Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday November 23, 2023 show is a Flashback to June 10, 1999 featuring a long interview with then-Councilmember Mike Rotkin discussing police inaction around homeless beatings and use of the Sleeping Ban

The November 23, 2023 show is a Flashback to June 10, 1999 including: 

  • Oakland City Council rejects loitering law [East Bay Express 4-23-99]
  • Fort Lauderdale may ban begging after 11th Circuit Court decision
  • Philadelphia ACLU and police settle homeless lawsuit on begging.
  • City Councilmember Mike Rotkin, in-studio guest,  grilled on the beating of local Ray Stitts, homeless guy.
  • Norse proposes Rotkin take immediate action with repeal of Sleeping Ban as an immediate safety measure or emergency safety zones indoors or outdoors; Rotkin won’t act himself but says “bring me proposals”.
  • Callers include Becky Johnson, Bernard Klitzner, “Merlin”, and others.
  • Dispute on popularity of changing the Sleeping Ban; Rotkin’s door-to-door experience

N O H U F F M E E T I N G A T SUB ROSA TODAY. Instead some of us will be tabling in front of the Vets Hall at 846 Front St. from 11 AM to noon. Spread the Word, then Chow Down for National Turkey Slaughter Day

Flyers to be distributed at the Vets Hall Today                                                                                                                

  War is a homeless issue 

Billions wasted on Ukraine & Israel 

Millions of refugees created by the War 

++ In Santa Cruz, most outside face police seizure of survival shelter, protective gear, and precious possessions as well as dispersal of their own supportive communities. 

++ “Shelters” are temporary, restrictive, inadequate, & lead back to the street

++  For the overwhelming majority, the “pathway to housing” is a fund-raising myth

++  The new Sleeping Ban (MC 6.36) is now used to destroy community homeless encampments wherever refugees set up tents for necessary life-sustaining activities. 

++  Stop creating more refugees at home & abroad with forced relocation & demolition 

++ Auto License readers to join whack-a-mole police “tools” in 11-28 Council vote. 

++  Clients report vulnerable residents dumped from shelters to fit police priorities. 

END THE SLEEPING BAN                                                                                           Flyer by Norse of  HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) 831-423-4833 309 Cedar PMB #14B  S.C. 11-23-22

No Gaza Tactics in Santa Cruz 

Stop SCPD Chief Escalante’s Whack-A-Mole Polices 

NO shelter or storage for hundreds outside. 

++ Mayor “Fast Lane” Keeley drove refugees out into the rain from the Civic and restricted Depot Park Shelter last spring.  Recently Cops repeated “into the rain” orders. 

++ Keeley & City Mangler Huffaker have no walk-in Winter Armory for the coming cold. 

++ Massive funding ($15 million) was diverted to failed and brutal police enforcement. 

++  Roughroad Russell  has already suffered a stroke after being forced to move more than half a dozen times  from City Council/SCPD’s “compassionate” Homeless policies. 

++  Ticketing “Oversized Vehicles” with no shelter begins in early December.  

++  More Pogonip encampments are posted to be destroyed November 27th even though the shelter and storage requirements of City law (MC 6.36) have not been met. 

++ Demand City Council divest from Israeli genocide & local camp-demolition. 


Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday November 19, 2023 show highlights a recent interview with Drew Glover, Flashback to 5-16-99 on sit-in’s against Kosovo war, S.C. trollbeating, and more + full 2022 interview with Foundring, banned on you-tube

The November 19, 2023 show includes:  

  • [11-6-23] Interview with former Santa Cruz City Councilman and activist Drew Glover on his struggle with a reactionary staff and Council majority.
  • [11-12-23] Danny Cooper describing life in the Janus program, the 1220 River outdoor shelter, and on the Santa Cruz streets
  • [11-15-23] Ryan Dieball on street life—losing and reclaiming his bicycle, observing police driving friends out into the rain, and more
  • [11-18-23] Helga reporting on proposed eviction of Cooper D’Angelo’s camp threatened for November 27th.

The Flashback to May 16, 1999 includes: 

  • Puck reports on police ignoring sidewalk camping for the Star Wars theater line
  • “Dead On” David Silva’s push for Immediate Safety Zones given the recent brutal attacks on homeless folks
  • Beach Flats resident Phil Baer on Mayor Beiers plan to bulldoze housing for the Dolphin-Lee project
  • Rev. John L. Phillips from the Metropolitan Community Church speaking out against the bombing of Kosovo
  • C.J. Stock’s account of the “trollbuster” beating of Joe Barker
  • Willow Symonds on the occupation of Sam Farr’s office against the Kosovo war featuring testimony from Phil Baer, Steve Argue, Jim Cosner, and others.

Special 2 ½ hour Interview: Dissident Mama scrutinizes Kylan de Gatelli (aka Foundring), Santa Cruz jazz pianist and satirical singer, banned from you-tube for “misinformation” on COVID and savage criticism of political officials (at

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday November 16, 2023 show is a Flashback to May 9, 1999 with focus on the homeless Lou Rice fast against bad conditions at Homeless (Lack of) Services Center, the Kosovo war, the Dolphin-Lee demolition and more

The November 16, 2023 show is a Flashback to May 9, 1999.  It includes: 

  • On the 24th Day of homeless client Lou Rice’s fast demanding better conditions at the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center m [HLOSC], callers support assisting transporting leftover UCSC to the HLOSC hungry, supporting Rice’s fast in other ways, and providing fasting advice. 
  • Local resident Norma Tasker and others speak at the Town Hall Meeting of the Beach Area Working Group on Mayor Beiers’ pet proposed Dolphin-Lee project
  • 7 points of Lou Rice’s hunger strike begun April 15th
  • Call for downtown demos against the Sleeping Ban
  • Bob Lamonica denounces former D.A. Art Danner’s corruption
  • News stories: D.A. Won’t Charge Cops in River Side Killing (SF Examiner 5-8-99); Depleted Uranium Poses Toxic Threats to Soliders & Civilians
  • Linda Lemaster on changes allow good samaritan giveaways by groceries and restaurants
  • Bathrobespierre caws at the CPRB [Civilian Police Review Board] and its cover for cops
  • Justman Jim Costner on the anniversary of the 1982 Philadelphia cop massacre of the MOVE collective.

Come in out of the rain to huddle with HUFF at 703 Pacific; Coffee Up with Sleeping Ban Survivors and Sleepsymps at the Sub Rosa Cafe next to the Bike Church

HUFF Agenda Prospects 11-16-23     

  ++++  Priorities, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs   

  ++++  Hand-outs: Agendas, Documentation Sweep Sheets, no new Street Sheets; (next week!)  Street Sheet on-line guide   

  ++++  Passarounds: TBA

  ++++  HUFF Notes & Announcements:TBA 

  ++++  As ever…Street reports; Beach, Parking Lots, Pogonip, Library, Levee

  ++++  Running Bread and Roses and those eating their meals off the Levee

  ++++  Strategies for dealing with December 4th Initiation of Oversized Vehicle Ordinance (OVO) enforcement; Reggie Meisler call

  ++++  Local ACLU awards December 9th 1-4 PM RCNV 612 Ocean for Reggie Meisler, Gail Newell, and Stan/Carli Stevens  Anti-police militarization speakers; John Lindsay-Poland   ++++  Local Legislative Antics—Report from those who went or watched

  ++++  Thursday December 16 7-9 PM  Panel Discussion of Punk Rock, Social Change and Anti-Racism: Conversation and Double Book Release Free Institute of Arts & Sciences 100 Panetta Ave.

  ++++  Property destroyed; reports of official violence or threats     

  ++++  New and earlier Street Sheets available in hard edition.  Also on line at (includes latest Oct 1 issue) perhaps at 903 Pacific Tele Office & FNB Sat/Sun     

  ++++  Write for Street Sheet; Street Spirit Update; Street Shit Sheet?     

  ++++  Lawsuit Updates: TBA     

  ++++  Phone Contacts:  Helga’s Levee report.   

  ++++  Anti-War Resolution: Connections with Other Groups —Richmond style support for Gaza: WW3 and Wars = Homeless Reminder in Ukraine + Gaza    


Anytime after 6 PM Thursday and 9:30 AM Sunday for the latest show, go to:  Click on the Latest Show  of the date you want  

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday November 12, 2023 show features a partial Interview with Foundring, the satirical anti-censorship pianist Flashback to 2-24-10–Analysis of the Subversive Sidewalk Singers chatter with Curbhugger Chris

The Sunday, November 12, 2023 show includes:

The February 24, 2010 Flashback contains:

  • Flashback within a Flashback to October 22, 1988–Anti-Sleeping Ban activist Charles Grey interview
  • Curbhugger Chris Doyen on street life and his positive view of the “Hospitality” hosts and critical view of the SCPD’s Officer Winston
  • A critic of the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center calls foul of food filching by staff 
  • Article on Boulder, CO changes in Sleeping Ban law 
  • Jeremy Casmir, arrested, released after violent detention:
  • Some beats and bleats from Drum Circle Dave
  • Reviewing Q & A from Mayor Riot Act Rotkin on the Subversive Sidewalk Singing Bust and the Metro Cop Crackdown
  • The Obama Wars:  “The 7 Paragraphs That Shook US/Uk Ties” and “Obama Takes a Blue Principle for the Bill of Rights”
  • Mark Merin and SHOC (Sacramento Homelessness Organizing Committee) struggle for Safe Ground for Sleepers there.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday November 9, 2023 show is a Flashback to November 21 2010 featuring boisterous banter and bashful battle between Bathrobespierre Robert and co-Host Silver-tongued Steve Pleich

The November 9, 2023 show is a Flashback to November 21, 2010 including:

  • Steve Pleich (rhymes with “h”) co-hosts.
  • Brief History of the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center  (currently known as Funding Matters  or more commonly Housing Matters).
  • Pleich’s report on Santa Cruz Neighbors forum at the police station
  • Battleweary”  Bob Patton on struggle to reopen the Vet’s Hall
  • “Drum Circle” Dave on the Pretend-empkin Bathroom on Soquel
  • Ray on labyrinth requirements for Proposition 36 paperwork; Officer “Fat Ticket Book” Forbus misusing the “Move Along” law?
  • Santa Barbara: the 100,000 homes movement; ACLU’s abandoned anti-camping ban lawsuit
  • John Valley and attorney Misloff successfully defeat 647e anti-lodging prosecution
  • Systemized attack on the PC2010—a review; the new SCPD Chief Vogel’s checkered background
  • Fresno’s latest assault on the homeless; San Francisco Sit/Lie Ban—a conservative merchant critic

HUFF snuggles into a near winter meeting at the Sub Rosa Thursday 11-09 next to the Bike Church at 703 Pacific 10:45 PM

HUFF Agenda Prospects 11-09-23    

  ++++  Priorities, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs  

  ++++  Hand-outs: Agendas, Documentation Sweep Sheets, fairly new Street Sheets; Street Sheet on-line guide  

  ++++  Passarounds: San Rafael Injunction Update—4 Stories; New S.R. Court Order; SC City Homelessness Propaganda; San Luis Obispo anti-homeless crimes 

  ++++  HUFF Notes & General Announcements: 11-4 pm 11-11 Vets Mem Bldg for Vets 

  ++++  2 Wars Against the Poor: Gaza  & Santa Cruz: 10-5 UCSC Strike at Gate 

  ++++  Meeting schedule changes 

 ++++  As ever…Street reports; Beach, Parking Lots, Pogonip, Library, Levee    

  ++++  Property destroyed; reports of official violence or threats    

  ++++  First Shitty Council Meet 11-14-23; alternatives in other public places 

  ++++  New and earlier Street Sheets available in hard edition.  Also on line at (includes latest Oct 1 issue) perhaps at 903 Pacific Tele Office & FNB Sat/Sun    

  ++++  Write for Street Sheet; Street Spirit Update; Street Shit Sheet?    

  ++++  Lawsuit Updates:  

  ++++  Phone Contacts:  Wes White call for Salinas/Gilroy sweeps update; Helga’s Felton report.  

  ++++  Anti-War Resolution—Richmond style support for Gaza: WW3 and Wars = Homeless Reminder in Ukraine + Gaza   

  ++++  Follow-Up on MHCAN concerns; Greybears issues 

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday NOVEMBER 5, 2023 show features Anti-War Protest in Portland, OR & Santa Cruz CA; Reports from the FNB Free Zone from Kazoo, R. Woodleaf, & Cooper; Flashback to 8-1-10–PeaceCamp Dialogue with the Deputies & more

The November 5, 2023 show includes:

The Flashback to August 1, 2010 includes (roughly):

  • Curbhugger Chris Doyen & Beggarbacker Becky Johnson review warnings from Lt. Plagerman  last night at PeaceCamp 2010.
  • Razor Ray and Lighthouse Linda on legal strategies
  • Deputies confront PC2010 protest founder attorney and sleepcriminal Ed Frey
  • [throughout ] numerous pieces from the Capitol Steps satirical musical group
  • Observers Malcolm McGowan and Marge Thornhill inspired to stay the night at PC2010
  •  [8-1] Follow-Up report from Curbhugger on PC2010 goings on
  • Daniel Ellsberg’s Wikileaks Wish List and other reports from foreign war zones
  • Interviews from Ronee Curry’s Chess, Beans, & Burritos table with a UCSC sexual abuse researcher
  • Oral Communications at a Recent City Council meeting
  • Ronee brings the Drum Circle to PC2010
  • Pacific Ave. & PC2010sters on July 29th.–Z Moon, Pizzalover, and Terrorist #7

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday November 2, 2023 show is a Flashback to July 25, 2010 featuring the earlier days of the PeaceCamp2010 protest at the County Building featuring Curbhugger Chris Doyen (later known as Commander X)

The November 2, 2023 show is a Flashback to July 25, 2010. 

It includes:

  • Troublesome Thomas Leavitt and Bathrobespierre Robert Norse reviewing Motormouth (Mayor) Mike Rotkin and the last City Council antics including the Rental Inspection Ordinance
  • [7-13] Earlier Curbhugger Chris at PeaceCamp2010 (33 sleepers last night) 
  • [7-25] 45 Sleepers last night—update from Curbhugger.
  • [7-12] Curbhugger’s report of being excluded from the Courthouse corridors after he pursued guards who stole the PC2010 flag with a camera
  • Kathy Bugker from Nashville Homeless Power Project in Tennessee calls in, 4-time homeless woman.
  • Spilly Chilly, aka Sandra Leigh, Community TV host, on corporate shake-up there.
  • Brief Robert Whitaker, psychiatric researcher, on you-tube and R.C. & Leigh, psychiatric survivors. 
  • Curbhugger and Beggerbacker Becky Johnson discuss the Flag seizure and Courthouse exclusion further.