices from the weekly Saturday 10 am-noon protest at Ocean and Water Sts. demanding an end to the Israeli bombing of Gaza.

The Flashback to October 10, 1994 includes: 

  • “Visionsong” Valerie at the Copwatch table and other describing heavy police response to a “spitting on the sidewalk” incident.
  • Federal marshals bust Free Radio Santa Cruz [FRSC] with comments from Ray Greuenich, Joe Williams, V-Man, Roxanne Acquistepache, Mark Primack, Brian Murphy, Skidmark Bob, Uncle Dennis, Becky Johnson, Valerie Christy, Lisa Braun, and Tim Rinker.
  • Sheryl Koel, Supervisor of the FCC raid, fields angry questions; Mayor Scott Kennedy expresses support for FRSC; further comments by John Thielking, Augusto Sandino, Chris Krohn, and others.
  • Capitola call:  Diss-ing the Deaf-to-Compassion Deputy down on dumpster-diving.
  • Anderson Valley Anderson  columnist Fred Gardner on Defending Marijuana Safety and Access in the face of arrests in D.C.
  • Commentary by Bathrobespierre on Ryan Coonerty’s refusal to come on the air; Nader, and other incidentals.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday December 7, 2023 show is a Flashback to July 29, 2004 featuring singer and activist Joe Williams, many a street interview from SAFE (Society for Artistic Freedom of Expression)and more.

The December 7, 2023 show is a Flashback to July 29, 2004 including:

  • Occasional tunes from Visionsong Valerie C
  • [7-3-04] Pac Ave interviews: Phoenix the Harpist on harassment of CD sellers, Joe Williams on “Move Along” Threats, sign seizures, & U.S. troops in Iraq
  • NYPD Officer Eduardo De La Cruz suspended for refusing to arrest a homeless man
  • More street interviews from Miriam, Gustavo, Shrayah, Christopher Robin during SAFE #26 performance
  • Robert Bruce Hidenberg’s ticketing while sleeping at 24-hour fitness in his car though a member
  • Looney Balloony on being recently assaulted by teenage trollbusters
  • Damien, Nicole, Aubrey, on the street: threats of ticketing for spitting
  • Francis reporting on S.C. Shitty Councils beheading of Clearview Court and De Anza mobile home parks

Brave chilly wet weather to talk back–HUFF meets again today Thursday December 7th at Sub Rosa Cafe next to the Bike Church at 703 Pacific

HUFF Agenda Prospects 12-07-23      

  ++++  Priorities, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs    

  ++++  Hand-outs: Next new Street Sheet in hard copy mid-Dec  go on line to after 12-15    

  ++++  Passarounds: TBA 

  ++++  Follow-Up on HUFF Notes:1 day a year pet care and more! 

  ++++  HUFF Notes & Announcements:TBA  

  ++++  As ever…Street reports; Beach, Parking Lots, Pogonip, Library, Levee 

  ++++  Homeless Housing Now Memorial:  Thursday December 21 10 AM Civic
  ++++  Protest Targets for Winter Shelter/Stop the Sweeps:  UN Human Rights DaySunday Dec 10th ….Tuesday last City Council meeting Dec 12th…City Mangler’s office…Police Station…Coastal Commission…OVO Connection 

  ++++  City Council likely vote on Automatic License Plate Scanners 

  ++++  Local ACLU awards December 9th 1-4 PM RCNV 612 Ocean for Reggie Meisler, Gail Newell, and Stan/Carli Stevens  Anti-police militarization speakers; John Lindsay-Poland 

  ++++  Local Legislative Antics—Report from those who went or watched 

  ++++  Cooper Camp Destruction Last Monday: Eviction Notices Cites MC 6.36 

  ++++  Homeless Persons Legal Assistance Project 10-noon  except M,Tu, W, F at UN HQ with blue banner in window at 903 Pacific Ave.  Civil Grand Jury    

 ++++   Landlord Tally of Rents vs. Costs: Notes from Darius  

  ++++  Alicia Kuhl: OVO update/support for possible protests as well as point-in-time count outcome; Kuhl’s concerns. 

  ++++  Local Anti-War Action:  Info?  Ocean & Water St. Saturday picketing (?) 

  ++++  Pet vaccinations, microchips, supplies: Fri Dec 15 10 AM-2 PM Parking Lot across from 115 Coral St. 


Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday December 3, 2023 show features local politco and activist Steve Pleich on the Civil Grand Jury and more…plus a Flashback to April 25, 2004 with many call-in’s, Tad from Arcata, Grandma Murphy from Santa Ana and more.

The current events section of the Sunday December 3, 2023 show (File 1 in the archives) includes:

The Flashback to April 25, 2004 includes:

  • Grandma Lee Murphy from Santa Anna, CA  on Housing Discrimination
  • Escalating war in Iraq: Report from Peace Between Peoples Mediators there
  • Organizer Fred Geiger on Clearview Court, Rent Control, and Santa Cruzans for Responsible Planning opposition to Home Depot development, challenged by Paul Marcelin Sampson
  • Homeless marksman Tad from Arcata, CA on repression of food distribution in city parks 
  • Activist James Nay on being attacked by sheriffs in Felton Faire
  • Ray the Hairdresser’s account of hyperactive CSO officer Pam Bachtel
  • Call-in’s: Neal from anti-war Capitola 13, poet Christopher Robin on Bill of Rights Defense Committee, and more
  • Jim of Area 420 in San Jose on distribution of marijuana there
  • [2-24-94] Clearview Court resident at City Council Maxima Sanchez breaks down in tears

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday November 30, 2023 show is a Flashback to May 15, 2003 featuring a soft interview with then-Sheriff Mark Tracy; the City’s (non) response to Bush II’s brutal war on the Iraqi people, and more

The November 30, 2023 show is a Flashback to May 15, 2003.  It includes:

  • [Musical interludes with the Jus’ Kiddin’ Santa Cruz street-banned band]
  • Jeffrey Gale joins Bathrobespierre as co-host
  • Gale interviews then-Sheriff Mark Tracy questioning his policy around sex offenders, bed space for drug and alcohol rehab, and more
  • Bathrobespierre questions Tracy on preferential treatment given to medical marijuana provider WAMM to the detriment of the majority of medical marijuana users as well as the proposed ID cards for medical marijuana legal immunity
  • Critique of the B interview
  • City Council’s latest show meeting—inadequate movement on ADU’s and denouncing Bush’s Iraqi invasion
  • Discussion of Recent issues:  P & R underling Mia Duckette’s assaulting and jailing  of Beggerbacker Becky for chalking “End the Sleeping Ban”ish slogans on the curb in erasible chalk; New Leaf sidewalk seizure; Pacific Trading Company no-sit railing creation in collusion with SCPD; Mayor Emily Reilly’s token anti-war effort; 
  • Jhond Golder banned from government buildings in pursuit of public records and local court “justice”.

HUFF returns to the fray Thursday November 30th at its usual perch: the Sub Rosa Cafe 703 Pacific Next to the Bike Church 11-1 PM more or less

HUFF Agenda Prospects 11-30-23      

  ++++  Priorities, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs    

  ++++  Hand-outs: Agendas, Documentation Sweep Sheets, Next new Street Sheet in hard copy mid-Dec  go on line to after 12-1 & 12-15    

  ++++  Passarounds: TBA 

  ++++  HUFF Notes & Announcements:TBA  

  ++++  As ever…Street reports; Beach, Parking Lots, Pogonip, Library, Levee 

  ++++  City Council report of Automatic License Plate Scanners 

Running Bread and Roses and those eating their meals off the Levee 

  ++++  Strategies for dealing with December 4th Initiation of Oversized Vehicle Ordinance (OVO) enforcement;  

 ++++  Local ACLU awards December 9th 1-4 PM RCNV 612 Ocean for Reggie Meisler, Gail Newell, and Stan/Carli Stevens  Anti-police militarization speakers; John Lindsay-Poland 

  ++++  Local Legislative Antics—Report from those who went or watched 

  ++++  Cooper Camp Destruction Last Monday: Eviction Notices Cites MC 6.36 

  ++++  Homeless Persons Legal Assistance Project 10-noon  except M,Tu, W, F at UN HQ with blue banner in window at 903 Pacific Ave.?    

 ++++   Landlord Tally of Rents vs. Costs: Notes from Darius  

  ++++  Lawsuit Updates: TBA      

  ++++  Phone Contacts:  Helga call 

  ++++  Anti-War Support: Richmond, Oakland, Santa Cruz? 

  ++++  San Rafael Protective Injunction Update (somewhat dated):

  ++++  Earlier Homeless Injunctions/Settlements:  (2022) (2021)

  ++++  Chico Anti-Homeless Law to go Into Effect 


Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want

The Sunday November 26, 2023 show features Cooper’s cry for help on tomorrow’s police demolition of their campsite community, Keith McHenry on City Council’s License Reader Vote, + Flashback to May 30, 1999

The Sunday November 26,2023 show includes:

  • Katzenjammer Keith McHenry on the upcoming City Council’s slamdunk vote on “terrorist preventing” Automatic License Plate Readers and dark doings around the city and state
  • Lunchserver Leo discusses his history with Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs
  • “Cage Me Not” Cooper on the preliminary steps taken before the looming demolition of her Community Survival Camp in the Pogonip
  • Master Cartoonist Mike Quinn: Complaints from his Cafe Seat
  • “Ceasefire in Gaza NOW!” speakers in Abbott’s Square 11-24 including “Anomaly”, Gage, Elam, Polesmi, and Aron (names approximate)
  • A former Santa Cruzan in San Francisco law student’s experience with his first arrest
  • Vets Line Voices (at the Thanksgiving Chowdown):  Eric S., Toughtimes Thomas, Sasha, Juanito, Dreamcatcher, and Timmy B
  • Cooper’s Update and Call for Support to witness and resist the 11-27 police destruction of Camp Cooper

The Flashback to May 30, 1999 includes:  

  •  Kosovo call-out by Bathrobespierre for local response criticizing local Democratic party hacks
  •  Tracy D’Angelo’s report from the mini-protest in Laurel Park against the Kosovo bombing, freeing Mumia, freeing Steve Argue, and more
  •  Councilmember Tim Fitzmaurice on the City Council’s anti-war resolution being a good step in spite of failure to consider the historical   background.
  •  Fitzmaurice on Rep Sam Farr’s position and history on the Kosovo bombings
  •  Bathrobespierre on Fitzmaurice’s bad position on the sleeping ban, violence against the homeless, and city council procedure.
  •  Activist Lou Rice in-studio guest on the objectives of his homeless fast including a water fountain & better food at the Homeless Services  Center and his conversation with Executive Director Ken Cole.
  • Biotic Bakers Brigade—which pied S.F. Mayor Willie Brown for his mistreatment of the homeless.