HUFF at 11 AM at the Sub Rosa, Injunction Hearing at 2 PM, Clock Protest at 4 PM, Council’s New Camping Ban Caper next Tuesday, and More!

Agenda Prospects
             Priorities for HUFF research to support broader homeless encampments beyond San Lorenzo
          4 PM San Lorenzo Park Solidarity Rally—Town Clock
​          Mills Machinations–Return of the Zombie Camping Ban Amendments at the Next Shitty Council Meeting?
          Reports from Lawsuits in Santa Barbara, Oakland, Sacramento, and Marysville
          Court Case Update: Kuhl Case Dropped, Pirate’s Upcoming, Other Updates for Hannah, Ben, et. al.
          Maskless Rally at the Farmer’s Market–the Homeless View of COVID as Hoax
          Pajaro River Encampment Peril–Sweep and Resistance Reports

Latest Injunction at 2 PM Hearing Zoom Info:  then go to View Scheduling Notes .

Sub Rosa Requires Distancing and Masking.  Any controversy arising from this will be resolved before the meeting begins. HUFF has a non-exclusionary policy.

Weather slated for low 50’s, so cover up.  Usual free hot beverage for participants.  Meeting will be shorter than usual because of 2 PM Zoom Injunction Hearing: 

HUFF begins at 11 AM at the Sub Rosa, then likely, moves to San Lorenzo Park in Solidarity with Community Defenders there Wednesday December 30

Agenda Prospects
             Report and Reprise of Outreach Tabling Downtown Last Weekend
          Protest History–Looking Back and Adding Things Up
​          San Lorenzo Struggle–Update and Prospects–Regular HUFF presence there?
          Civil Resistance in BernalLand–Tips for Dealing with Andy Mills men-in-arms
          Rising Deaths COVID complications–and Police Defiance:  What is to be Done
         Status of Roomkey/Housekey/Winter Shelter Deficiencies as Christmas Creeps By: Raising a Ruckus for Housing TakeOvers?
         Strategies for Proceeding with Small Numbers in an Ebb Tide Time for Protests

bundle up warm for a nippy day, get warmer with tea or coffee compliments of jovial Jacin, heat up with a possible solidarity field trip to the San Lorenzo Stand-Fast Scene.

Bundle up for Some HUFF chatter– Wednesday December 23 at the Sub Rosa Courtyard next to the Bike Church 11 AM–What Can the Community Do As Martin Bernal’s Manglers Roust and Remove Camp San Lorenzo?

Agenda Prospects
             Aftermath of the Felker St. and San Lorenzo “Phase One” Removals  Forming Phone Contact With Retreating Refugees

          Still a Rain threat for the Coral St. Kramerville (the line of tents adjacent to Phil Kramer’s Coral Street Kingdom)?

​          Salinas Shitty Council–Update From Abroad          

Report from the Home Turf of the Head Terrorist–the Brief Demos Outside City Manager Martin Bernal’s House this Weekend.

          Homeless Deaths, Freezing Times, COVID complications–and Police Defiance:  What is to be Done?

         Status of Roomkey/Housekey/Winter Shelter Deficiencies as Christmas Creeps By: Raising a Ruckus for Housing TakeOvers?

         Strategies for Proceeding with Small Numbers in an Ebb Tide Time for Protests

yet another round of propane heat from hotheart Joe Schultz, Jacin’s Special Slurpin’ Sub Rosa Coffee and Gladeyes Gloria’s inevitable veggies along with unhealthy alternatives.

Sort of Sunny weather at HUFF today Wednesday December 16 at the Sub Rosa Courtyard next to the Bike Church 11 AM, but bundle up–it’ll be cloudy.

Agenda Prospects
           When will the SCPD and their buddies hit the Felker St. encampments?  Will Harvey West be a refuge or a little Sunset Town?
          What to do if the Rains intensify, potentially flooding the Kramerville (the line of tents adjacent to Phil Kramer’s Coral Street Kingdom)?
​          Salinas Shitty Council–moving towards reform of the anti-homeless laws?
         The growing “Freedom Camp” Expands to the Duck Pond and Beyond–100 tents and still no adequate sanitation or drinking water?
         Play on-line memorial with Housing Mutters on 12-17 or Mingle with Real People 12-21 4 PM at Laurel and Pacific
         Descending Cold, Neither Roomkey nor Housekey nor Winter Shelter as December Whips In: Raising a Ruckus for Housing TakeOvers
         Other cities fightback:  Portland’s Red House Defense–a Lesson for Santa Cruz?

 With the return of propane-fueled heating compliments of Joe Schultz, calamity coffee from Sub Rosa’s smiling samaritan Jacin and veggies to chow down on provided by Glorious Gloria  as the death rate continues to climb.

Hunker down with HUFF at the Sub Rosa Courtyard next to the Bike Church 11 AM Wednesday December 9 or look in earlier at the threatened police raid on the Felker St. encampments near the old Camp Paradise site behind Footbridge Services

Agenda Prospects
           Support for the Threatened Eviction-with-no-place-to-go for the Felker St. encampments
​          A Wincing Look at the new City Clownsil and its last meeting of the Year
         “Freedom Camp” Expands to the Duck Pond and Beyond–100 tents and still no adequate sanitation or drinking water?
         4 Hour 22nd Annual Homelessness Marathon from 3 PM to 7 PM 9-9  listen here:
Call-in number during the broadcast: 877-NOBODY-8 (877-662-6398)
         RV Responses to Terrorist Ticketing from the Gruesome Gentry & Follow-Up on Pushing Back Against the Vigilante “Volunteer” Cops
         Descending Cold, Neither Roomkey nor Housekey nor Winter Shelter as December Whips In
         Other cities fightback:  Santa Barbara and Sacramento with Lawsuits, Los Angeles with Squatting

 With a third round of propane-fueled heating provided by Joe Schultz, consternation coffee brewed by the Sub Rosa Barrista and other veggie delights to snack on gathered by Glorious Gloria for all the masked wanderers reporting from the boonies.

Dress Warm for Courtyard Powwow at HUFF–Assembling without Apology again at the Sub Rosa Courtyard next to the Bike Church 11 AM Wednesday December 2, 2020 703 Pacific

Agenda Prospects
           New City Clownsil Antics in the Offing–the 2021 Council Convenes Next Tuesday 
         The Growing “Freedom Camp” Numbers With City & County Still Ignoring Sanitation & Water Needs
         Separating the Real from the Rhetorical Reforms in Chief Mills’s 17 Point Dog-n-Pony Show
         Researching RV Responses to Terrorist Ticketing from the Gruesome Gentry
         Descending Cold, Neither Roomkey nor Housekey nor Winter Shelter as December Whips In
         Out-of-Town Reports from Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, Berkeley
         …and Other Shivery Surprises

 with a second round of outdoor heating again provided by Joe Schultz, consternation coffee brewed by the Sub Rosa Barrista and other veggie delights to snack on plus other masked wanderers reporting from the outskirts

Nippy Weather Outdoors but often the usual Heated Exchange at HUFF–meeting in Sub Rosa Courtyard next to the Bike Church 11 AM Wednesday November 25th 703 Pacific

Agenda Prospects
Shouting Shame at the Shysters–Follow-Up on the Darkside Debbie Elston Protest at Copshop and DTA HQ     

Possible Spotty Updates on the Status of Psych Patients Rights to Refuse Medication in County Lock-Up

 City Council: All the Sanity Was in the Call-In’s as Cop Cosmetics Take the Day         

Council Nervously Crowns the “other” Homeless Union
         War Against the Poor Updates from Jail

 The Benchlands Depopulation and the Needs of Those Remaining
         NOMAD & Other Ally Updates

 ……….with outdoor heating provided by Joe Schultz and coffee brewed by the Sub Rosa Barrista
          plus the usual comraderie of chaos at the meeting

Likely Rain, so bring your umbrellas and rubbers, HUFF will be meeting as ever in the Sub Rosa Courtyard next to the Bike Church 11 AM Wednesday November 18th 703 Pacific

Agenda Prospects
Association of Faith Communities “Safe Parking Spaces” : Hope or Hokum?       
         Possible Spotty Updates on the Status of Psych Patients Rights to Refuse Medication in County Lock-Up
         S.C. Shitty Council’s Brush-Off of Oregon’s Cahootz Program at its Monday “Study Session”
         Barking Back at the Bullies: Volunter Cop Vigilantees Under Darkside Deborah Ellston–a Protest Pushback?
         Deadeye in the Dungeon–Another Vandweller Ripped from His Vehicular Home?          Benchlands Deadline?  And What of Everyone Else?  Updates…?
         NOMADettes Provide Helping Hands, Jumps, and Surveillance
         No Public Records Yet about the Myers-Coonerty Roughhewn Rumors: A “Special Place” for the Homeless Way Out of Town?
         Purple Punishment–the Significance of the Heightened COVID-19 Lockdown for Those Outside
         Providing Dining Areas The City Won’t–Food Not Bombs combines with Other Fab Foodsters to Do Thanksgiving
          ….With More Last-Minute Meanderings…

Under a canopy provided by Sub Rosa with outdoor heating provided by Joe Schultz           and the usual java and jawboning..

Come rain or cold, HUFF will be struggling to meet at its usual spot in Sub Rosa Courtyard next to the Bike Church 11 AM Today Wednesday November 11th 703 Pacific

A few of the Agenda tidbits to chew on, plus Bring Your Own:

Spotty Updates on the Status of Psych Patients Rights to Refuse Medication in County Lock-Up

Shitty Council Shenanagans–the Tuesday Public-Absent Meeting

Reacting to the Crush-the-Caregivers Edicts from Bowels of City Mangler Martin Bernal

Benchlands Deadline?  And What of Everyone Else?

NOMADettes Provide Helping Hands, Jumps, and Surveillance

Roughhewn Rumors: A “Special Place” for the Homeless at Camp Roberts?

Cold Class War in Santa Cruz as the Temperature Drops

Providing Dining Area The City Won’t–Food Not Bombs combines with Other Fab Foodsters to Do Thanksgiving

 ….With More Last-Minute Meanderings…

Plus coffee, crunchables, and the usual cantankerous comraderie!

HUFFsters Assemble! To See the Wreckage of the “Anyone But Trump” Strategy and Continue the Long Fight for Unhoused Civil Rights in Santa Cruz–Sub Rosa 11 AM Today Wednesday 703 Pacific

A few items on the Agenda tidbits to chew on, plus Bring Your Own:
Reviewing the Santa Cruz “Free” Guide          

Wreckage of the 2020 Election–the Local Scene          

Reacting to the Crush-the-Caregivers Edicts from Bowels of City Mangler Martin Bernal

Confronting the New Shitty Council Meeting and Members 11-10          

Do Black Lives Still Matter in Santa Cruz?  The Status of Mass Protest           Supporting the New Resistance Movement–Aiding TentHomes and VehicularHousing          

“Safe” Parking Places?          

Class War and Rumors of Class War–Where to Go When Winter Descends?
 Rising Psychiatric Forced Holds and Drugging: the Local Scene

Plus coffee, crunchables, and the usual cantankerous comraderie!