The 6-4 Show includes:
- [5-29] Chat with Robert Woodleaf on the Monday taping off of the 2nd hillside section of the Pogonip Hiway 9 encampment and life in the Paul Lee Loft for housing seeker Kazoo.
- Woodleaf on the many residents of the area and the failure of alternate housing/shelter alternatives
- [5-29] Kyle and Maya from City on a Hill Press (up at UCSC); Sharpsight Suzanne praises city worker Jeremy Leonard, critiques police sweeps.
- “Stay the Course” Steve Conover on the disability discrimination up at the Armory
- [6-3] Sentry and strummer Steve of Food Not Bombs on unexpected personal community support.
- [6-1] HUFF meeting info exchange prompts investigation and outreach for those under attack near Hiway 9.
Flashback to December 11, 2011:
- Troublesome Thomas, Bathrobespierre Robert, and Crowsnest Coral on the future of the Occupy Santa Cruz movement
- Silver-tongued Steve Pleich seeking Injunctive relief to restore access to the Occupy movement at night
- Attorney Ed Frey’s account of his arrest the previous week at Occupy
- D.J. Embryo and Bathrobespierre discuss the use of force—however “rule-compliant” in organizations and Occupy.
- “Dead On” David Silva thanks Occupy for saving his life.
- “Katzenjammer” Keith McHenry in Taos, reporting on his experiences with many Occupy’s around the country.
- “The Real Definition of Terrorism” by Glenn Greenwald
- SCPD Chief Kevin Vogel makes City Hall grounds and offices at noon a “no go” zone and holds Alex Darocy without charges
- 8 cops versus 2 bicyclists just outside City Hall
- Anson Krekler: Million Dollar Blues; Dreamcatcher: Occupy Santa Cruz’s San Lorenzo Park Annex removal on Honey, the last holdout.
- Reports from the Forbidden Zone on 12-9-11—Camille and Abbi challenging the 7 pm curfew law on a cold night.
- Noah of Occupy on the 5 arrested in the San Lorenzo Park sweep defending the homeless encampment
- Tom of the Occupy the Sanitation Committee on the closing down of the portapotty.