Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides for 4-6-23 is a Flashback to 6-21-96. Bathrobespierre Robert was off to jail. S.F. Food Not Bombs staged a farewell event at the jail. Becky Johnson hosted Bathrobespierre-in-Jail broadcasts

Sound quality is very low.  If you can boost up the volume on your speaker, do so.
The June 21, 1996 Flashback includes: 

  • Background and Context of the June 21st Flashback as Bathrobespierre Robert checks in for a 2-month jail sentence for serving free food in San Francisco with Food Not Bombs [FNB]
  • Speeches, Rage, and Revelry on the Steps of the Jail just before Bathrobespierre checks in
  • Whittier activist on FNB arrests there, Mr. Twister (aka Corey MacDonald), Diamond Dave, & others
  • Bathrobespierre’s report on the City Hall Sleepers Protest
  • Perp walk into jail
  • Report on day-to-day life in County jail by phone
  • S.C. Revolutionary Coalition Speeches on June 20th including Jim Cosner, Becky Johnson, Dragonsheart Dan Hopkins, & Others

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday April 2, 2023 show features Santa Cruz Cares activist Reggie Meisler on the vehicular resident struggle and two Flashbacks from July 1 and July 5 1996 featuring Bathrobespierre jailed for soup-serving in SF

The first 25 seconds of the show is somewhat garbled.  Apologies.
The current events section of the April 2, 2023 show includes:

Note:  Some of the July 1 Flashback is repeated.  Fast forward past the repetition as necessary.   The volume on the Flashbacks is low and may need boosting. The Flashback to the July 1, 1996 show (Bathrobbespierre’s Broadsides from S.F. County Jail #8) includes:

  • Beggarbacker Becky Johnson visits Bathrobespierre Robert Norse Kahn (#1472209) in Jail [6-28-96]
  • History of Bathrobespierre’s Involvement with Food Not Bombs [FNB] (he was jailed for serving food in S.F.)
  • Regrets about  the Jail stay
  • History of other “Food Criminals” in Santa Cruz and San Francisco
  • Life on the Glamour-Slammer.
  • Santa Cruz Opponents of Homeless Human Rights
  • The Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Radio Show
  • Proposed Strategies to End the Sleeping Ban in Santa Cruz; the Ban in Berkeley
  •  Why FNB won’t apply for nor accept permits nor go indoors.
  • FNB struggle: scorecard of recent victories
  • Why refuse probation when it’s offered?  Why an out-of-town judge called in for the case?

The Flashback to the July 5, 1996 show includes:

  • More from Bathrobespierre in Jail—Part 2 of Interview with Perusha Obluda, Palo Alto activist and broadcaster.
  • Obluda interviews Becky Johnson, discussing the S.C. Sleeping Ban, and Palo Alto Sitting Ban
  • Social Service SubCommittee Meeting (5-25) with Mike Rotkin, Scott Kennedy, and Jane Yokoyama
  • Phone Interview: “Mad Mike the Wonderdog” Balderos interviews Bathrobespierre Robert
  • Sealed Letter from Bookshop Santa Cruz owner Neal Coonerty Improperly Impacts Court
  • [7-3-23] Obluda’s intervew with Bathrobespierre Part One: Petitioning inside the jail for a Law Library
  • Another Becky Johnson interview with Bathrobespierre in Jail; B.J. on Father Mike Marini’s Church Shelter

In sunshine or in shade, HUFF meets Thursday April 6 10:45 a.m. at the Sub Rosa Cafe next to the Bike Church at 703 Pacific

Sip coffee and stumble through a stuffed agenda involving items like those listed below.

HUFF Meeting Prospects 4-6-23  

  ++++  Priorities, Pass-Arounds, Placeholder Runthrough & Hand-Outs   

  ++++  Street reports; Encampment and Shelter Updates 

  ++++  Further 3-28 City Council Review: Consent Agenda White-out on input, debate, and final vote even for items taken off agenda; Brown’s new day-before “requirement”

  ++++   Capitola landlord cracks down on Mobile Home owner/tenants: update?

  ++++   3-30 Sheriff’s Office 5200 Soquel Ave  6-7:30 PM  “A Community Discussion Concerning Safety in Santa Cruz” with Mayor “Fast Lane” Fred Keeley; Top Cop “Bust the Breadgivers” Bernie Escalante, “Friendly Fascism” Phil Kramer of Housing Smatters & other “Hide the Hungry” Povertycrats :  Possible Report.

  ++++   April 1st Protest of Fools—the Housing Smatters March and Festival: Report from the March

  ++++   Keith McHenry phone call and update.

  ++++   Reggie Meisler—Call and Update: archived on FRSC at

  ++++   Legislative updates on AB 920 (prohibiting discrimination based on housing status); SB 31 making it illegal to sit, lie, or camp within 1000′ 0f a daycare center, library, park or school; SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, making it easier to enforce involuntary and forced drugging and other “treatments”.

  ++++   Shelter ShutOut of Last Weeks and the next Weeks

  ++++   RV Victory: the Removal of Signs in the Coastal Zone: What Next?  Meisler at City Council;  Parking Authority on the Run?  Meisler call.  FRSC show archived at [110 minutes into the audio file]

  ++++  The disappearing Petition to restore Portapotty & Hand washing stations in dispersed survival camps; Ratner/Huffaker Visit.  Follow-Up? 

  ++++  Organizing to push Martin v. Boise pro per lawsuit activity using Robbie Powelson’s paper trail 

  ++++  Placeholder Reminders: Free Guide Verification, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes, City’s Token Vehicular Lodging Programs…
A Reminder:  Food Not Bombs is now serving only on the weekends noon-3 PM;  St. Francis may not yet be providing weekday indoor meals, only handing out meager bag lunches.
The City has still not released Public Records documenting its attack on Food Not Bombs food servers on March 10th at City Hall. On April 3, the City Records Dept. announced it was delaying a response to the March 23rd Public Record Act demand on the police attack to April 17th. 
No meaningful downtown walk-in shelter is available downtown during the day regardless of life-threatening weather.   Harassment of survival sleepers in public parking lots and garages continues.
City of Santa Cruz – 831-420-5010   Mayor Fred Keeley  –  City Manager Matt Huffaker – Police Chief  Bernie Escalante –

If anyone is interested in working on HUFF projects around local treatment of the “mentally ill”, recent arrests and tickets for unhoused 

folks in public places,, organizing for legal or direct action protest against the exclusion of those outside from protective buildings 

during storms or any other items on recent HUFF agendas, please contact me at 831-423-4833.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides for 3-30-23 is a Flashback to 7-16-2015. The Freedom Sleep-Outs at City Hall had begun; the Santa Cruz 11 Case was ending

The July 16-2008 Flashback includes:

  • Context and description of the 7-16-2015 flashback
  • Blaming the Homeless-Futile and Brutal: at the Homeless [Lack of] Services Center [HLOSC] and in the Media
  • Doc Mike on entrance requirements of the River St. mini-Shelter
  • Final Sell-Out of the Santa Cruz Eleven Case:  “Case Closed—A Kind of Resolution”
  • Courtroom Corridor Chatter with Gabreilla Ripley-Phipps & Others
  • Free Radio Broadcaster Ren Tawil, host of Mideast Madness, on the media coverage of the 9-11 attacks
  • Cleveland Eight Denounce Failure to Charge Criminal Cops in Tamir Rice Murder
  • Cyrus Evincio Mertado of Boulder Creek—shot and killed by Santa Cruz County Sheriffs Deputies
  • [7-13] Dave on the Impact of the Meal Shutoff at the HLOSC; Animal on Cutoff of Showers & Other Services
  • Craig the Thor on his sidewalk rock artwork; Johnny C. gives up on opening up a pass-along pantry
  • Leticia—35 year SC resident, forced out of her home by mold…. and other street reports

HUFF resumes its puffery Thursday March 30th 10:45 a.m. at the Sub Rosa Cafe next to the Bike Church at 703 Pacific

Back again with carrots, cookies, and caustic confusion.  Bundle up, bring friends.

HUFF Meeting Prospects 3-30-23  

  ++++  Priorities, Pass-Arounds, Placeholder Runthrough & Hand-Outs   

  ++++  Street reports; Police Bullying & Ticketing  

  ++++   3-28 City Council Review: Check out (towards the end of the file) and (at the beginning of the file).

  ++++   Capitola landlord cracks down on Mobile Home owner/tenants.

  ++++   3-30 Sheriff’s Office 5200 Soquel Ave  6-7:30 PM  “A Community Discussion Concerning Safety in Santa Cruz” with Mayor “Fast Lane” Fred Keeley; Top Cop “Bust the Breadgivers” Bernie Escalante, “Friendly Fascism” Phil Kramer of Housing Smatters & other “Hide the Hungry” Povertycrats 

  ++++   April 1st Protest of Fools—the Housing Smatters March 10 AM 4-1 from Cathcart and Cedar; Food Not Bombs banners

  ++++   Reggie Meisler—Call and Update: Victory at City Council Tuesday; Next Steps in Vehicular Homes Rights Struggle; Westcliff Sign Removal?

  ++++   Alicia Kuhl’s Press Conference Proposal and Call on the Vehicular Homes Struggle

  ++++   Legislative updates on AB 920 (prohibiting discrimination based on housing status); SB 31 making it illegal to sit, lie, or camp within 1000′ 0f a daycare center, library, park or school; SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, making it easier to enforce involuntary and forced drugging and other “treatments”.

  ++++   Weather Damage and Shelter ShutOut of Last Weeks and the next Weeks

  ++++  RV Victory: the Removal of Signs in the Coastal Zone: What Next?  Meisler at City Council;  Parking Authority on the Run?

  ++++  Weekly Thursday War supporting U.S. Arms and Cash to Ukraine Town Clock 3-28 4 PM

  ++++  Homeless Union Hibernation– Bagels and Badinage at 4 p.m.. Wednesday, 612 Ocean  3-22. 

  ++++  The disappearing Petition to restore Portapotty & Hand washing stations in dispersed survival camps; Ratner/Huffaker Visit.  Follow-Up? 

  ++++  Organizing to push Martin v. Boise pro per lawsuit activity using Robbie Powelson’s paper trail \

  ++++  Meisler Interview on Today’s Free Radio Net Show and Archive 6 PM and after at

  ++++  Placeholder Reminders: Free Guide Verification, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes, City’s Token Vehicular Lodging Programs…
A Reminder:  Food Not Bombs is now serving only on the weekends noon-3 PM;  St. Francis may not yet be providing weekday indoor meals, only handing out meager bag lunches.
The City has still not released Public Records documenting its attack on Food Not Bombs food servers on March 10th at City Hall. 
No meaningful downtown walk-in shelter is available downtown during the day regardless of life-threatening weather.   Harassment of survival sleepers in public parking lots and garages continues.
City of Santa Cruz – 831-420-5010   Mayor Fred Keeley  –  City Manager Matt Huffaker – Police Chief  Bernie Escalante –

If anyone is interested in working on HUFF projects around local treatment of the “mentally ill”, recent arrests and tickets for unhoused 

folks in public places,, organizing for legal or direct action protest against the exclusion of those outside from protective buildings 

during storms or any other items on recent HUFF agendas, please contact me at 831-423-4833.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday March 26, 2023 show features the McHenry report from Food Not Bombs, a Podcast interview with psychiatric journalist Robert Whitaker, and a fun Flashback to October 21, 2010 Not netcast, but archived

On the 3-26-2023 Show:

  • Throughout the show: selections from Peggy Seeger and Ewan MacColl’s Kilroy was Here 
  • Food Not Bombs [FNB] activist McHenry notes FNB’s dropping back to weekends only in its Town Clock feedings and his anticipation of a ramped-up war on the poor outside.
  • Town Clock Check-In: An anonymous vet & Dread-Eye on humiliating police targeting
  • “Dawn-to-Dusk” Drew on the FNB shift from weekday to weekend meals—and no reports of a crackdown.
  • “Hard Road” Helga on continuing bad news from those outside up in Felton
  • Miles, a recently returned to Santa Cruz, and the unnecessarily hard times created for those outside by authorities here and elsewhere
  • 3-28 Council Analysis of upcoming S.C. Shitty Council Agenda:  Items 14, 17, 25, 27 (Letter Supporting Increasing Conservatorship Powers, Downtown Library “Housing” Giveaway; Massive Expansion of Military Equipment Purchase Authority; Parking Space Excluding “Oversized” RVs) 
  • Russell Brand and Glen Greenwald on Mainstream Media Censorship:
  • “Bad Brain Chemistry” is not the cause of “mental illness”: 

The October 14, 2010 Flashback includes:

  •  [throughout: selections from Peggy Seeger’s topical songs from 80’s England & the vinyl Kilroy Was Here]
  •  Co-Host “Stick-it-to-’em” Steve Pleich co-hosting. Pleich reports on Homeless [Lack of] Service Center gala earlier and his plans to shmooze with City Attorney Barisone on the “receipts and no tickets if you’re on the HSC waiting list for a bed on a night when there’s no shelter” in the wake of the new MC 6.36.056…… 
  • Battleready Bob Patton of the Human Rights Organization  and United Veterans Council activist on endless struggle to reopen and reclaim control of the Vets Hall.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides for 3-23-23 will be largely a Flashback to 8-23-2008 where many of the Homies for the Homeless protest weighed in

Current Notes:

  • Cabrillo Estates Mobile Home Park tenants beg the Capitola Board of Supervisors/Planning Commission for legal help against a predatory landlord
  • Food Not Bombs under attack at the Town Clock and Elsewhere

Flashback to August 23, 2007

  • Santa Cruz refuses to annul Sleeping Ban as L.A., Richmond, and other cities follow the Court’s Jones settlement
  • Phony rationale by SCPD Spinmeister for closing down the Homies for the Homeless
  • 8-18-07  Chris Williams reports Homies being harassed at City Hall at 3 am, many driven away.
  • Amisa—eviction threat for talking with homeless or allowing them to visit—at 155 Felker St. apartments
  • Lighthouse Linda—in studio guest–on her experience as chair of the Homeless Issues Task Force
  • Razor Ray, Matt, De Moan & others on the Homies harassment and a proposed lawsuit
  • DeMoan organizes a meetings to prepare for dialogue with the Mayor

HUFF is taking a break today–NO MEETING Today March 23rd—Next meeting is Thursday March 30 at the usual place. Check below for some suggestions for between-meeting activity

A nasty combination of illness, weather-related power-out’s and computer problems is prompting a HUFF “recess” for this week.  Back again next Thursday, March 30th at 10:45 AM.  
In the meantime, HUFFsters are encouraged to keep their eye on the Food Not Bombs [FNB] situation at the Town Clock.   Though it’s not clear whether St. Francis Soup Kitchen has opened for sit-down hot meals, Food Not Bombs leaders voted Monday to shut down weekday meals and to serve only on weekends.  Recent threatening letters from the City to FNB activists  and direct police action March 10th at Parking Garage #10 and City Hall indicates police are now threatening force to stop the meals and may do the same at the Town Clock.   Health  permitting, I’ll be at the Town Clock noon on Saturday March 25th to watch and support FNB.
A rumored  agenda item on next Tuesday’s City Council meeting on 3-28 will focus police enforcement on banning panhandlers from medians.   This hasn’t been confirmed.
This is happening at the same tine as Keith McHenry of Food Not Bombs has posted the following on his facebook page after an emergency meeting yesterday: SANTA CRUEL CALIFORNIA – City launches new war on our homeless.  Hundreds of people are struggling to survive along Hy 9 in Santa Cruz during these winds and rain. They have no access to shelter as the Alert says.   People could be crushed by falling trees. One unhoused person who participated in our Food Not Bombs meeting last night reported that the city has not provided portable toilets at the huge camp along HY 9 and that their pit toilets are flooding into the camp. One woman had to have her foot amputated this week due to it becoming infected due to the lack of sanitation.   The  police are forcing people out of the empty city parking garages while leaving the Civic Auditorium and Warriors Stadium empty.Just imagine spending days in these atmospheric rivers with all your clothing soaked and no place to get dry.   People could be killed as a direct result of the cruel policies of city officials.   The city may attempt to close the Food Not Bombs weekend meals as part of their new campaign against the homeless.City of Santa Cruz – 831-420-5010   Mayor Fred Keeley  –  City Manager Matt Huffaker – Police Chief  Bernie Escalante –

HUFF adviser Laura Chatham passes on some  state legislative reminders:  

  • Support AB 920 (Bryan). This bill, which prohibits discrimination based on housing status, 
  • Oppose SB 31 (Jones)! SB 31, a bill which makes it a crime to sit, lie, or camp within 1000 feet of daycare centers, libraries, parks, and schools  is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Public Safety Committee on 3/28 at 9am. SB 31 would take failed policies statewide and further criminalize the very existence  of our unhoused neighbors in public space. People can voice their opposition by submitting an opposition letter to the Committee by 3/21, reaching out to  members of the Senate Public Safety Committee to share your concerns, or attending the hearing in person on 3/28 to say “vote no!
  • Oppose SB 43 (Eggman), which would vastly expand the definition of “gravely disabled” in the Lanterman Petris Short (LPS) Act, making it easier to enforce  involuntary and forced mental health treatment. Please see Melanie’s forwarded message below and attached template opposition letter,  courtesy of Disability Rights California. SB 43 is set for a hearing on Wednesday, March 29th.

She also suggests taking a look at Paul Boden of WRAP (Western Regional Alliance Project)’s report:

If anyone is interested in working on HUFF projects around local treatment of the “mentally ill”, recent arrests and tickets for unhoused. 

folks in public places,, organizing for legal or direct action protest against the exclusion of those outside from protective buildings 

during storms or any other items on recent HUFF agendas, please contact me at 831-423-4833.

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday March 19, 2023 show features accounts of toxic incompetence and abuse in government-funded shelter and assistance programs Also a lengthy Flashback to July 5, 2012 with better “Housing Matter” boss Doug Loisel

On the March 19th Show:

  • [3-12]  “Long Road” Logan Barnes on his travels as well as evictions by police and accommodations by Funding Matters (aka “Housing Matters”)
  • Songs from the vinyl From Where I Stand by Peggy Seeger and the MacColls [Throughout the program]
  • Reggie Meisler and others challenge City Council’s Rubberstamping of the Memorandum of Police Understanding as police abuse vehcular residents, food servers, and those seeking shelter from the atmospheric river rains
  • Food Not Bombs foodservers Drew and Angela raise questions about police surveillance and harasssment of social gatherings at the Town Clock
  • A bit of 
  • [3-15] Keith’s bedside updates
  • Vehicular survivor Gen-I on the struggles to deal with govt.-provided shelter
  • [3-17] Jeweler J on street life during the storms; Greetrich Greg on Armory life
  • James, Supervisor Surveiller, on latest Board of Supervisor shenangans
  • Beth with a gloomy Armory report
  • Joyphil at the 3-18 “Stop Arming Ukraine” anti-War Rally
  • [3-18] “Call to Heaven” Cooper’s Last Interview before her tent was removed from the Post Office
  • [3-19] Tales of terror from Michele indicting “Housing Matters” and “Dominican Hospital”
  • Summary of the July 5, 2012 Flashback

On the July 5, 2012 Flashback:

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 3-16-23 show archives today shortly after 6 PM at It is a Flashback to May 10, 2012 in an era when activists sympathetic to the Occupy movement were facing prosecution

The 3-16-2023 Show is a Flashback to May 10, 2012 and includes:

  • Summary of the Flashback
  • Santa Cruz 11 Update
  • Jumbogumbo Joe Schultz, Lighthouses Linda Lemaster, Former Mayor Don Lane (“Gone Lame”), Joy, and others  at a March 25 benefit at India Joze.
  • Reading from Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables
  • Ashland, OR Sleeping Ban “Criminal” Hackston 
  • Exchange with Smooth-Tongued Steve Pleich on the local ACLU’s deficiencies
  • April protest against Obama’s 2012 “Defense” Authorization Act authorizing stripping U.S. citizens accused of terrorism of their civil rights