Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Net Radio Show for 12-15-22 will stream and be available as an archive by 6 PM today: The show runs 2 1/2+ hours, replaying today’s tumultuous HUFF meeting

The meeting included Gibbs, Helga, Thomas, Q.Z., Suzanne, Monica (and Frankie), Robert, Gloria, Rita, Laura C., Andrea, Greg B., Meta, & Jacin.  

Discussed were: support for the Union of the Homeless/HUFF/Food Not Bombs Memorial Meeting on Wednesday December 21, 2 PM at the Town Clock as well a protest and educational supplement to the 10 AM Poverty Pimp (“Housing Matters”) Memorial at the Vet’s Hall 10 AM. 

Also scheduled—a sign-making party at the Town Clock noon on Tuesday December 20th in anticipation of the recitation of the names of the dead and in hopes of shortening the list for 2023.
Under consideration and seeking support volunteers: projects to buff up productive responses to police in the wake of continuing sweeps at Harvey West, the Levee, and the Pogonip.  Contact HUFF at 831-423-4833 to help, or show up next Thursday at the HUFF meeting (10:45 a.m. at the Sub Rosa Cafe 703 Pacific next to the Bike Church).

HUFF huddles again: 10:45 AM -12:30 PM at 703 Pacific–Sub Rosa Cafe Thursday 12-15

Raising the heat with unpleasant truths…Keeping the true narrative straight…Publicizing unpleasant but important facts…Drinking lots of coffee while munching carrots and crackers.  Bored?  Enjoy the Anarchist library in the same building!

HUFF Agenda Prospects 12-15-22   

 ++++  Time keeper; Pass-arounds; street reports   

 ++++  SC Homeless Union Return?  Report from the 12-7 Meet; Next Meeting 12-14 at 612 Ocean 

 ++++  Action? : Prep for Questioning Moneyman Ratner or City Mangler okn Winter Shelter Absence 

  ++++  Graduate Student Strike Update from Rita by phone perhaps.     

  ++++  Sweep Reports and Warnings? 

  ++++  Update on “What to Do when a Cop sez Move”: Laura, Robert 

  ++++  Phone Contact:  Rita of Salinas, Keith, Reggie, Joy, Suzanne, Becky 

  ++++  Anti-Nuke Appeal in Ukraine war: Robert N. 

  ++++  Benchlands follow-up contact list?  Callers still wanted. 

  ++++  Shelter shuffling—reports?  Watchers wanted!  

  ++++  Lawsuit prospects: Contact with Disability Rights, State Lawyers Group ? 

  ++++  Updated SC Free Guide: www.santacruz 

  ++++  Strategies for Fighting Likely Future Post-Benchland Demolitions (Loudmouth Tactics, Self-Starter Legal Options, Contact & Follow-Up, Community Support Gathering, Narrative Corrections Publicly); Laura & Rita:  “Know Your Rights” card progress 

  ++++  Leave messages, updates at Posting Board at FNB Town Clock meal  noon-3 pm  daily 

  ++++  Felton Update—Showers resumed? ;  

  ++++  More Rain & Cold Weather Coming: Warming Center Prospects?

    ++++  RV crackdown on Delaware: Reggie M. call 

   ++++  Armory, Overlook Camp, Overlook RV Camp, AFC camps: Rules & Reports   

   ++++  Possible Mad Power Committee Report (if any): Report that 5150’s now go directly to Dominican:  Conservatorship C.A.R.E. courts, out-of-county deportation, inadequate Reiss protections; Carvalho update, reports on recent 5150’s  Mental Health Advisory Community/Publicity Subcommitee Friday 12-2 10:30 AM  1400 Emeline Avenue, Room 207, Santa Cruz  

   ++++  Homeless Expenditure Data Cruncher Still Wanted  

   ++++  Portland, OR Homeless camps cleared: 

  ++++Portland, OR Concentration Camps Protested:

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show 12-11-22 will stream and be available as an archive soon after 9:30 AM today: Today’s show is a Flashback to December 4, 2016 featuring the Sean Arlt/Luke Smith killings and Peter Marin’s Santa Barbara Report

The 12-11-22 show is an slightly edited version of the full 12-4-16 Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show at The show includes:
Red Church Interviews: Crow, Red, Charles, Audi, Sea Otter, Joe, Julie, and more.

Rally in Memory of Luke Smith, slain by deputies: Keith McHenry, Mary Collins, Steve Argue, Pat Colby, Steve Pleich, Wes White, Bob Lamonica, Robert Norse.

Santa Barbara Oldtimer Peter Marin on pushback against the crackdown on RV homes there.

Norse with City Council Update

In-studio guest: Brian Schulman on his BTS Presents shows.

Silva on his Fast against the Sleeping Ban.

More Red Church Quickies: Cooper, Mouse, and others.

Voices from Freedom Sleepout #73:  Larry B., Enrique, Clive, Osha.

 Denise, street Jewelry vendor, from Germany.

Street Talk: Lyrical Eye rappin’ out loud.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show 12-8-22 will stream and be available as an archive shortly after 6 PM today: Today’s show contains more street squawking, sermonizing, and pondering.

The 12-8 Show Includes:

  • 12-6: Shawn’s report on cop move-along-into-the-rain 12-4 for standing under a Pacific Avenue overhang
  • Johnny Lunchbucket expresses outrage at leniency of authorities towards homeless idlers and addicts
  • Dreamcatcher—avoiding blows and seeking boots
  • Grok-it Greg presents a softer view of police conduct 
  • On-the-prowl-for-activists– Organizer Elisse’s snapshot
  • Throughout—warped ethics to a jazzy beat by Fundring (aka Kylan deGhetaldi)

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show 12-1-22 will stream at 6 PM today and be available as an archive: Today’s show highlights a lengthy interview with “Backstory” Brent Adams on the ongoing sweeps and more…

The 12-1-22 show includes:

10:45 AM -12:30 PM at 703 Pacific–Sub Rosa Cafe Thursday 12-8 Sweeps Resume, No Winter Shelter; Homeless Union Reforming? HUFF indoors against the cold. We cluster & chat.

HUFF Agenda Prospects12-08-22

 ++++  Time keeper; Pass-arounds; street reports 

 ++++  SC Homeless Union Return?  Report from the 12-7 Meet; Next Meeting 12-14 at 612 Ocean

 ++++  Action? : Prep for Questioning Moneyman Ratner or City Mangler okn Winter Shelter Absence

  ++++  Graduate Student Strike Update from Rita by phone perhaps.   

  ++++  Sweep Reports

  ++++  Benchlands follow-up contact list?  Callers still wanted.

  ++++  Shelter shuffling—reports?  Watchers wanted! 

  ++++  Lawsuit prospects: Contact with Disability Rights, State Lawyers Group ?

  ++++  Updated SC Free Guide: …Follow-Up on How Useful

  ++++  Strategies for Fighting Likely Future Post-Benchland Demolitions (Loudmouth Tactics, Self-Starter Legal Options, Contact & Follow-Up, Community Support Gathering, Narrative Corrections Publicly); Laura & Rita:  “Know Your Rights” card progress

  ++++  Leave messages, updates at Posting Board at FNB Town Clock meal  noon-3 pm  daily

  ++++  Felton Update—Showers resumed? ;   ++++  More Rain and Cold Weather Coming: Warming Center Prospects? .

    ++++  RV crackdown on Delaware: Reggie M. call

   ++++  Armory, Overlook Camp, Overlook RV Camp, AFC camps: Rules & Reports 

   ++++  Possible Mad Power Committee Report (if any): Report that 5150’s now go directly to Dominican: Conservatorship C.A.R.E. courts, out-of-county deportation, inadequate Reiss protections; Carvalho update, reports on recent 5150’s  Mental Health Advisory Community/Publicity Subcommitee Friday 12-2 10:30 AM  1400 Emeline Avenue, Room 207, Santa Cruz

   ++++  Homeless Expenditure Data Cruncher Still Wanted

   ++++  Portland, OR Concentration Camps Protested:

              December issues of Street Spirit and Street Sheet are NOW available at the UN Association at 903 Pacific well as at the Sub Rosa Cafe next to the Bike Church or by contacting HUFF at 831-423-4833. The main branch of the Public Library contains the current issue and back issues.  Many are also available for viewing at   The Street Spirit editor is interested in local homeless stories by or about local folks—homeless or housed.   Contact Bathrobespierre Robert at HUFF.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show 12-4-22 will be available as an archive and stream on at 9:30 AM: Interviews on Shelter Deficiencies and Sweeps; the KSQD Krohn-Norse dialogue, and more..

The 12-04-22 show includes:

Any tickets, threats, or move-alongs by SCPD under “closed area”, “trespass”, “public nuisance”, “illegal lodging” or other pretexts?  Let HUFF know.

Also be on the lookout for the citations under the new CSSO Camping Services and Standards Ordinance [CSSO] as well as harassment of vehicles by phony signs improperly posted in the Coastal Zone. 

Volunteer  for new leadership in the SC Homeless Union . Call 575-770-3377  or 431-7766 for  info or time of the next meeting.

HUFF STILL MEETS NEARLY EVERY THURSDAY (NEXT MEETING 12-8) at the Sub Rosa Cafe 703 Pacific Ave.  These are largely placeholder meetings that push back against the dominant anti-homeless narrative the City uses along with it’s “everything is all right; we’re helping out” line.

OTHER OPTIONS to publicize police & shelter abuse: FACEBOOK, CALL HUFF (831-423-4833) FOR FRSC INTERVIEW, WRITE ESTABLISHMENT OR ALTERNATE MEDIA.  Or contact Bathrobespierre Robert at


COMMENT on the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom facebook page or at where Bathrobespierre posts occasional announcements and stories.

Back copies of Ursula’s Utterances: Now actually under construction!  Soon to be available for comment and commentary on many past shows.

10:45 AM -12:30 PM at 703 Pacific–Sub Rosa Cafe Thursday 12-1 Back from the Holidays: HUFF indoors against the cold while the City busts camps at Harvey West & has no winter shelter. We chat:

HUFF Agenda Prospects12-01-22

 ++++  Time keeper; Pass-arounds aplenty; street reports  

 ++++   Action Ideas:  Visiting Ratner or new S.C. Mayor Keeley: Winter Shelter Absence

  ++++  Graduate Student Strike Update from Rita by phone perhaps.   

  ++++  Harvey West & Other Sweeps

  ++++  Attempting Benchlands follow-up contact list.  Callers wanted.

  ++++  Shelter shuffling—reports  Watcher wanted! 

  ++++  Lawsuit prospects: Contact with Disability Rights, State Lawyers Group

  ++++  Correcting and Updating the SC Free Guide:  

  ++++  Strategies for Fighting Likely Future Post-Benchland Demolitions (Loudmouth Tactics, Self-Starter Legal Options, Contact & Follow-Up, Community Support Gathering, Narrative Corrections Publicly); Laura & Rita: working on a “Know Your Rights” card

  ++++  Leave messages, updates at Posting Board at FNB Town Clock meal  noon-3 pm  daily

  ++++  Felton Update—Showers resumed? ;   ++++  Bad News from Backstory Brent:  FRSC-on-the-net archived tonight at .

    ++++  RV crackdown on Delaware: Reggie M. call

   ++++  Reports on  new Overlook RV Camp  

   ++++  Possible Mad Power Committee Report (if any): Report that 5150’s now go directly to Dominican: Conservatorship C.A.R.E. courts, out-of-county deportation, inadequate Reiss protections; Carvalho update, reports on recent 5150’s  Mental Health Advisory Community/Publicity Subcommitee Friday 12-2 10:30 AM  1400 Emeline Avenue, Room 207, Santa Cruz

   ++++  Homeless Expenditure Data Cruncher Still Wanted

              December issues of Street Spirit and Street Sheet are NOT YET available at the UN Association at 903 Pacific well as at the Sub Rosa Cafe next to the Bike Church or by contacting HUFF at 831-423-4833, but November issues are likely still there. The main branch of the Public Library contains the current November issue and back issues.  Last month’s edition and back issues are also available for viewing at   The editor is interested in local homeless stories by or about local folks—homeless or housed.   Contact Bathrobespierre Robert at HUFF. 

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show 11-27-22: Talks with Benchlands refugees Blue, Kazoo Jimmy & Jorge + Simba, Joseph, Jeffrey, Calvin, Cooper, Kathy, Rufus & Dreamcatcher…Flashback to 2002 Homeless Summit Prep on May 2nd

The November 27th 2022 show includes:

(11-23) Kazoo on the shortcomings of the Armory shelter
Wednesday (11-23) Town Clock memorial service and testimonials for (Nick the Greek)

A lookback to a rare 2022 anti-war Town Clock protest demanding NATO and Russia out of Ukraine.

Two more from Kazoo on the Armory (11-21) and 1220 River St. Shelter (11-22)

Blue surprised by a residence trailer donation (11-22)

Simba, the outdoor skeptic, on light landliving (11-24)

Joseph Taylor III’s update on housing search (11-24)Jimmy Two-Guns on Armory/Outlook conditions (11-24)

Calvin of the Steel Guitar looks back (11-26)

Brenda on her son outside and herself inside at the Overlook shelter (11-26)

Cooper on the latest parking lot eviction (11-26)

Jorge, first man arrested at Benchlands, (11-26)

Kathi and Rory on Section 8 landlord abuses (11-26)

Dreamcatcher holding it together, down, angry, but still there (11-26)

Flashback show to show May 2, 2002 features:
Lots of talk throughout about the Homeless Encampment “Sleep Summit” upcoming in Santa Cruz.

Steve Weiss’s HUFF-UCSC  report

Cops recover the Huffmobile after a chase

Musicmaker Mike True on anti-homeless music at Yuppie Planter (next to New Leaf) and a bust for offering CD’s for donation on Beach St. from “Sticky Fingers” Butchie Baker.”

Lighthouse Linda” Lemaster on the Summit and local Green Party’s problems with its in-power mayor.

Poetry aplenty by phone with Julia Vinograd

Olympia WA caller on the Summit and past SCPD anti-assembly actions.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show 11-24-22 will stream at 6 PM today and be available as an archive: Today’s show is a Flashback to Feb. 14, 2008 featuring Measure K (Lowest Marijuana Enforcement) and San Jose Copwatch Interview

The 11-24-22 Show is a Flashback to February 14, 2008; it includes:

Revealing Santa Cruz City Council and SCPD collusion in sabotaging the citizen-initiated Measure K making private marijuana use the lowest enforcement priority for the SCPD.

Brian Parquette’s bad times at the Bookshop Coonerty where cops followed him into the public restroom to hassle him for grass.

Caller David on the authoritarian Coonerty clan and selective enforcement.

Anti-warriors divided & conquered: ​

Berkeley street protests pro and con re: Marine murderer recruitment; a City Council resolution “unwelcoming” them.  

San Jose Copwatchers defend themselves—an interview with Brian Helmsley.