Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 11-20-22 streams at and will archive shortly after at 9:30 AM-3 PM Rita Carmona on the Strike and Benchlands Aftermath ; Carol Denney’s Berkeley Update; Flashback to April 3, 2008

On the 11-20-22 show:

Flashback to 4-3-2008 show:

  • NYC’s Robert Lederman of Street Artists and Vendors Union A.R.T.I.S.T (Artists’ Response to Illegal State Tactics) on his successful struggle against Mayor Guilliani
  • S.C. Petitioners on Patrol:  Mike Jolson on the fight to legalize hemp and grass; Dan Cooper on managing petitioners
  • Iraqi war critique:
  • More analysis and criticism of the Bush troop surge.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show 11-17-22 will stream and archive shortly at 6 PM today: City Mangler Huffaker’s Sunny Final Solution to the Benchlands Question; Heavyheart Helga on the Felton Scene

On today’s 11-17-22 show:

Huddle with HUFF indoors against the cold while the City has no walk-in emergency shelter 10:45 AM -12:30 PM at 703 Pacific–Sub Rosa Cafe Thursday 11-17

HUFF Agenda Prospects 11-17-22 

 ++++  Time keeper; Pass-arounds aplenty; street reports  

 ++++  Meagre report from S.C. Shitty Council meeting Tuesday; Stupes meeting coming 11-22

 ++++   Action Ideas:  Visiting Ratner or new Mayor Keeley 

  ++++  Graduate Student Strike Update from Rita by phone.   

  ++++  Dividing the Benchlands follow-up contact list.  Callers wanted.

  ++++  Shelter shuffling—reports  Watcher wanted! 

  ++++  Lawsuit prospects: Getting accounts of Benchlands barbarity by City Removers. 

  ++++  Correcting and Updating the SC Free Guide:  

  ++++​  (1 hr, 30 min, 45 sec into file)

   ++++  Strategies for Fighting Likely Future Post-Benchland Demolitions (Loudmouth Tactics, Self-Starter Legal Options, Contact & Follow-Up, Community Support Gathering, Narrative Corrections Publicly); Laura & Rita: working on a “Know Your Rights” card

   ++++  Leave messages, updates at Posting Board at FNB Town Clock meal  noon-3 pm  daily

    ++++  Felton Follies against the groundsleepers; service cutbacks there—a report     ++++  City Mangler’s Report:

     ++++  RV crackdown on Delaware Ave? 

   ++++  Reports on  new Overlook RV Camp and Church/Biz Vehicular Campers:   Watcher?  

   ++++  Bay Area Stories:   

   ++++  Berkeley RV Success: “Berkeley vehicle dwellers win settlement in court” by Berkeley Copwatch in Street Spirit November 2022 p. 3. 

    ++++  Possible Mad Power Committee Report (if any): Report that 5150’s now go directly to Dominican: Conservatorship C.A.R.E. courts, out-of-county deportation, inadequate Reiss protections; Carvalho update, reports on recent 5150’s   Volunteers?  

    ++++  Homeless Expenditure Data Cruncher Wanted

    ++++  Long-time Laura’s discussion group following the HUFF meeting to relax, debrief, exchange info, discuss stuff from the end of the HUFF meeting—Meeting begins 12:30 p.m. or whenever HUFF ends.

              November issues of Street Spirit and Street Sheet are available at the UN Association at 903 Pacific well as at the Sub Rosa Cafe next to the Bike Church or by contacting HUFF at 831-423-4833.  The main branch of the Public Library contains the current November issue and back issues.  Last month’s edition and back issues are also available for viewing at   The editor is interested in local homeless stories by or about local folks—homeless or housed.   Contact Bathrobespierre at HUFF. 

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 11-13-22 streams at and will archive shortly after at 9:30 AM-3 PM Reports from Satya Orion, Brent Adams, and Becky Johnson Flashback to June 16, 2005

On today’s 11-13-22 show [all interviews on 11-12]:

  • 10-15: Phone chat with community activist Satya Orion on living the unmasked life with microwave sensitivity 
  • Satya on Mike Mattingly’s trial for night gathering on Cowell Beach (
  • Beggarbacker Becky Johnson updates the scattering odyssey of the Lapis Road vehicular residents. 
  • Backstory Brent Adams savages and salvages the service providers in the longest Adams interview ever. 
  • Deconstructing in part the misleading & out-of-date Santa Cruz Free Guide: 
  • Personal & professional memories of Paul Lee—the good and the not-so. 


The June 16, 2005 Flashback: 

  • Busted at City Council on Rotkin’s orders—Bathrobespierre’s view. 
  • Street Interviews: Alia’s false arrest 
  • Mike Metzer on Referee Basket’s “justice”—151 hours for jaywalking and hackeysacking  
  • Quarter Meal Troubles in Berkeley 
  • Bottleneck (Mark Donnell) and Duncan on cartpusher recyclers, street news (Tele Times) and imagined camp sanctuaries 
  • Julie Vinograd reads her poem “The Promised Land” 
  • Affordable housing?  Scott Beasley, Disability and Gretchen Regenheart at the S.C. Board of Stupes
  • [Music throughout from Working, a musical by Studs Terkel]

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show 11-10-22 will stream and archive shortly at 6 PM today: RV struggles in Sebastopol and Berkeley; Dreamcatcher and J.C. Orton Interviews

On the 11-10-22 show:
J.C. Orton Interview: Fund-Manager for money-poor conserved Berkeley residents and lead distributor of the Street Spirit monthly homeless newspaper.

Orton on the impacts and aftermath of COVID; religious questions as a Catholic Worker guy.

Copwatch update on successful lawsuit for Berkeley RV’s in the November 2022 issue of Street Spirit.

Catching up with Dreamcatcher in the abusive aftermath of the Benchlands demolitions.

An announced baptism in the San Lorenzo river by Father Joel Miller & a snappy reply or two from Hamocklover Hank

HUFF meets today, likely indoors, at Sub Rosa to brood on Election Debacle and Benchlands Wasteland 10:45 AM for about 2 hours 11-10-22

HUFF Agenda Prospects11-10-22

 ++++  Long-time Laura’s discussion group following the HUFF meeting to relax, debrief, exchange info, discuss stuff from the end of the HUFF meeting—Meeting begins 12:30 p.m. or whenever HUFF ends. 

 ++++  Time keeper; Pass-arounds aplenty; street reports   

 ++++   Election Results; HUFF response; Visiting Ratner or the new Mayor 

  ++++  Graduate Student Strike Update 

  ++++  Shelter shuffling—reports  Watcher wanted! 

  ++++  Organizing against Future Demolition: maintaining contact with Benchlands refugees and the many others outside: Callers wanted!  

  ++++   Lawsuit prospects: making use of Benchlands and Union sign-up’s. 

   ++++  HUFF at UCSC organizing—possible report from the video journalists 

   ++++  Strategies for Fighting Likely Future Post-Benchland Demolitions (Loudmouth Tactics, Self-Starter Legal Options, Contact & Follow-Up, Community Support Gathering, Narrative Corrections Publicly); Laura’s Meeting 

   ++++  Shitty Council Meeting Next Tuesday 11-15 

   ++++  Monitoring Homeless Violence but no Posting Board at FNB: Volunteer? 

    ++++  Felton Follies against the groundsleepers; service cutbacks there—a report 

   ++++  City Mangler’s Quarterly Report (from 10-25 Council Meeting) 

Part 1: (58 minutes in) 

Part 2: (30 minutes in)  

   ++++  RV crackdown on Delaware Ave? 

   ++++  Reports on  new Overlook RV Camp:   Watcher?  

   ++++  Bay Area Stories:   

Oakland Encampment Sweep Policy:  

   ++++  Berkeley RV Success: “Berkeley vehicle dwellers win settlement in court” by Berkeley Copwatch in Street Spirit November 2022 p. 3. 

    ++++  Possible Mad Power Committee Report (if any): Report that 5150’s now go directly to Dominican: Conservatorship C.A.R.E. courts, out-of-county deportation, inadequate Reiss protections; Carvalho update, reports on recent 5150’s   Volunteers?  

    ++++  Homeless Expenditure Data Cruncher Wanted 

              November issues of Street Spirit and Street Sheet are available at the UN Association at 903 Pacific well as at the Sub Rosa Cafe next to the Bike Church or by contacting HUFF at 831-423-4833.  The main branch of the Public Library contains the current November issue and back issues.  Last month’s edition and back issues are also available for viewing at   The editor is interested in local homeless stories by or about local folks—homeless or housed.   Contact Bathrobespierre at HUFF. 

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 11-6-22 streams at 9:30 AM-5 PM and will archive at at 9:30 AM Survivors of Benchlands and of the Shelters; Flashbacks: UCSC’s 2005 Tent University; April 21 & 24th Shows

As usual, the show will archive at, and will play on the net at

Brief written descriptions of many of these shows (so you know what you are getting into) are posted at  

Your friends can also sign up to receive advance notice of the content of the twice-weekly shows by e-mailing and asking to be put on the HUFF e-mail list.

On today’s 11-6-22 show:

  • 10-16: Jimmy “Two Guns” aka James Michael Gonzalez on
  • “Johnny Lunchbucket” denounces Benchlands residents and calls for stern authoritarian measures against Meth
  • Gregory Lee Smith—long-time Benchlands resident says “clean them out”, Leonard offered no alternatives
  • Seymour Slabb, 35-year Santa Cruz guitarist; Joe declaring Keith M. the defacto mayor; Mark Stefani
  • 11-5: “Touch of Tomorrow” Thomas on Fresno activism and shelter versus Santa Cruz Housing Matters alternative
  • “Just Watchin'” George on rental changes and rats-on-the-run

On the 4-21-05 FLASHBACK show:

  • 4-18:  Before the police assault on lockdown students:
  • Ben More’s NBC-11 interview with a Tent U activist.
  • Julia’s reports on UCSC bureaucrats Jean Ray Scott and Gale Heiss
  • Homeless students living on campus: Molly, Woodsie, and Chel comment
  • Police assault: Eric Robson on xxx; Body Marks, Film Student, films and reports.
  • Tony Pollay on police attack on one man; video journalist hassled; Joaquin on the arrests
  • Students lockdown; police use pain compliance holds
  • Felton Medical Marijuana provider Roger Mentch on his conviction for supplying medicine.
  • Phone calls from Dangerous John T. on Tent U status; Andrea on Mentch support; Anita Henri on controversial history of medical marijuana in S.C.
  • Becky J.’s attempted interview of UCSC Police boss Mickey Aluffi; Bob Lamonica’s caustic critic of Tent U

On the 4-24-05 FLASHBACK show:

  • 4-18: Continued police attack on the Tent U assembly
  • 4-18: Amanda, Sasha, Eric, Becky J., Kathy S., Linda L. & others on police encounters
  • 4-18: Amanda Blackley who wouldn’t leave
  • 4-14: Santa Cruz Mayor Mike Rotkin defends the Sleeping Ban & SCPD actions at Tent U.
  • Phone reactions from Walt, and Bob L.
  • 4-21: Downtown dialogue with drummers & more
  • Will Parish and Brigitara Issis of the Coalition of University Employees
  • Leelah calls in from the Psych Ward
  • Attorney Paul Sanford on John Maurer’s “Fuck the Pigs” sign in his cap

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show 11-3-22 will stream and archive shortly at 6 PM today: Last gasp of the Benchlands; Interviews with Barefoot Brad and Katzenjammer Keith

As usual, the show will archive at, and will play on the net at

Brief written descriptions of many of these shows (so you know what you are getting into) are posted at  

Your friends can also sign up to receive advance notice of the content of the twice-weekly shows by e-mailing and asking to be put on the HUFF e-mail list.

On today’s 11-3-22 show:

  • “Barefoot” Brad Schwartz—early 90’s homeless activist and his travels since.
  • Farewell to the Benchlands–Sea Otter, co-founder of The Free Guide reacts to the destructive demolition.
  • Miguel Portillo, former Benchlands resident—brief comments
  • “Katzenjammer” Keith McHenry–an afternoon’s Halloween on Pacific Ave….and updates.
  • Pushback:  Audio of the Aaron Mate Grey Zone segment interviewing Professor Sakwa  “Ukraine War Escalates as Diplomacy Disappears”

HUFFsters Assemble! Usual 10:45 AM- 12:30 PM meeting (Thursday 11-3) Sub Rosa Courtyard by the Bike Church 703 Pacific Seeking Legal Tools; Narrative Correction; & More!

Mostly housed participants.  With a few outside survivors coming by.   Scarf the carrots, cookies, coffee, and chatter.    Help expose the City’s lies about shelter/housing availability, peace & progressivism.   Focus on homeless accounts, civil liberties, and resistance through exposure.  Plus some election eve talk.  Bring guests, ideas, and agenda items. 

HUFF Meeting  11-3-22 

Agenda Prospects

  ++++  Time keeper; Pass-arounds aplenty; street reports  

  ++++  The Last Benchlands Bulldozing Report:

  ++++  Shelter shuffling—reports  Watcher wanted!

  ++++  Organizing against Future Demolition: maintaing contact with Benchlands refugees and the many others outside: Callers wanted!

  ++++   Lawsuit prospects: making use of Benchlands and Union sign-up’s.

   ++++  HUFF at UCSC organizing—possible report from the video journalists

   ++++  Strategies for Fighting Likely Future Post-Benchland Demolitions (Loudmouth Tactics, Self-Starter Legal Options, Contact & Follow-Up, Community Support Gathering, Narrative Corrections Publicly) 

   ++++  No Council Meeting Next Thursday

   ++++  Monitoring Homeless Violence but no Posting Board at FNB: Volunteer?

    ++++  Felton Follies against the groundsleepers; service cutbacks there—a report

   ++++  City Mangler’s Quarterly Report (from 10-25 Council Meeting)

Part 1: (58 minutes into the file)

Part 2: (30 minutes into the file)

   ++++  RV crackdown on Delaware Ave?

   ++++  Reports on  new Overlook RV Camp:   Watcher? 

   ++++  St Louis judge rules against free food distribution:

   ++++  New Footbridge Services Update: Report on FRSC at HUFF archives: (69 minutes into the audio file)

      ++++  Possible Homeless Reports from elsewhere  

    ++++  Possible Mad Power Committee Report (if any): Report that 5150’s now go directly to Dominican: Conservatorship threats, out-of-county deportation, Reiss protections; Carvalho update, Prepping for the C.A.R.E. courts and the current crushing of crazies.  If our weary researchers have any new info.

    ++++  Homeless Expenditure Data Cruncher Wanted

    ++++  Visiting Ratner and/or the new Mayor?

    ++++  New discussion group following the HUFF meeting to relax, debrief, exchange info, discuss stuff from the end of the HUFF meeting– approx 1 to 3 or thereabouts.

              November issues of Street Spirit and Street Sheet may be available next week (11-10)  Some October issues of Street SpiritI  are still available at the UN Association at 903 Pacific well as at the Sub Rosa Cafe next to the Bike Church or by contacting HUFF at 831-423-4833.  The main branch of the Public Library contains the current October issue and back issues.  Last month’s edition and back issues are also available for viewing at   The editor is interested in local homeless stories by or about local folks—homeless or housed.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 10-30-22 streams at 9:30 AM-3 PM and will archive at at 9:30 AM Benchlands Interviews aplenty Flashback to November 20, 2005

On today’s 10-30-22  show:

  • Deconstructing Mayor Brunner’s “report” to City Council [10-25]  on the City-County Two-by-Two Committee as she covers inaction with generalities and pretty hopes.
  • [10-23]  Long-timer Billy Joe Lowry compares earlier times at the Benchlands with now,  critiques the “alternate shelter” at the Armory & Overlook
  • [10-25]  Teena—a nurse’s quick sad observations;
  • [10-25]  Dreamcatcher interviewed on the Footbridge by the UCSC video crew and me; Rita bringing her UCSC crew to document her outrage;  Law student Rebecca joins Rita’s anger.
  • [10-29] “Red” on grim times (deaths, overdoses, rapes, thefts) from her personal experience in the Benchlands and ill treatment at the Armory.
  • [10-29]  ChoosenKnine raps on Benchlands bullshit; Monica living outside but visiting the Benchlands
  • [10-29]  Dreamcatcher’s “beat the bulldozers” moving plans to beat the 11-1 demolition, thoughts on Benchlands couples, and more
  • [10-29]  Kazoo on his early departure from the Benchlands; Justin’s caustic spotlight on SCPD abusers and kind words for Bathrobespierre.

Flashback to 11-20-05  show

  • Food festival folks reportedly gathering Hurricane Katrina funds
  • Poet Duck from Sacramento, Mikey Rat on squatting in Santa Cruz, Sienna from S.F. a UCSC psych student on yuppie prejudice.
  • Co-Host Anita Henri reports on the new Greenway medical marijuana dispensary
  • Musical interlude: “Children in a Cage” from Morgan Firestar’s No String Attached
  • Leprechaun David on Potter’s Hand  meals at Vet’s Hall
  • Michale Jean Sullivan plays Uncle Ray in the Mime Troupe’s Doing Good–Interview
  • A few verses of the HUFF song “Downtown” with S.C. Homeless lyrics
  • Henri on S.C. Public Works Department’s smearing of homeless recyclers as Scavengers.
  • “Scope it Out” Scott Graham on the Redemption Center Closing
  • Brief bits on the Metro Strike, a critique of SEIU leadership by Tim O’Hearn