HUFF preps for September 25 Bathrooms, Winter Survival, and Community Caring Rally at the time and place; 11 AM SubRosa Cafe Wednesday 9-19-18

HUFF [Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom] will meet Wednesday, 9-19 11 AM at the Sub Rosa next to the Bike Church.  

Conscience and Action  will be meeting there at 10:30 AM to firm up plans for the September 25 “Bring Back the Louden Nelson Bathrooms” rally at City Hall (4 PM).

Possible action items:

  • Support for the Conscience & Action rally, including follow-up and lead-up actions such as knockin on Tony Elliot’s door (the new P & R czar).
  • 9th Circuit Federal Court Decision may institute Right to Rest and Sleep in Santa Cruz: Updates from Candidates Forums, Mills, and elsewhere
  • Independent HUFF strategy for shifting the dialogue from Token Winter Shelter to Broad Support for Homeless Encampments
  • More Mid-Summer Sidewalk Tabling, Senior Citizen Organizing, & Bathroom Bravado at Public Forums
  • Publicizing City Council’s Concealed Winter Shelter Shutdown and the Implications of the Boise Court of Appeals Decision here.
  • Rise of the new Salinas RV Camp.
  • Charting Legislative Mischief:  AB2178 to Restrict Charitable Food Giveaways, AB 1040 to “conservatorship” troublesome homeless
  • Updates on Library Burial in the New Parking Garage Plan: Implications for Folks Outside; 4:30 PM  Save the Farmer’s Market  Rally?
  • Reviewing the Candidate Cavalcade for Shitty Council: Two Proposed Homeless Forums by Councilmember Krohn versus Warming Center’s Brent Adams
  • Speakers for the September 25th Rally?  Individual visits asking to use the Louden Nelson bathroom, then filing complaints.
 Gems from Journeywise Julie:
  •   Support the Downtown Santa Cruz Bathroom Task Force, Food Not Bombs,  the Warming Center’s 24 Hour Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action, Monterey County Homeless Advocates, and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •  Check out Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz  on facebook at for updates.
  •   Read Updates and Post Them on Santa Cruz Indymedia at
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at 101.3 FM and every Thursday 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   Hear archived shows at .

Silence in the Santa Cruz Police Department in the Wake of the Boise “No Shelter For All Means No Sleeping Ban For Any” Decision

Police Chief Andy Mills announced at the City Council’s August 20th Public Safety Committee meeting that though Sleeping Ban citations have dropped over the winter, citations for “trespass”–in essence, falling asleep in parks, the Pogonip, and on public property declared “closed” at night (such as City Hall) have increased.  

See Jessica York’s Sentinel story at:

More recently, she collaborated in a story on the Boise 9th Circuit Court decision–which directly impacts Santa Cruz: .  

To hear the audio of Chief Mills testimony before the Public Safety Committee, go to  (about an hour into the audio file).

There is currently no  walk-in homeless emergency shelter.  I’ve been told that even the River St. mini-shelter’s waiting list at Coral St. is closed.  Even when open, beds available to those not sent by County Mental Health are a grand total of 3.  So the so-called “safety valve” that allows people to sign up for the River St. or Paul Lee loft shelters and then get sleeping ban tickets dismissed if ticketed on nights when on the list no longer operates.

And the City has no Winter Shelter program planned at the scale of last year, simply an expansion of current Paul Lee and River St. Campground’s programs which require a “pathway to housing”, have full waiting lists, or both.

So what’s up, Chief Mills.   Feel free to e-mail Andy with your own inquiry at .

I and Freedom Sleeper activist Abbi Samuels asked Mills about this continued harassment and ticketing of homeless folks.   Particularly now that the City’s police are legally vulnerable to lawsuit because of the Boise decision.

Sunday 9-16-18 9:30 AM-3 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides

Streams at and broadcasts at 101.3 FM  

Archives today or tomorrow at

  • Norse’s Notes on Various City Vicissitudes, Candidate Forums, etc.
  • Interviews with Citizen City Council Candidate Watchers
  • Bubbles and Babbles from the Food Not Bombs Front
  • Library Laments–City Council Votes to Bury the Bookkeepers
  • Bits on the Boise Decision
  • Move the Farmer’s Market–Will the Vendors Play Follow The Leader?

FLASHBACK TO March 16, 2014

                  *** destruction of SRO’s, homeless camps, and other survival venues for the poor and homeless; 

                  *** LA ACLU fight in Santa Barbara against RV harassment;
                  *** falling away of human rights activists and rise of social service bureaucrats;
                   *** talking homeless issues to death;
                   *** mental health bureaucrat incompetence and dumping the homeless out of jail at night 7 miles away;
                   *** liberals not conservatives the main problem;
                   *** last resort shelter becomes recovery program requiring “participation”
                   *** large numbers or activist confrontation not endless dialogue is what works;
                    *** Library and State State street scene;
  • Lighthouse Linda reports on her Exploring Homelessness Together group
  • Scarfseller Kate update
  • Activist Dennis E. on protest in China
  •  Brian pans First Alarm’s “Big John”
  •  Complete flashback at


Tonight 9-13-18 at 6 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 101.3 FM

The show also streams tonight at 6 p.m. at  It will archive in the near future under Lost Shows on the HUFF website at   Look for “Latest Show – 9/13/2018  Thursday, September 13, 2018 – Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides.” 

On the show:

  • Katzenjammer Keith McHenry reports on the upcoming Rovics benefit, the last Council meeting, the likely FNB-hostile state law, and more!
  • City Council Shanagans from Last Tuesday–Repressive Recording Restrictions, the Nora Hochman arrest, Backtalking Landlord Enabling
  • Red Church Rumblings

Rumblings from Bathrobespierre Robert’s Netsurfing:

NO HUFF MEETING TODAY Wednesday September 12th–But Homeless Civil Rights Fans Can Join the CONSCIENCE AND ACTION Meet 11 AM at the Sub Rosa Cafe Today

Some HUFFish suggestions for today’s Conscience & Action meeting:
  • Damn Louden Nelson Bathrooms Still Locked to the Community–More Petitioning, Meeting with the Masters, On-Line Petition, the Rental Option
  • Preparing for the September 25th 4 PM City Hall Protest: More Mid-Summer Sidewalk Tabling along Laurel or In Front, Senior Citizen Organizing, & Direct Bathroom Use
  • Winter Shelter “Increase” Hoax”–No Change in the Latest Fables from City Council; Rumors of AFC Shelter Management
  • Applicability and Local Follow-Up in the Martin v. Boise 9th Circuit Court Decision Overturning 24-Hour Sleeping Bans and  No Lodging Laws
  • Monitoring the Mischief Makers:  City Council Candidate Forum Tonight at 6:30 PM at the SCPD Community Room
  • Food Not Bombs Still Under Attack–AB2178 to Restrict Charitable Food Giveaways
  • Candidate, Bureaucrat, and Officeholder Accountability: Demanding Public Access: Bringing It to the Candidate Forums & to the Streets
  • Racial Profiling:  Hepburn Run Down by Police and Headed for Court
  • Referendum Against Library Demolition:  Blocking the Premature Burial
  • City Council Crackdown:  Confronting the Hockman arrest, the Norse Audio Warning, and other Terrazas Terribles

Other News Compliments of Jubilant Julie Schaul:

  •   Write Updates and Post Them on Santa Cruz Indymedia at
  •   Letters to media regarding the Louden Nelson bathroom closure; Call 423-4833 and Sign the Petition Demanding Reopening!
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize in support of Winter Survival

Next HUFF [Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom] meeting:  Wednesday, 9-19-18  11 AM at the Sub Rosa next to the Bike Church.

Sunday 9-9-18 9:30 AM-3 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides

Streams at and broadcasts at 101.3 FM  

Archives in the near future at

  • Plodding through the Martin v. City of Boise  Sleeping Ban Slayer case
  • Listening in to the Monday morning pre-City Council chat session with Councilmembers Krohn and Brown
  • A Few Notes on the September 11th Upcoming City Council with a “Bait and Switch” Relocation Law and the “Bury the Library” Juggernaut
  • Sage Snapshots from the Sidewalk During a Food Not Bombs Feed


Tonight 9-6-18 at 6 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 101.3 FM

 The show also streams tonight at 6 p.m. at  It will archive in the near future under Lost Shows on the HUFF website at   Look for “Latest Show – 9/6/2018  Thursday, September 6, 2018 – Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides.” 

On the show:

  • Norse dissects the Martin v. Boise Federal Court Decision Throwing Out the Sleeping Ban there and its possible implications
  • Cornerstone Carol Denney on the Buzz Around the Street Spirit newspaper and other things Berkeley
  • Videographer Robin Chronicles the Police Shut Down of the Latest Berkeley Encampment at City Hall
  • Red Church Chatter
  • Other tidbits too

Links from “Journey-On” Julie:

HUFF preps for September 25 Bathrooms, Winter Survival, and Community Caring Rally at the time and place; 11 AM SubRosa Cafe Wednesday

HUFF [Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom] will meet Wednesday, 9-5 11 AM at the Sub Rosa next to the Bike Church.   Bathrobespierre Robert will be away for a medical event, but may grump in by phone.

Possible action items:

  • Conscience & Action invites the community to a September 25 rally 4 PM at City Hall to open the damn Louden Nelson Bathrooms Still Locked to the Community–After a rousing and varied set of speeches from regulars and unexpected allies at the last City Council meeting, C & A plans to keep up the pressure on the pilfered plumbing in hopes of flushing falsehoods and foolishness and restoring traditional decency and inclusivity (whew!). 
  • 9th Circuit Federal Court Decision May Kill Sleeping Ban in Boise and Prompt New Action Here:
  • Independent HUFF strategies for raising and broadening the reversal of anti-homeless exclusionary polices–of which the bathroom bullshit is only one.
  • More Mid-Summer Sidewalk Tabling, Senior Citizen Organizing, & Lining Up Outside the Door of the new P & R boss
  • Publicizing City Council’s Concealed Winter Shelter Shutdown and the Implications of the Boise Court of Appeals Decision here.
  • Salinas Slamdown:  Update on the “leave RV homes alone” struggle at Griffin Park and around town.
  • Charting Legislative Mischief:  AB2178 to Restrict Charitable Food Giveaways, AB 1040 to “conservatorship” troublesome homeless
  • Library Burial in the New Parking Garage Plan: Implications for Folks Outside; 4:30 PM  Save the Farmer’s Market  Rally?
  • Resuscitating the Santa Cruz Switchboard: Creating a Hotline Against Vigilante Violence
  • Reviewing the Candidate Cavalcade for Shitty Council:  Forum for the Posturing Politicos? 
  • Speakers for the September 25th Rally?  Individual visits asking to use the Louden Nelson bathroom, then filing complaints.
 Gems from Journeywise Julie:



  •   Support the Downtown Santa Cruz Bathroom Task Force, Food Not Bombs,  the Warming Center’s 24 Hour Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action, Monterey County Homeless Advocates, and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •  Check out Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz  on facebook at for updates.
  •   Read Updates and Post Them on Santa Cruz Indymedia at
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at 101.3 FM and every Thursday 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   Hear archived shows at .

Sunday 9-2-18 9:30 AM-3 PM Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides with Santa Barbara’s Peter Marin, Berkeley’s New Occupiers, and the Latest S.C. City Council Bait-and-Switch Homeless Hoax plus Flashing Back 16 years, then 30 years !

Streams at and broadcasts at 101.3 FM  

Archives in the near future at

  • Louden Nelson Outcries Demanding ReOpened Bathrooms
  • Two hours of tortuous City Council Clackety Clack on the Council’s Elimination of Walk-In Winter Emergency Shelter
  • Santa Barbara Critic, Poet, and Activist Peter Marin Ambushed Into Updates
  • Berkeley’s City Hall Tent City Rises Again: Interviews with the Occupiers

FLASHBACK FOLLIES FROM April 14 2002 and Fall 1988
     +++  Bogus Parks and Recreation “Permits” for Conservation Corps in City Parks
     +++  Caller worries about sexism among polyamorist advocates
     +++ Santa Barbara’s Public Defender Maurer Defending RVsters
     +++  Bathrobespierre on 2002 Civil Rights Struggle
    +++ Check out the full original broadcast at under April 14, 2002


Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833831-423-4833 or