Sort of Sunny weather at HUFF today Wednesday December 16 at the Sub Rosa Courtyard next to the Bike Church 11 AM, but bundle up–it’ll be cloudy.

Agenda Prospects
           When will the SCPD and their buddies hit the Felker St. encampments?  Will Harvey West be a refuge or a little Sunset Town?
          What to do if the Rains intensify, potentially flooding the Kramerville (the line of tents adjacent to Phil Kramer’s Coral Street Kingdom)?
​          Salinas Shitty Council–moving towards reform of the anti-homeless laws?
         The growing “Freedom Camp” Expands to the Duck Pond and Beyond–100 tents and still no adequate sanitation or drinking water?
         Play on-line memorial with Housing Mutters on 12-17 or Mingle with Real People 12-21 4 PM at Laurel and Pacific
         Descending Cold, Neither Roomkey nor Housekey nor Winter Shelter as December Whips In: Raising a Ruckus for Housing TakeOvers
         Other cities fightback:  Portland’s Red House Defense–a Lesson for Santa Cruz?

 With the return of propane-fueled heating compliments of Joe Schultz, calamity coffee from Sub Rosa’s smiling samaritan Jacin and veggies to chow down on provided by Glorious Gloria  as the death rate continues to climb.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides will broadcast today (12-13-20) 9:30 AM HUFF thinktankers struggle with knotty “Support the Unsheltered” problems Flashbacks to July 1990 as activists unite against SF’s “Illegal Lodging” Attack on the Poor Outside

THE SHOW ARCHIVED AT & accessible at your convenience.
LAST Reminder Time  If you haven’t already done so and want to continue receiving this HUFF e-mail notice of shows and other homeless activist updates, please respond to to keep them coming.

PHONE LINE ACCESS if we find a studio space we can rent around Santa Cruz.  Doesn’t have to be big.  10′ X 10′ will do, indoors or outdoors (we can build a shack if you supply the space).  Just needs electricity and internet access.  Phone tips into 831-423-4833.  Reward for finding a space for a year $300.

RADIO ACCESS means access to a tall tree or rooftop where we can place the antenna (or a key to the County Building attic).   In Covid-19 times, particularly important and helpful to those in vehicles or computerless outside so the community can speak its voice.

Phone in or e-mail us (

Norse’s Notes

A reported death from overdose from the Benchlands City-County campground, reportedly only accessible by van in the distant Delaveaga area.  “Camp Freedom” adjacent to the Lawn Bowling court above the Benchlands has reportedly grown to 100 tents expanding to the Duck Pond stage and even adjacent to the children’s playground but still lacks potable water and adequate sanitary facilities.  Park bathrooms still closed and locked.   No invitation to use the County building bathrooms during the day.   Adding insult to injury, the County has set up a series of fences around “its property” adjacent to the park and the Lawn Bowling court.

As the rains pour down, there is no word of supplies, portapotties, trash pick-up’s (except by generous private folks), or–most importantly–a place to go when the rains hit from the many fenced-off tents along hiway 1 next to the ironically named Housing Matters  (more accurate title: Funding Matters) sign seeking more donations for the do-little Coral St. complex. 

Some NOMAD [Needs Oriented Movement Assistance and De-escalation] workers are discussing support action for refugee campgrounds appearing at Harvey West and elsewhere. In the past NOMAD assisted survival campers move when Nature or City Mangler Martin Bernal issues new deportation edicts or when real flooding threatened homeless encampments.   The reality of increasingly cold Winter nights still hasn’t stirred warm-and-cozy City and County bureaucrats to set up Warming Areas much less Winter Shelter–with Footbridge Services activist Brent Adams, struggling to make his storage, shelter, laundry, and shower services scale-able upwards to accommodate the growing needs of those outside.

City Council’s lead Uncle Tom Justin Cummings & and his go-to Big Daddy Supervisor Ryan Coonerty have done nothing to open walk-in emergency Winter Shelter as temperatures drop.  Nothing was done at the 12-8 Shitty Council Agenda on that subject.   With the exploding number of deaths and hospitalizations by COVID-19 [over 50 on 12-12], there is no reported effort to move those in the many unhealthy congregate shelters (Veteran’s Hall, Laurel St., Paul Lee, Armory) to single room protection.

Neither City nor County has offered an accurate and up to date accounting of their outlays from Project Roomkey and Project Housekey funds.   It took many months for now-dead disabled elder Bob Rees to find a temporary shelter with shelters full and waiting lists long.  And word has not reached us that either City or County have applied for expanded Newsom’s Project funds.  While the delay in scheduled evictions from motels is a positive sign (forced on the authorities by the escalating hospitalization and death rate), it doesn’t protect those stuck outside while buildings remain vacant.

The Beach St. ban on Latinx vendors continues–unless they have brick and mortar businesses, of course.

City Council newbies Sonja Brunner and Shebreh Kalatari-Johnson have been seated and the Council scurried to its warm homes for the winter until second Tuesday in January (and then only “accessible” through the faulty Zoom process).  The Deborah Elston Volunteer Homeless Harassment squad (under Chief Mills authority) continues to harass vehicular moms and activists like SC Homeless Union activist Alicia Kuhl. 

NOMAD continues to plan meetings and stay active to provide emergency moving assistance to unhoused folks facing natural and SCPD-created emergencies.      Call 226-998 for more information.


XXX  David Rovics vs. Establishment Media on Barricades Defending Portland’s Red House

XXX  HUFF [Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom] thinktanking from its last[12-9] meeting: Discussing Civil Disobedience–If Vacant Buildings are the Crime, how do we end this criminal behavior?

XXX  HUFF musings:  Harvey West? The Sports Arena?  UCSC Campus?  Santa Cruz Refuge for Unhoused Refugees–or the next Autonomous Zone?

XXX  “Whip ’em Into Shape” Wes White fields skepticism from Bathrobespierre Robert Norse on hopes for the incoming Salinas City Council, reports on sweep monitoring and resistance by a coalition of homeless defenders.

XXX   Katty Komments from Kazenjammer Keith McHenry

XXX  HUFF musings:  More on strategy and background preparatory to Campground Defense and Vacant Housing Takeovers

FLASHBACK Bits from July 1990 and thereabouts

XXX  July 16, 1990 Speak-Out and “Illegal Lodging” Sleep-Out in San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza adjacent to then-Mayor Art Agnos’s City Hall in the wake of “Illegal Lodging” sweeps including poets Sarah Menefee and Jack Herschman, Oakland Union of the Homeless activists Dorothy King and Gerald, a shitload of angry service providers, and many more.

XXX  July 18, 1990 Songs and analysis of the Sleep-Out; Slogans and Shouting at a Homeless March to Agnos’s House

XXX  Clips from the Jolly Roger Comedy Troupe mocking the authoritarian NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) and its attacks on Free Radio Berkeley.

XXX  Political Prisoner and Reporter Mumia Abu Jamal in 1990 and Colin Kaepernick on Mumia in 2020.
Summary descriptions of current and earlier shows after mid-November 2017 are posted at

Earlier descriptions (back to 2005) are often available at .  A listing of where flashbacks to earlier times can be
found will soon be available.


Recent Past Shows are Described at 

Recent Past Shows are Archived separately at  

Many Pre-2017 Shows are Described at

Many Pre-2017 Shows are Archived at

Archives prior to 2004 are at 

For Flashbacks before 1995, go to and search for “Flashback”

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides netcast streams tonight 12-10-20 at 6 PM at Police Execution Gang in L.A., Christine Jacobs on SCPD Harassment, J.C. Orton’s Berkeley Report, Keith McHenry Remembers Bob Rees

To hear this show at a time of your choosing, Check Out  later tonight. 

Reminder for those who haven’t already responded:  If you wish to continue receiving these updates and haven’t already e-mailed your interest, please send an e-mail to


xxx  Christine Jacobs speaks out about an abusive police stop last month.

xxx  Kim Brown of  You-Tube’s “Burn it Down””Was Andres Guardado the Target of a Police gang initiation”

xxx  Keith McHenry remembers Bob Rees, died on the streets.

xxx  Shama Sawant of Seattle on Demanding Cuts in the Budget for Police Violence (30 minutes into the video file)

xxx  Castaway Cooper’s “Freedom Camp” Update from San Lorenzo Park

xxx  A Neighbor Ponders the Deb Elston Protests (on archives only).

Hunker down with HUFF at the Sub Rosa Courtyard next to the Bike Church 11 AM Wednesday December 9 or look in earlier at the threatened police raid on the Felker St. encampments near the old Camp Paradise site behind Footbridge Services

Agenda Prospects
           Support for the Threatened Eviction-with-no-place-to-go for the Felker St. encampments
​          A Wincing Look at the new City Clownsil and its last meeting of the Year
         “Freedom Camp” Expands to the Duck Pond and Beyond–100 tents and still no adequate sanitation or drinking water?
         4 Hour 22nd Annual Homelessness Marathon from 3 PM to 7 PM 9-9  listen here:
Call-in number during the broadcast: 877-NOBODY-8 (877-662-6398)
         RV Responses to Terrorist Ticketing from the Gruesome Gentry & Follow-Up on Pushing Back Against the Vigilante “Volunteer” Cops
         Descending Cold, Neither Roomkey nor Housekey nor Winter Shelter as December Whips In
         Other cities fightback:  Santa Barbara and Sacramento with Lawsuits, Los Angeles with Squatting

 With a third round of propane-fueled heating provided by Joe Schultz, consternation coffee brewed by the Sub Rosa Barrista and other veggie delights to snack on gathered by Glorious Gloria for all the masked wanderers reporting from the boonies.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides will broadcast today (12-06-20) 9:30 AM and be archived as well. Updates & Arguments on Masking, Vehicular Home Security, S.C. Shitty Council, & bits from Berkeley, Fresno & Sacramento. Flashbacks: 1992 Police Review

THE SHOW ARCHIVED AT & accessible at your convenience.
LAST Reminder Time  If you haven’t already done so and want to continue receiving this HUFF e-mail notice of shows and other homeless activist updates, please respond to to keep them coming.

PHONE LINE ACCESS if we find a studio space we can rent around Santa Cruz.  Doesn’t have to be big.  10′ X 10′ will do, indoors or outdoors (we can build a shack if you supply the space).  Just needs electricity and internet access.  Phone tips into 831-423-4833.  Reward for finding a space for a year $300.

RADIO ACCESS means access to a tall tree or rooftop where we can place the antenna (or a key to the County Building attic).   In Covid-19 times, particularly important and helpful to those in vehicles or computerless outside so the community can speak its voice.

Phone in or e-mail us (

Norse’s Notes

No further reports from the Benchlands City-County campground moved to the distant Delaveaga area: if you’ve got any, phone ’em in.  “Camp Freedom” adjacent to the Lawn Bowling court above the Benchlands has reportedly grown to 100 tents, but still lacks potable water and adequate sanitary facilities.  Park bathrooms remain closed and locked.   No invitation to use the County building bathrooms during the day.  

No word of supplies, portapotties, trash pick-up’s (except by generous private folks), or a place to go when the rains hit from the many fenced-off tents along hiway 1 next to the humorously named Housing Matters  (actually–Funding Matters). 

No reports from NOMAD workers. In the past NOMAD assisted survival campers move when Nature or City Mangler Martin Bernal issues new deportation edicts.   The reality of increasingly cold Winter nights still hasn’t stirred warm-and-cozy City and County bureaucrats into setting up badly-needed restroom, food, water, and charging services for the overwhelming majority of those outside.

City Council’s lead Uncle Tom Justin Cummings & and his go-to Big Daddy Supervisor Ryan Coonerty have done nothing to open emergency Winter Shelter as temperatures drop.  Nothing is on the 12-8 Shitty Council Agenda on that subject, leaving Brent Adams’ expanded makeshift Warming Center likely to be overwhelmed in spite of his best efforts to maintain scalability.  With the expanding number of deaths and hospitalizations by COVID-19, there is no reported effort to move those in the many congregate shelters (Veteran’s Hall, Laurel St., Paul Lee) to single room residences.

No offered accounting of City and County outlays from Project Roomkey and Project Housekey to identify the vulnerable homeless population ignored.  And word has not reached us that either City or County have applied for expanded Newsom’s Project funds.  Some who were lucky enough or persistent enough to get a motel room do report the planned evictions have been postponed as the state has moved closer to lockdown.

Vendors are still banned on Beach St. sidewalks unless they have brick and mortar businesses, of course.

City Council is likely to get worse with the arrival of Council newbies Sonja Brunner and Shebreh Kalatari-Johnson.  Chief Andy Mills’ home-seizures (for those in vehicles) is continuing. 

NOMAD (Needs Oriented Movement Assistance and De-escalation) continues to plan meetings and actually act to assist vehicle dwellers under police and vigilante threat from “Dirty Hands” Deb Elston’s “volunteers”.      Call 226-998 for more information.


XXX  COVID-19 Cries and Conundrums–“Dangerous” John Thielking in Eugene Demands Masking, Fact-Checking on the Danish “No Clear Evidence that Masks Protest the Wearer” Study

( )

XXX  More from John Malkin’s “Refund the Community” Interview with attorneys Elizabeth Caballero and Jonathan Gettleman (full interview:

XXX  Activist Alicia Kuhl and a Local Nurse exchange thoughts with Bathrobespiere Robert at a 12-1 Food Not Bombs  meal.

XXX  James-in-the-Sunshine gives a gloomy account of Berkeley’s latest electoral defeat.

XXX  City Council’s last “meeting” of the year with the new perps seated and no action on rent ruination and police puffery.

XXX  A Look-In at Sacramento and a Fresno report from FRSC veteran Mathew Embri

XXX  Another regular report from “Katzenjammer’ Keith McHenry

XXX  Kim Brown interviews Ricci Sergienko on police crushing L.A. housing takeover:

XXX  Jimmy Dore interviews Glenn Greenwald on media censorship.  Longer interview at


XXX  March 1992 KZSC radio interviews Margaret Marr and John Malkin about the need for strong civilian police review in Santa Cruz in the days when that seemed to be a possible solution to police violence.

XXX  Spring 1992 Many voices at a City Council Study Session denouncing and defending the SCPD in the civilian police review board creation debate.

Summary descriptions of current and earlier shows after mid-November 2017 are posted at .  Earlier descriptions (back to 2005) are often available at .  A listing of where flashbacks to earlier times can be
found will soon be available.


Recent Past Shows are Described at 

Recent Past Shows are Archived separately at  

Many Pre-2017 Shows are Described at

Many Pre-2017 Shows are Archived at

Archives prior to 2004 are at 

For Flashbacks before 1995, go to and search for “Flashback” 

Act Locally or Regret Later 

  • Demand NO SWEEPS OF THE HOMELESS ENCAMPMENTS without real alternatives.  Join the groups
    listed below, and/or start your own support group to stop the continued “whack-a-mole” SCPD and Public Works “disappear the homeless” approach that now threatens their health & the broader Community’s as well.
  • Volunteer for homeless civil rights or service programs that actually serve:  Food Not Bombs, Day/Night Storage, HUFF, SC Homeless Union, Your Allied Rapid Response (YARR), Sub Rosa Cafe, NOMAD and others mentioned on Instagram. 
  • Join Black Lives Matter protests to demand funding community aid not police force, the end of homeless
    harassment, and true community action to restore resources to all of us.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides netcast streams tonight 12-03-20 at 6 PM at & archived at The Santa Barbara RV lawsuit, Jail Expose by Gettleman & Caballero & Cooper’s Campground Catch-up

To hear this show at a time of your choosing, Check Out  later tonight. 
Reminder for those who haven’t already responded:  If you wish to continue receiving these updates and haven’t already e-mailed your interest, please send an e-mail to


xxx  War on RV’s in Santa Monica and Santa Cruz, but Santa Barbara fights back with a lawsuit.

xxx  Attorneys Caballero and Gettleman Expose Abusive S.C. Jail Conditions in the Death-by-Water Tamario Smith case (

xxx  Castaway Cooper’s “Freedom Camp” Update from San Lorenzo Park

xxx  A Neighbor Ponders the Deb Elston Protests (on archives only).

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides streams (11-22-20) at 9:30 AM-3 PM and is archived at . White on Salinas Activist Revival, Survival Counters Dry Out at Food Not Bombs, Care-for-all Cooper’s


Still Another Reminder Again!  If you haven’t already done so and want to continue receiving this HUFF e-mail notice of shows and other homeless activist updates, please respond to to keep them coming.

WE WANT THAT PHONE LINE !  but it won’t happen unless we can find a studio space we can rent around Santa Cruz.  Doesn’t have to be big.  10′ X 10′ will do, indoors or outdoors (we can build a shack if you supply the space).  Just needs electricity and internet access.

AND HOW ABOUT GOING BACK ON THE RADIO?! That means simply access to a tall tree or rooftop where we can place the antenna.   In Covid-19 times, this is particularly important so the community can talk to itself without the ridiculous limitations of Zoom, etc.

Phone in (423-4833) or e-mail us ( tips on where we might find either a studio space and a place to put our antenna.  $300 reward for finding us the studio space.   Eternal gratitude for finding an antenna location.  

Dress Warm for Courtyard Powwow at HUFF–Assembling without Apology again at the Sub Rosa Courtyard next to the Bike Church 11 AM Wednesday December 2, 2020 703 Pacific

Agenda Prospects
           New City Clownsil Antics in the Offing–the 2021 Council Convenes Next Tuesday 
         The Growing “Freedom Camp” Numbers With City & County Still Ignoring Sanitation & Water Needs
         Separating the Real from the Rhetorical Reforms in Chief Mills’s 17 Point Dog-n-Pony Show
         Researching RV Responses to Terrorist Ticketing from the Gruesome Gentry
         Descending Cold, Neither Roomkey nor Housekey nor Winter Shelter as December Whips In
         Out-of-Town Reports from Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, Berkeley
         …and Other Shivery Surprises

 with a second round of outdoor heating again provided by Joe Schultz, consternation coffee brewed by the Sub Rosa Barrista and other veggie delights to snack on plus other masked wanderers reporting from the outskirts

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides will broadcast today (11-29-20) 9:30 AM and be archived as well. Battlecries from NOMAD’s Steavn, Bad Temper Brent, Lighthouse Linda, Cornerstone Carol, Dreadeye, Pirate & More + May 1994 Sitting Ban Struggle


Description on the bottom….

Reminder Time  If you haven’t already done so and want to continue receiving this HUFF e-mail notice of shows and other homeless activist updates, please respond to to keep them coming.

PHONE LINE ACCESS WANTED !  but it won’t happen unless we can find a studio space we can rent around Santa Cruz.  Doesn’t have to be big.  10′ X 10′ will do, indoors or outdoors (we can build a shack if you supply the space).  Just needs electricity and internet access..  Phone tips into 831-423-4833.
RADIO ACCESS TOO!  which means access to a tall tree or rooftop where we can place the antenna (or a key to the County Building attic).   In Covid-19 times, particularly important and helpful to those in vehicles or computerless outside so the community can speak its voice.

Phone in or e-mail us ( helpful suggestions on where we might find either a studio space and a place to put our antenna.  $300 reward for finding us the studio space.   Babble aplenty for all for finding us an antenna location.  

Norse’s Notes

Phone reports indicate the Benchlands City-County campground residents have largely been moved to the distant Delaveaga area–for which, no reports yet.  “Camp Freedom” the 50-tent mini village adjacent to the Lawn Bowling court reports inadequate sanitary facilities and a pressing need for potable water.   San Lorenzo bathrooms remain shut and there has been no invitation to use the County building bathrooms.   The same crucial shortages plague the Hiway 1 camps though it is adjacent to the many fenced-off services of the deceptively named Housing Matters  (proposed truth-in-advertising name Funding Matters).  The City and County have made no provision for predicted December rains, likely put the many camps underwater.

Survival campers near the Tannery have reportedly been driven off, with NOMAD workers reportedly assisting them in moving but not necessarily to any basic service access.  The reality of increasingly cold Winter nights still hasn’t stirred warm-and-cozy City and County bureaucrats into setting up badly-needed restroom, food, water, and charging services for the overwhelming majority of those outside.

Assistant City Mangler Susie O’Hara has reportedly stepped away or been dumped from her position as puff piece pusher and ardent apologist, backing of Mangler Martin Bernal’s inflated and false shelter claims in the sweeping of earlier survival camps in San Lorenzo Park and Ross. 

City Council’s lead Uncle Tom Justin Cummings & and his go-to Big Daddy Supervisor Ryan Coonerty have done nothing to open emergency Winter Shelter as temperatures drop.  Nor have either moved to relieve the risk of the many congregate shelters (Veteran’s Hall, Laurel St., Paul Lee) as the second wave of COVID-19 hits. 

And Brent Adams of the Warming Center overflow shelter has expanded his rented space, but still awaits support from the City money managers.  He notes the County is willing to spend $2000 per person and $1 million a year for the well-managed but absurdly expensive Benchlands (now Delaveaga) campground, but won’t even provide the limited Winter Shelter traditional at this time of year to stem the homeless suffering as winter sets in.  No offered accounting of City and County outlays from Project Roomkey and Project Housekey to identify the vulnerable homeless population ignored.  And word has not reached us that either City or County have applied for Newsom’s Project funds.

While a number of vulnerable unhoused are temporarily in the safer motel shelter, most of those “sheltered” are warehoused in the unhealthy group shelters–and even those shelters have waiting lists as the SCPD and its “social worker” allies pass out alleged available resource lists.   

Vendors on Beach St. sidewalks continue to be banned, breaking promises to take action by October to redress the situation. 

Chief Andy Mills police “reforms” backed by his City Council go-to Justin Cummings were unanimously ratified by the Council at its final November meeting before the “new” Council sashays in 2nd Tuesday in December.  They provide no police defunding and were done with screened public input and a shrunken public comment period on November 24th.

NOMAD (Needs Oriented Movement Assistance and De-escalation) continues to plan meetings and actually act to assist vehicle dwellers under police and vigilante threat from “Dirty Hands” Deb Elston’s “volunteers”.      Call 226-998 for more information.


XXX “Cornerstone” Carol Denney tells of Berkeley gloom in the wake of the 2020 local elections.

XXX  May 1994 Mini Flashback to May 13 as Mayor Kennedy ducks the microphone after the infamous May 11 police riot at the
successful Sitting Ban protests at Cathcart and Pacific.

XXX  S.F. Chronicle columnist Otis R. Taylor Jr. on Vallejo police beating and bribing in the recent Carl Edwards case: 

XXX  “Lighthouse” Linda Lemaster on the latest chapter of her Watsonville fire aftermath odyssey and a plea for help.

XXX  Artist and activist “Dreadeye” (Randolph Talley III) denounces police assault, two weeks jailing, and multiple charges near San Lorenzo Park.

XXX  Footbridge Services activist Brent Adams denounces the City’s failure to open Winter Shelter, describes his expansion of the Warming Center, attacks other activists as focused on a political agenda rather than actual houseless people, and gives some updates.

XXX  Steavn (that’s how he spells it) of NOMAD (Needs Oriented Movement Assistance and De-escalation) provides another helpful update, as he does Food Not Bombs clean-up.

XXX  “Pirate” (Marty Mirabel) tells of ticketing, turmoil, and the troubles of lone outside living.
XXX   SC Homeless Union  Prez Alicia Kuhl briefly describes the latest from the dormant-but-not-dead Union (my interpretation not hers)

FLASHBACK to May 1994 in the wake of Mass Protests Against the Sitting Ban & the “Progressive” Council’s
anti-homeless Downtown Ordinances

XXX  Many speakers weigh in in an Afternoon protest of May 18, 1994 in front of Neil Coonerty’s Bookshop Santa Cruz after Coonerty led a campaign to empower police against street people and unhoused folks downtown and in other business districts.

XXX  Analysis of the Aftermath: “Redtop” Robert Flory, “Jacklight” John Hamilton, and “Bathrobespierre”
Robert Norse discuss the protests and give us a peek into planned events…way back then.

Summary descriptions of current and earlier shows after mid-November 2017 are posted at .  Earlier descriptions (back to 2005) are often available at .  A listing of where flashbacks to earlier times can be
found will soon be available.


Recent Past Shows are Described at 

Recent Past Shows are Archived separately at  

Many Pre-2017 Shows are Described at

Many Pre-2017 Shows are Archived at

Archives prior to 2004 are at 

For Flashbacks before 1995, go to and search for “Flashback”

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides netcast streams tonight 11-26-20 at 6 PM at & archived at More on Darkside Deborah Elston’s Volunteer Vigilante Police

To hear this show at a time of your choosing, Check Out  later tonight. 
Reminder for those who haven’t already responded:  If you wish to continue receiving these updates and haven’t already e-mailed your interest, please send an e-mail to


xxx  Witnesses to claims of false ticketing and assaulting an individual with a vehicle and then attempting to leave the scene blow the whistle on Volunteer Officer #502 Deborah Elston and her companions.

xxx  Return to Lot #27–a Food Not Bombs/Community Thanksgiving Meal at Front and Laurel: Sharing Food and Feelings

xxx  Vexed Vehicle Dwellers and their Allies outside Darkside Debbie’s home invite her to discuss the implications of her ticketing terrorism–threatening the only homes some poor folks have.