Wednesday July 10, 2019 Conscience and Action: Providing for Poo Where the City Won’t at Sub Rosa at 11 AM followed by HUFF at or sometime after Noon at 703 Pacific


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items
  • Reviewing Last Monday’s “”Give a Shit” Demo at P & R and the City Attorney’s Office
  • Planning for Next Monday’s Showdown at Louden Nelson Center to Assist Sanitation-Challenged Bureaucrats There
  • The Posner Proposal for Supporting Migrant Camps
  • Nutcracker Nick’s Suggestions on Hostels for the Homeless
  • Ross Camp Lawsuit, Union of the Homeless, and Salinas Sherwood Park Updates
  • Glover Call on Release of Infraction Examination, Investigation, Housing Problem                                                                                                               
  • Old Business—Follow-Up’s:  River St. Campground Situation:  Showers, Visitors, Drop-In’s, the City’s Model   
  • Needle Exchange Expansion Debate/Forum…Post Office Box: Alicia Homeless Union Report
  • Stepping Up Santa Cruz Resource List–Who’ll Do the Follow-Up?

  • For HUFFsters
  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Seeking Cell-phone and Charger Assistance for Union Campground Organizing
  • Street Reports
  • Public Records Updates:  Park and Recreation Audios, Shelter Correspondence
  • Campside Connections & Mills Enforcement
  • Jack’s Restaurant Discrimination Sting
  • Exploding SCPD Fairy Stories about Police Transport to Shelters at Night
  • RV Attacks & Restricted”Reforms” in Other Cities
  • SNAIL Update?
  • Berkeley Report

Wednesday July 3, 2019 Pow-Wow for the Park-In at Conscience and Action at the Sub Rosa at 11 AM followed by HUFF at or sometime after Noon at 703 Pacific


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items
  • Park-In Report from Last Night; Prospects for the Next 2 Nights
  • 4th of July Triple Fines; Weekend Declaration Tabling at FNB; Iran Anti-War Demo Saturday
  • Main Projects–Where to Focus?: Louden Nelson Bathroom Action & Organizing: P & R Report, July 8 Demo…RV Protection….Campground Union Organizing
  • Glover Call on Release of Infraction Examination, Investigation, Housing Problem                                                                                                               
  • Old Business—Follow-Up’s:  River St. Campground Situation:  Showers, Visitors, Drop-In’s, the City’s Model   
  • Needle Exchange Expansion Debate/Forum…Post Office Box: Alicia Homeless Union Report
  • Stepping Up Santa Cruz Resource List–Who’ll Do the Follow-Up?

  • For HUFFsters
  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Park-In Protest Support & P & R Report
  • Street Reports
  • Public Records: Oral Communication History
  • Glover Phone Update
  • Campside Connections & Mills Enforcement
  • Jack’s Restaurant Discrimination Sting
  • Crackdown on RV’s at Safeway and Elsewhere; Recent Fliers
  • RV Attacks & Restricted”Reforms” in Other Cities
  • SNAIL Update?
  • Berkeley Report


Wednesday June 26, 2019 Conscience and Action at the Sub Rosa at 11 AM followed by HUFF at or sometime after Noon at 703 Pacific

We chatter and quaff coffee. 
Also likely:  a visit from River St. Campground Director Eric Snickars..


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.  Likelihood of postponing C & A meeting today considering the concurrent the Homeless Connect meet.

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items
  • D.C. and Union Report
  • Prep for Tonight’s Union Update 5-7 PM at RCNV; Weekend Declaration Tabling at FNB; Iran Anti-War Demo Saturday
  • Main Projects: Louden Nelson Bathroom Action & Organizing…RV Protection….Campground Union Organizing
  • City Council Lookback
  • Glover Call on Release of Infraction Examination                                                                                           
  • Media Focus on Exorbitant Cost of Pseudo-Shelter Alternatives:  The River St. Concentration Camp & Other
  • Old Business—Follow-Up’s:  River St. Campground Situation—Snickars–Organizing for Rights to Visit, Documentation at Coral St. & Elsewher   Facebook Fraternizing & Threats with Bigots/Nimby’s…Needle Exchange Expansion Debate/Forum…Post Office Box: Alicia Homeless Union Report
  • Main Projects:   Louden Nelson—City Bathroom Situation—Campgrounds
  • Portapotty Placement…Glover’s Proposal Prospects…Louden Nelson Line
  • Stepping Up Santa Cruz Resource List–Who’ll Do the Follow-Up?

    For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street Reports: June
  • Street Spirit Vendor: Angel Mason
  • Santa Cruz (Homeless) Connect Report; Flyering
  • Public Records: Oral Communication History
  • Glover Intern Meeting & Recall Report 
  • Campside Connections & Mills Enforcement
  • Jack’s Restaurant Discrimination Sting
  • Crackdown on RV’s at Safeway and Elsewhere; Recent Fliers
  • RV Attacks & Restricted”Reforms” in Other Cities
  • SNAIL Update?
  • Berkeley Report

Check out Santa Cruz Connect at the Portuguese Hall (9:30 AM), then Meander Over to Conscience and Action at the Sub Rosa at 11 AM followed by HUFF at Noon


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.  Likelihood of postponing C & A meeting today considering the concurrent the Homeless Connect meet.

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items
  • City Council Update: 6-25 Meeting with Upcoming Infraction Data; Rental Data Gathering System
  • Phone call options:  D.C. Activists, Glover,                                                                                                                       
  • Media Focus on Exorbitant Cost of Pseudo-Shelter Alternatives:  The River St. Concentration Camp & Other
  • Old Business—Follow-Up’s:  River St. Campground Situation—Snickars–Organizing for Rights to Visit, Documentation at Coral St. & Elsewhere

           Facebook Fraternizing & Threats with Bigots/Nimby’s…Needle Exchange Expansion Debate/Forum…

           Post Office Box: Alicia Homeless Union Report

  • Main Projects:   Louden Nelson—City Bathroom Situation—Campgrounds
  • Portapotty Placement…Glover’s Proposal Prospects…Louden Nelson Line

         Campground Closing—New Mills Enforcement Focus—Seaside Law

    For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street Reports: June-i
  • Street Spirit Vendor: Angel Mason
  • Santa Cruz (Homeless) Connect Report; Flyering
  • Public Records: Oral Communication History
  • Homeless Union D.C. Alicia/Wes/Keith call
  • Glover Intern Meeting & Recall Report 
  • Campside Connections & Mills Enforcement
  • Jack’s Restaurant Discrimination Sting
  • Crackdown on RV’s at Safeway and Elsewhere; Recent Fliers
  • RV Attacks & Restricted”Reforms” in Other Cities
  • SNAIL Update?
  • Berkeley Report

Dealing with Denial and Delay: Conscience & Action and HUFF meet tomorrow (6-12) beginning at 11 AM Sub Rosa 703 Pacific Next to the Bike Church


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.  

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items; 
  • City Council Update: Glover’s First Alarm Dissent, 4-3 Rental Data Vote
  • Phone call options:  Prince, Glover,                                                                                                                       
  • Media Mention: Commission Report, Mills New Policy, Lawsuit Appeal
  • Old Business—Follow-Up’s
  •        River St. Campground Situation—Snickars, Laubach Letters; Visitation, Posting of Contacts, Barbed Wire Removal; Visiting the Cam Rainroad Tracks Repression—Following Up With Weekend Documentation

       Facebook Fraternizing & Threats with Bigots/Nimby’s

       Needle Exchange Expansion Debate/Forum

       Infraction Stats Drew Phone Contact

       Post Office Box: Alicia Homeless Union Report

  • Main Projects:   Louden Nelson—City Bathroom Situation—Campgrounds
  • Portapotty Placement…Glover’s Proposal Prospects…Louden Nelson Line

     Campground Closing—New Mills Enforcement Focus—Seaside Law

For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street Reports
  • Wes White’s Salinas Report; the new Law
  • Public Records; Task Reminder Assistance
  • Upcoming Homeless Union D.C. Poor People’s Event
  • Glover Intern Meeting & Recall Report
  • Organizing Campside Connections & Mills Enforcement
  • Jack’s Restaurant Discrimination Research
  • Crackdown on RV’s at Safeway and Elsewhere; Recent Fliers
  • RV Attacks & Restricted”Reforms” in Other Cities
  • SNAIL Update?
  • Berkeley Report

The Same Old Story! Conscience and Action Meets at 11 AM Today (Wednesday June 5th) and HUFF soon thereafter


  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items; 
  • Prince back in town June 7th
  •  Sentinel Articles: 6-4  Prince Appeal Announcement 6-5 Mills Enforcement, Rental Housing Report  
  •                                                                                                                       New Street Spirits
  • Media Mention: Commission Report, Mills Enforcement Policy, Lawsuit Appeal
  • Old Business—Follow-Up’s
  • River St. Campground Situation—Visitation, Posting of Contacts, Barbed Wire

              Facebook Fraternizing & Threats with Bigots/Nimby’s

              Westside Neighbors Meeting No-Show

              Recall Meeting Report

              Needle Exchange Expansion Debate/Forum

              Infraction Stats for Next City Council Meeting  

              Drew Phone Contact

              Post Office Box

  • Main Projects:   Louden Nelson—City Bathroom Situation—
  • Portapotty Placement…Glover’s Proposal Prospects…Louden Nelson Line Campground Closing—New Mills Enforcement Focus—CHU Meeting?

For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street Reports
  • Organizing Campside Connections & Mills Enforcement
  • Jack’s Restaurant Discrimination Research
  • Crackdown on RV’s at Safeway and Elsewhere; Recent Fliers
  • RV Attacks & “Reforms” in Other Cities—Local Updates
  • SNAIL Update on Campus RV/Vehicle Struggle
  • June 11th Council Meeting  Glover Intern Meeting Friday 5 PM;  Glover Phone Call;
  • Berkeley Report

Another Wednesday, Another dual Conscience and Action Meeting–Sub Rosa Cafe 703 Pacific, Next to the bike Church 11 AM (HUFF starts at noon)


  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items; 
  • Updates: 1220 River St. Campground Access; Shelter Shutdown; Bathrooms
  • RV Defense, 2nd Press Conference, Mills Packing with the Punks
  • Monday June 3rd Westside Neighbors 5-7 PM meeting at SCPD Community Rm
  • Elise’s “Coffee First” Proposal
  • City Council Follow-Up;
  • Leopold Meeting 5:30-6:30 p.m. Wednesday at Mountain Mike’s Pizza, 3715 Portola Drive
  • Krohn/Glover Recall Response
  • June 29th Action Organizing & Follow-Up
  • Using the Volunteer Lists for Homeless Union Solidarity ?  Copwatch?  New “Give a Shit” Bathroom Work?   RV Support?
  • Lawsuit Report; Union of the Homeless Report; Prince Contact?
  • Jail Food Strike Update
  • Needle Exchange Support for Harm Reduction Coalition–Public Debate Update
  • Our Infraction Public Records Request; City Council Agenda Process: Next City Council Agenda Deadline; Drew Phone Contact 
  • Abuses at Red Church’s Monday Meal; Jack’s Discrimination: Report
    FRSC 7 PM Saturn Café Tonight;  Tabby Cat Elise City Council Obstruction Meeting 1 PM Thursday (?)  

Video:  Brent’s Positive River St. Camp Reports:

For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street Reports
  • Organizing Campside Connections & Ross Camp Removal Fallout Situation
  • Jack’s Restaurant Discrimination Research
  • Crackdown on RV’s at Safeway and Elsewhere; Recent Fliers
  • RV Attacks & “Reforms” in Other Cities—Local Updates
  • Small Action on Budget Cutting
  • No May 28th or June 3 Supes Meetings;
  • Denver Homeless Voter Defeat and Homeless Response There
  • SNAIL Update on Campus RV/Vehicle Struggle
  • May 28 City Council Agenda Item Legal Changes: Glover Intern Meeting Friday 5 PM;  Glover Phone Call; Brown Act Complaint Clarification

Small Victories; Large Challenges: Conscience and Action Meets 11 AM Today (Wednesday 5-22-19) with HUFF following at Noon at the Sub Rosa Cafe 703 Pacific


  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items;  Watsonville Rise in Homelessness from Ross
  • Report on 1220 River St. Campground Access; Eric Snickars Update
  • Board of Supes & City Council Follow-Up
  • June 29th Action Organizing & Follow-Up
  • Any Organizing Volunteers for Survival Camp/Homeless Union Solidarity ?  Copwatch?  New “Give a Shit” Bathroom Work?   RV Support?
  • Lawsuit Report; Union of the Homeless Report; Prince Contact?
  • Jail Food Strike Update
  • Needle Exchange Support for Harm Reduction Coalition–Public Debate
  • Our Infraction Public Records Request; City Council Agenda Process: Next City Council; Drew Phone Contact 
  • Abuses at Red Church’s Monday Meal; Jack’s Discrimination: Report

FRSC 7 PM Saturn Café Tonight;  Tabby Cat Elisse City Council Obstruction Meeting 1 PM Thursday (?)   39th FNB Party 610 Ocean 7 PM May 21 Fri

Video:  Brent’s Positive River St. Camp Reports:
Olga’s Livestream of the Monday Protest:

For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street Reports
  • Campsites and Ross Camp Removal Fallout Situation
  • Crackdown on RV’s at Safeway and Elsewhere; Recent Fliers
  • RV Attacks & “Reforms” in Other Cities—Local Updates
  • Small Action on Upcoming Council Meeting Towards Affected Agencies
  • Denver Homeless Voter Defeat and Homeless Response There
  • SNAIL Update on Campus RV/Vehicle Struggle
  • May 28 City Council Agenda Item Legal Changes: Glover Intern Meeting Friday 5 PM;  Phone Call

PUBLIC COMMENT SHUT OUT AT CITY COUNCIL; FURTHER ACTION ON RESTORING RIGHTS OF THOSE SURVIVING OUTSIDE: Conscience and Action Meeting meets 11 AM Wednesday 5-15-19; Followed by HUFF meeting at Noon

Conscience and Action huddles today at 11 AM, with the HUFF meeting following soon after at noon or thereabouts.  As usual, we meet at the Sub Rosa Cafe at 703 Pacific next to the Bike Church.   Free Coffee with the Clamor.

Last week’s tumult led to a successful action at the River St. Camp:  GOOD WORK!


Progressive “Majority” Collapses at City Council, Shuts Down Public Comment; Excludes Public;

Planning Action Defending Survival Shelters

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items
  • Follow Up on May 13th Demo and Dialogue at the River St. Camp
  • Organizing Volunteers for Survival Camp/Homeless Union Solidarity
  • Connections with Plaintiffs and Other Homeless Camps–Establishing Contacts
  • City Council Report & Follow-Up
  • Anthony Prince Report by Phone (?)
  • Judge Davila’s Final Written Ruling & City’s Response
  • Update on Documenting the Ross Camp Demolition Losses
  • Public & Media Response to the False Ross Camp Narrative: Specific Protests
  • Resistance Organization for Ross Camp Successor Camps
  • Abusive Conditions at Red Church’s Monday Meal: Activist Double Standards
  • SCPD Community Room Homeless-Hostile Meeting Tonight at 7 PM; May 21st anti-RV meeting Tuesday at 5 PM

    For HUFFsters
  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street Reports
  • Campsites and Ross Camp Removal Fallout Situation
  • Reports from Other Campsites & Areas
  • Crackdown on RV’s at Safeway and Elsewhere
  • Denver Homeless Voter Defeat and Homeless Response There
  • RV Attacks & “Reforms” in Other Cities—Local Updates
  • May 16 City Council Agenda Item Deadline for 5-28: Legal Changes: Glover Phone Call
  • Berkeley Reports:  Anti-RV Law:  People’s Park Meeting, Lawsuit Fightback, 

IN THE WAKE OF THE ROSS CAMP DEMOLITION : Conscience and Action Meeting meets 11 AM Wednesday 5-8-19; Followed by HUFF meeting at Noon

Conscience and Action will be meeting Wednesday, May 8th at 11 AM, with the HUFF meeting following at noon.  As usual, we meet at the Sub Rosa Cafe at 703 Pacific next to the Bike Church.   Free Coffee with the Clamor.


Following Up and Expanding the a Response to the City’s Ross Camp Removal

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items
  • Challenging Prison-Like Conditions at the River St. Campground
  • Anthony Prince Report by Phone
  • Judge Davila’s Final Written Ruling
  • Update on Documenting the Ross Camp Demolition Losses
  • Organizing a Public Response to the False Ross Camp Narrative
  • Resistance Organization for Ross Camp Successor Camps
  • Abusive Conditions at Calvary Episcopal’s Monday Meal: Danger of Double Standards
  • Crackdown on RV’s at Safeway and Elsewhere

    For HUFFsters
  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street Reports
  • Campsites and Ross Camp Removal Fallout Situation
  • Reports from Other Campsites & Areas
  • RV Attacks in Other Cities—Local Updates
  • Upcoming City Council Agenda: Legal Changes: Glover Phone Call
  • Berkeley Reports:  Anti-RV Law:  People’s Park Meeting, Lawsuit Fightback, May Street Spirit
  • Oakland Homeless Encampment Lawsuits: See “Encampments Sue the City of Oakland” in the hard copy of the April 2019 Street Spirit