Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 2-19-23 show includes Flashback to July 29, 2010 Screaming Out Against Harassment; Troubled Townclock Talk; Flashback to PeaceCamp 2010 with a large cast of courageous characters

The 2-19-23 show includes:

The July 29, 2010 Flashback show includes:

  • Drum Circle devotees join PeaceCamp2010 protesters in front of the County Building: Skybear, Danny, & “First Amendment” Ed Frey
  • Bathrobespierre Reports on the Upcoming Sinister Sidewalk Singing Trial
  • More Drumbeats: Margaret, Peppertongue Pat Ring critiques PeaceCamp2010, Lito, Renee Curry, Curbhugger Chris, Orbit, and Sheriff chatter
  • Drum Circle Dave on the new “No Trespassing” signs at the “Demonstration Garden” hastily fenced off by the City along the Levee path.
  • A fragment of Uncle Dennis Davies’ “From the Cream to the Dregs” show, hosted by Louis La Fortune

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides of Thursday February 16th, 2023 features Protest at the Felton’s Mountain Community Resource Center, David Swanson on Lee Camp’s Show: Can WW3 Be Stopped? and more…

On the program:

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 2-12-23 features: Brent Interview, massive Flashback to 12-3-06, and more!

The 2-12-23 Show includes:

  • Recent (2-8) Santa Cruz Homeless Union meeting critique
  • “Backstory” Brent’s harsh but penetrating assessment of the accomplishments of the Footbridge Services that he is discontinuing and the City & County governments’ failures
  • San Francisco Coalition on Homelessness Street Sheet Newspaper co-ordinator Emmett House on his history there. Check out or
  • Activist Alicia Kuhl documents three cops harassing a homeless man in a tent in a city parking lot, lying to him about shelter space: &
  • HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) at the Mountain Community Resource Center picketing protest in Felton on 2-7 demanding homeless folks not be sent out from awnings into the rain and cold—their second visit.
  • 2-9 Roxray on Santa Cruz Street Teams
  • Kazoo compares live in the Sycamore Grove camps off Hiway 9 with the City’s Armory/Overlook facility
  • Marshal Taylor and Ted Henshaw at the Food Not Bombs meal sound off
  • 1-30 Shawn on recent police sweeps of parking lots and sidewalks in downtown Santa Cruz

Edited Flashback to 12-3-06         [description at]

The show is archived at

HUFF gathers under nippy skies at the usual Sub Rosa Courtyard at 703 Pacific 10:45 a.m. Thursday February 16th next to the Bike Church

HUFF Meeting Agenda Prospects 2-16-23     

  ++++  Pass-Arounds and Hand-Outs  

  ++++  Street reports 

  ++++  Posterboard Display of RV Fight-Back 

  ++++  SC Homeless Union- Planning and Petitioning as New Sweeps threaten, demanding Portapotty & Hand washing stations for camps 

  ++++  Mountain Resource Center Update; Helga’s Report   

  ++++  Recent police murders: qualified immunity; soft-pedaling defunding in local media; police auditor whitewash?

  ++++  City Council Report from 2-7 

  ++++  General Shelter Updates 

  ++++  Winter Shelter in Santa Cruz Action Considering Frosty Times & No Warming Center 

  ++++  Phony “No Parking” Signs in Coastal Zone: Actions and Update 

  ++++  Reggie Meisler and Keith McHenry calls 

  ++++  Bored of Stupidvipers Meeting Upcoming: volunteer watcher? 

  ++++  Updates for SB31 and its Successor State-wide 

  ++++  Injunction Prep; Ratner/Mangler Tie-In Protest Prep  

  ++++  Placeholders:  Tabling & Follow-Up  at Clock, Pogonip, Levee:  Survival Encampment Network  

  ++++  More Placeholders: Tickets, Free Guide, OVO, Mad Power  

  ++++  Peace Vigil Town Clock noon Sunday February 19th

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides archives todays Thursday February 9th, 2023 is a Flashback to March 13, 2006 with the Downtown Commission’s Parking Garage Paranoia law and an interview with Public Defender Bernard Pregerson

Flashback to March 13, 2006: 

  • A veteran of the 1980’s Berkeley Rainbow Village tent city on its origins and end. 
  • City Commission for the Prevention of Violence to Women hears Sheila Coonerty and Matt Ferrell of the Downtown Commission on the Parking Lot Panic law with critical interjections by Norse. 
  • Jake and Kathleen Estrella on an unexpected police bust 
  • 3-16 Protest against the Panic law at the Downtown Commission’s meeting. 
  • Alternate Public Defender Bernard Pregerson on the local Drug War; calls from Madison and Bob Lamonica.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides’s Sunday February 5th show has more on the upcoming 2-7 Mountain Community Resource Center protest, a Berkeley update, and a March 31, 2013 mega-Flashback

The show archives at (go to Latest Show – 2/5/2023)

Recent and upcoming events and interviews on the show include:

Flashback to March 31, 2013 show:

  • See full description at under March 31, 2013.
  • “Making Contact” show Transportation Justice Movement—organizing for accessible and cheap transportation for all.
  • “You Call That News” for March 26th–“Free” is your host.
  • Skidmark Bob Duran interviews Candlelight Kim Argula on origins of Free Radio Santa Cruz;  Tony Mello, Tom Shreiner &  Stephen Dunafer; Skidmark interviewed.

Cookies and Cautious Combustion at the Thursday 2-9-23 HUFF meeting: Sub Rosa Courtyard next to the Bike Church 10:45 AM–1 PM or so 703 Pacific

New Street Spirits and Street Sheets:  Also Available at the UN Association at 903 Pacific, at the main branch of the Public Library, and from Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833.

HUFF Meeting Agenda Prospects 2-9-23     

  ++++  Pass-Arounds and Hand-Outs  

  ++++  Street reports 

  ++++  SC Homeless Union report; next meeting 2-15 612 Ocean 

  ++++  Mountain Resource Center Protest Update;   

  ++++  Indybay Story:   

  ++++  Alternate Media: Serf City News;  

  ++++  Response to Felton Sheriff’s Department on Helga’s Assault  

  ++++  Focus on Unreformed SCPD and SC Sheriff’s Deputy in Light of Recent Police Murders 

  ++++  General Shelter Updates 

  ++++  Winter Shelter in Santa Cruz Action Considering Frosty Times & No Warming Center; Footbridge Services Shutdown 

  ++++  More “No Parking” Signs in Coastal Zone: Actions and Update 

  ++++  Reggie Meisler and Keith McHenry calls 

  ++++  Shitty Council Meeting Coming Up 2-14-23 

  ++++  Updates for SB31 and its Successor   

  ++++  Injunction Prep; Ratner/Mangler Protest Prep  

  ++++  Tabling & Follow-Up  at Clock, Pogonip, Levee:  Survival Encampment Network  

  ++++   Placeholders: Tickets, Free Guide, OVO, Mad Power  

  ++++  Anti-War Rally noon Feb 19 Town Clock  

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides archives and netcasts shortly after 6 PM today Thursday February 2nd focusing on the Mountain Community Resource Center in Felton and other Local Protests

The show will archive at .

The February 2, 2023 show includes:

  • Felton’s Mountain Community Resource Center follow-up protest slated for 11 AM Tuesday February 7th.
  • HUFF phone-call to Community activist Reggie Meisler on his latest documented demand that the SCPD stop harassing homeless vehicle-dwellers with unpermitted No Overnight Parking signs that lack the required Coastal Commission design permits.
  • [1-31] Food Not Bombs activist Keith McHenry announces upcoming vigils for police-murdered victims Nichols Tyre [2-2], Manuel Estevan Paez Teran [2-3], as well as a renewed California Homeless Union meeting [2-8 4 PM RCNV]; the death of Blake last week frozen to death outside the Housing Matters fenced-off complex…and other updates
  • Outside survivors Chris and Alice give their views of the mixed attitude of Felton’s community and police towards those outside.
  • Democracy Now segment on Memphis police and fire department murder of Tyre Nichols []

HUFF meets 10:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. + at the Sub Rosa Cafe 2-2 Thursday next to the Bike Church at 703 Pacific

HUFF Meeting Agenda Prospects 2-2-23    

  ++++  Pass-Arounds and Hand-Outs

  ++++  Street reports

  ++++  Mountain Resource Center Protest Update 

  ++++  Recent police murders: qualified immunity; soft-pedaling defunding in local media

  ++++  Response to Felton Sheriff’s Department on Helga’s Assault

  ++++  Focus on Unreformed SCPD and SC Sheriff’s Deputy in Light of Recent Police Murders

  ++++  General Shelter Updates

  ++++  Winter Shelter in Santa Cruz Action Considering Frosty Times & No Warming Center

  ++++  Phony “No Parking” Signs in Coastal Zone: Actions and Update

  ++++  Shitty Council & Bored of Stupidvipers Meetings Reports

  ++++  Updates for SB31 and its Successor 

  ++++  Injunction Prep; Ratner/Mangler Protest Prep 

  ++++  Tabling & Follow-Up  at Clock, Pogonip, Levee:  Survival Encampment Network 

  ++++   Placeholders: Tickets, Free Guide, OVO, Mad Power

  ++++   Vigil for Manny Town Clock 2 PM Friday February 3rd

  ++++   “Long Distance Revolutionary” 7 PM Thursday Feb 2nd 

Register to attend:   Facebook event page:

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides today (Sunday, January 29, 2023) features the arrest of Felton activist Helga at the Mountain Resource Center; Flashback to November 11, 1999

The January 29, 2023 Show includes:

  • Various articles covering the police murder of Tyre Nicols in Memphis
  • [1-22-23] Helga’s herstory of anti-homeless harassment at the Mountain Community Resource Center and elsewhere in Felton
  • [1-23-23] Dreamcatcher and Arnie give rosy snapshots of the Armory shelter
  • [1-23-23] Everett Trujillo’s Report Card on Sheriff and Povertypimp Behavior
  • [1-27] Helga and Bathrobespierre Shoot Questions at Deputy Jason Dune.
  • [1-28] Helga’s account of her 1 a.m. bust for videoing Everett’s false arrest.

The November 11, 1999 Flashback includes:

  • Largely Critical Phone Interview with Councilmember Chris Krohn on the Shoulder Tap law, Rent Control, the rushed Dolphin-Lee Project, Council’s stalling on an independent lawyer for the Citizens Police Review Board [CPRB]
  • Gail Levy, President of the Cabrillo Estates Mobile Home Owners Association [CEMHOA] in Capitola defending their rent control.
  • FRSC broadcaster and CEMHOA resident Merlin weighs in on the issue.
  • Van dweller Dennis Rehm, 14-times hauled to court for Sleeping Ban crime, on the Flory-Edwards-Jacobs defense and judicial collusion with police repression.
  • Catnip Kate Wells, defense attorney, advises CPRB members on the right to use lawful force to resist a false arrest.
  • Roughrider Richard Quigley on social cleansing harassment of Jerry Henry, counselor to street youth, charged with 11 non-violent misdemeanors 
  • Battling Bob Lamonica on the corrupt past of Judge Art Danner
  • Homeless recycler Verna Hernandez on City harassment of her work