As the Struggle to Save Ross and Establish Decent Rights and Services Continues: Conscience & Action at 11 AM; HUFF at noon: All at the Sub Rose Wednesday February 20

Conscience and Action meets at 11 AM; HUFF meets at noon; times are flexible.  Both meetings are open.

Agenda Suggestions for 2-20


  • Update on Proposed Garage Protest Camp, Connection Tent at Ross, Ross Contacts
  • Update on Council Retreat, Latest Council Communications, Relevant Public Records
  • (No) Update on Bathroom Advances
  • Truth Squad Activity to Counter City Staff Lies About Available Ross Alternatives
  • Council Procedure Changes Proposed?  Action at the Next Council from the Audience
  • Wresting the $10 million from poverty pimps:  Report on the HEAP, HAP, or COC HQ.
  • Restoring rights of & safe parking for folks whose homes are on wheels: Other Cities
  • Meeting with Martin the Mangler– suspend ticketing under Sleeping Ban-type laws.
  • Emergency laundry and shower access for the broader homeless community and Ross.
  • Action targeting a real estate profiteer in conjunction with tenant organizations
  • Organizing mass support for the upcoming February 26 meeting at City Council around students, immigrants, elderly, differently-abled, and youth groups and an attempt to reverse the February 12th Demolition of the Camp Decision.


    For HUFFsters

  • Ross Camp Support and Situation Update
  • Possible state Union of the Homeless meet with Organizer & Attorney Anthony Prince
  • RV living elsewhere; polling and research with Cynthia and Alicia here.
  • Update on Berkeley activists defending People’s Park against new attacks.
  • Council Reform and Public Records: Current Situation, Future Goals: what the audience can do, between-council activism,
  • Tenants in Trouble—demanding real data from the Task Farce, organizing with students, renters, elderly, disabled groups to establish mutual power and solidarity.
  • Connections and Union of the Homeless Outreach to Campers in and out of Ross
  • Homeless (Lack of) Service Center Update–Changes or More of the Same: an Examination of the latest answers from workers inside.
  • Library Situation: New and Old
  • SCPD: demanding revelation of surveillance devices throughout the City, police records on use of force, selective enforcement, racial profiling.  Protests to open the property room during regular SCPD hours daily.
  • MHCAN:  A New Regime with a new Executive Director?  What changes now?
In addition, Councilmember Cummings sent this letter to Conscience and Action members:
On Mon, Feb 18, 2019, 10:05 PM Justin Cummings <> wrote:
Hello Rabi Posner and members of Conscience and Action,

First I would like to apologize for not getting back to you sooner.  I have been down to the camp in the past few days and from what I have seen, it appears that things are moving much slower than what was suggested by staff.  What we hope to accomplish with providing beds and shelter for homeless people and the reality of getting to the point where we can do so is often very challenging and can take more time than we anticipate.  Given the pace at which we are moving, I am not confident that we will be able to provide enough shelter for our homeless population by the proposed closure date of the Ross camp and will recommend that we not close the camp until we have a clear feasible plan to do so with the least amount of negative impact.
This week we will be having another homeless 2×2 committee meeting where I will be raising these concerns with the county supervisors, and both county and city staff.  I will express to them the concerns of the community and inform them about how the March closure will not be productive and be detrimental to our community.  My hope is that we will be able to come to consensus and if not, we will be able to appropriately address these concerns at the next city council meeting. Thank you all for your hard work, concern and for reaching out to me.
Kind regards,
Justin Cummings

In the Wake of the Council Sell-Out of the Ross Camp: Conscience & Action at 11 AM; HUFF at noon: All at the Sub Rose Wednesday February 13

Conscience and Action meets at 11 AM; HUFF meets at noon; times are flexible.  Both meetings are open.

Agenda Suggestions for 2-13


  • Alternatives for Organizing and Resistance to the Mass Eviction of Ross Beginning Today
  • Update and Response to the Blockaded Bathrooms Situation
  • Truth Squad Activity to Counter City Staff Lies About Available Ross Alternatives
  • Holding the Mayor Accountable for her Abusive Council Behavior Toward Council and Public
  • Wresting the $10 million from poverty pimps:  Action at the HEAP, HAP, or COC HQ.
  • Restoring rights of & safe parking for folks whose homes are on wheels: More Organizing
  • Meeting with Martin the Mangler– suspend ticketing under Sleeping Ban-type laws.
  • Emergency laundry and shower access for the broader homeless community and Ross.
  • Action targeting a real estate profiteer in conjunction with tenant organizations
  • Organizing mass support for the upcoming February 26 meeting at City Council around students, immigrants, elderly, differently-abled, and youth groups and an attempt to reverse the February 12th Demolition of the Camp Decision.

    For HUFFsters

  • The Ticket-and-Tow Racket–the Latest Chapter
  • Polling and Organizing RVsters and Vehicle Dwellers with Alicia and Cynthia
  • Update on Berkeley activists defending People’s Park against new attacks.
  • Confronting Council Crapola—sustaining and expanding restored public comment under Mayor Martine Watkins by action from the “Progressive 4”
  • Tenants in Trouble—demanding real data from the Task Farce, organizing with students, renters, elderly, disabled groups to establish mutual power and solidarity.
  • Connections and Union of the Homeless Outreach to Campers in and out of Ross
  • Homeless (Lack of) Service Center Update–Changes or More of the Same: an Examination of the latest answers from workers inside.
  • SCPD: demanding revelation of surveillance devices throughout the City, police records on use of force, selective enforcement, racial profiling.  Protests to open the property room during regular SCPD hours daily.
  • MHCAN:  A New Regime with Pleich gone as Executive Director?
  • Report from the state Union of the Homeless  and upcoming Stockton/Sacramento protests.

Conscience & Action at 11 AM; HUFF at noon: All at the Sub Rosa Wednesday February 6

 Conscience and Action meets at 11 AM; HUFF meets at noon; times are flexible.  Both meetings are open.

Agenda Suggestions for 2-6


  • Expanded Scope for the Valentine’s Day Speak-Out: Have a Heart for Homeless Survival !
  • Update on the Blockaded Bathrooms Situation
  • Upcoming Council Meeting with its Homeless Rights and Resources Items
  • Wresting the $10 million from poverty pimps:  Action at the HEAP, HAP, or COC HQ.
  • Restoring rights of & safe parking for folks whose homes are on wheels: Neighborhood tabling
  • Meeting with Martin the Mangler– suspend ticketing under Sleeping Ban-type laws.
  • Emergency laundry and shower access for the broader homeless community and Ross.
  • Action targeting a real estate profiteer in conjunction with tenant organizations
  • Organizing mass support for the promised February 12th Activist Agenda at City Council around students, immigrants, elderly, differently-abled, and youth groups.


    For HUFFsters

  • Polling and Organzing RVsters and Vehicle Dwellers with Alicia and Cynthia
  • Solidarity with Berkeley activists defending People’s Park against new attacks.
  • Confronting Council Crapola—demanding restored public comment under Mayor Martine Watkins by action from the “Progressive 4”
  • Tenants in Trouble—organizing with students, renters, elderly, disabled groups to establish mutual power and solidarity.
  • Connections and Union of the Homeless Outreach to Campers in and out of Ross
  • Homeless (Lack of) Service Center Update–Changes or More of the Same: an Examination of the latest answers from workers inside.
  • SCPD: demanding revelation of surveillance devices throughout the City, police records on use of force, selective enforcement, racial profiling.  Protests to open the property room during regular SCPD hours daily.
  • Restoration of services out at MHCAN?  Pleich’s Board of Directors still slumbering?
  • Report from the state Union of the Homeless including the MLK Day rally at homeless camps in Chico, Paradise, Marysville, and the River Bottom. 

11 AM 1-30-19 Conscience and Action meeting: Follow-Up on Krohn-Glover Council Heat at the Sub Rosa; HUFF meets at noon

 On the Conscience and Action Agenda:

  • Creating activist avenues to provide humanity, dignity, services, and expanded space to  the Ross Campers and other camps around the City;
  • wresting the $10 million from poverty pimps;
  • restoring rights and safe parking for folks who homes are on wheels,
  • a fundamental revision and restoration of laws and police practices around homeless in public spaces,
  • reopening and expanding vitally needed public restrooms, hand-washing stations, laundry access, and
  • solidarity with the more militant tenant movement to provide immediate protection from rent profiteering.
  • Parallel actions to move forward a promised February 12th Activist Agenda at City Council and solidarity with other organizations taking Direction Actions for Renters, Immigrants, and Those Outside.
For HUFFsters (also invited to join the C & A Agenda):

HUFF has again pushed ahead its usual 11 AM Wednesday meeting to noon.
  • Further review of the “No Policies to be Changed” answer of Chief Andy Mills at the Press Conference/Speak-Out at the Police Station focusing on Harassment of Vehicular Residents
  • Solidarity with Berkeley activists defending People’s Park against new attacks.
  • Confronting Council Crapola–end contraction of public comment under Mayor Martine Watkins and demand the “Progressive 4” defend the right of the public to speak on all agenda items for adequate time–whether at the afternoon or evening sessions, whether on the regular or Consent agendas.  And create real democratic process.
  • Tenants in Trouble—organizing with students, renters, elderly, disabled groups to establish mutual power and solidarity.
  • Ross Camp Connections–and Contacts with Homeless-on-the-edge throughout Santa Cruz.
  • Homeless (Lack of) Service Center Update–Changes or More of the Same: an Examination of the latest answers from workers inside.
  • SCPD: demanding revelation of surveillance devices throughout the City, police records on use of force, selective enforcement, racial profiling.  Protests to open the property room during regular SCPD hours daily.
  • Hosing down the Poverty Pimps at Coral Street: Where are the Showers?
  • Restoration of services out at MHCAN?  Pleich’s Board of Directors still slumbering?
  • Report from the state Union of the Homeless including the MLK Day rally at homeless camps in Chico, Paradise, Marysville, and the River Bottom.
  • Improving Support Between Activist Groups Concerning New Models for Homeless Self-Determination and Mutual Aid
Come and share coffee, questions, and answers at 703 Pacific (next to the Bike Church) with C & A,  at 11 AM, HUFF at noon.
  • Support the Downtown Santa Cruz Bathroom Task Force, Food Not Bombs,  the Ross Emergency Campground, the Warming Center’s 24 Hour Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action, Monterey County Homeless Advocates, HomeFree, and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at every Thursday 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   If you must, expropriate items from chain stores.  Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless!

Conscience and Action meeting with Councilman Krohn Wednesday 1-23-19 at the Sub Rosa; HUFF meets at noon

Councilmember Krohn sent the following e-mail to C & A member Steve Pleich:

I was told by the city manager earlier last week that we would have a homeless “update” on the city council agenda for Tues. Jan 22nd.  I thought we could have a full-on discussion concerning issues of the camp, the $10 million from state to county, an RV parking area, how to expand and fully fund substance abuse programs, adding social workers to our streets and pd patrol cars, adding additional public restrooms and hand-washing stations, and the search for a 24/7 shelter, but much to my chagrin it is missing from the agenda.
We need to push for this to return on  Feb. 5th or perhaps earlier at a special meeting perhaps on Jan 29th. There is a crisis and one of our priorities as a city council must be to address it.
best, Chris Krohn
HUFF has generously pushed ahead its usual 11 AM Wednesday meeting to noon.   Further review of the “No Policies to be Changed” answer of Chief Andy Mills at the Press Conference/Speak-Out at the Police Station focusing on Harassment of Vehicular Residents

RV survivor Alicia says she again will be there along with other RV residents to discuss our next steps.  Alicia and her family (a husband and 3 children) report continued sightings but no move-along citations, tickets, or midnight bangings from Enforcer Joe Haebe–celebrated by Mills as a decorated officer for his many tickets and tows.
Other Likely topics:

HUFF Agenda Prospects:
  • Council Crapola–procedural poopoo of Mayor Martine Watkins with her sudden reduction of Oral Communications and Public Comment time to 1 minute at the 1-22 Council meeting prompted some HUFF members to demand the “Progressive 4” call for requiring the Mayor to provide 3 minutes of time.
  • Tenants in Trouble–the fracturing of what some hoped would be a Progressive majority prompted the indefinite tabling of the Just Eviction ordinance and no protections for tenants.
  • Felker Street and Tannery residents are calling for more restrictions and relocations for the Ross camp residents
  • Homeless (Lack of) Service Center Update–Changes or More of the Same: an Examination of the latest answers from workers inside.
  • SCPD capers:  Reviewing police records perhaps to check for the frequency of Stay-Away Orders and Racial Profiling–a possible field trip after the meeting.
  • Getting Council t0 mandate change of the “open only 4 hours a week” SCPD property retrieval
  • A Laundry List of Reminders for the Incoming Shitty Council
  • Is Winter Shelter access any less difficult with its e-mail sign-up requirements than last month?  How are conditions out at the 7th Avenue Shelter and Salvation Army?
  • Any restoration of services out at MHCAN?  Is the Board of Directors still slumbering?
  • Report from the state Union of the Homeless including the MLK Day rally at homeless camps in Chico, Paradise, Marysville, and the River Bottom.
Come and share coffee, questions, and answers at 703 Pacific (next to the Bike Church) with C & A, Krohn and the Councilettes at 11 AM, HUFF at noon.

  • Support the Downtown Santa Cruz Bathroom Task Force, Food Not Bombs,  the Ross Emergency Campground, the Warming Center’s 24 Hour Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action, Monterey County Homeless Advocates, HomeFree, and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at every Thursday 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   If you must, expropriate items from chain stores.  Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless!

Conscience & Action meets Wednesday 1-16-19 at the Sub Rosa (HUFFsters also invited)

Reviewing the “No Policies to be Changed” answer of Chief Andy Mills at the Press Conference/Speak-Out at the Police Station focusing on Harassment of Vehicular Residents  Conscience and Action members are invited (as well as HUFFsters and any members of the public).

RV survivor Alicia says she again will be there along with other RV residents to discuss our next steps.  Alicia and her family (a husband and 3 children) report continued sightings but no move-along citations, tickets, or midnight bangings from Enforcer Joe Haebe–celebrated by Mills as a decorated officer for his many tickets and tows.
Other Likely topics:

C & A Agenda Prospects:
  • Bathroom Baloney–the ongoing closure of Louden Nelson and other potential 24 hour bathrooms + no movement on the disabled access issue.
  • The now fenced-off Gateway/Ross campground: A massive fence now walls off the Gateway Shopping Center from the camp and the walkway.
  • Rainy weather crisis: Any response from the Conscience-Ridden?

For HUFFsters and others interested:

  • Homeless (Lack of) Service Center Update–Changes or More of the Same: an Examination of the latest answers from workers inside.
  • SCPD capers:  Reviewing police records perhaps to check for the frequency of Stay-Away Orders and Racial Profiling–a possible field trip after the meeting.
  • Getting Council t0 mandate change of the “open only 4 hours a week” SCPD property retrieval
  • A Laundry List of Reminders for the Incoming Shitty Council
  • Landlord Lucre-grubbers Strike Back;  Referendum and Recall Coming Up?
  • Is Winter Shelter access any less difficult with its e-mail sign-up requirements than last month?  How are conditions out at the 7th Avenue Shelter and Salvation Army?
  • Any restoration of services out at MHCAN?  Is the Board of Directors still slumbering?
  • Upcoming Martin Luther King Day rally of the state Union of the Homeless including tours of homeless camps in Chico.  Should Santa Cruz participate or have a local response?
Come and share coffee, questions, and answers at 703 Pacific (next to the Bike Church) at HUFF.

  • Support the Downtown Santa Cruz Bathroom Task Force, Food Not Bombs,  the Warming Center’s 24 Hour Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action, Monterey County Homeless Advocates, HomeFree, and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at every Thursday 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   If you must, expropriate items from chain stores.  Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless!

HUFF meets 11 AM with Conscience & Action Wednesday 1-9-18 at the Sub Rosa

With a Press Conference/Speak-Out at the Police Station focusing on Harassment of Vehicular Residents planned for 1:30 PM Thursday January 10th, Conscience and Action members are invited (as well as any members of the public).

RV survivor Alicia says she again will be there along with other RV residents with concerns to bring to the community and Chief Andy Mills’ attention.  Alicia and her family (a husband and 3 children) report pressured harassment to “move along” at along Woodrow Ave. much earlier than the 72-hour deadline for parking.
Other Likely topics:

HUFF Agenda Prospects:
  • The expanding Gateway/Ross campground: Latest Inaction and Active Avoidance at the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council.
  • RV “Smart Camping” Tips and Rights–A Discussion
  • Homeless (Lack of) Service Center Update–Changes or More of the Same: an Examination of the latest answers from workers inside.
  • SCPD capers:  Reviewing police records perhaps to check for the frequency of Stay-Away Orders and Racial Profiling–a possible field trip after the meeting.
  • Getting Council t0 mandate change of the “open only 4 hours a week” SCPD property retrieval
  • A Laundry List of Reminders for the Incoming Shitty Council
  • First Report on the Fractured City Council “Pr0gressive” Majority
  • Is Winter Shelter access any less difficult with its e-mail sign-up requirements than last month?  How are conditions out at the 7th Avenue Shelter and Salvation Army?
  • Any restoration of services out at MHCAN?  Is the Board of Directors still slumbering?
  • Upcoming Martin Luther King Day rally of the state Union of the Homeless including tours of homeless camps in Chico.
Come and share coffee, questions, and answers at 703 Pacific (next to the Bike Church) at HUFF.

  • Share Stories and Soup with a RV Survivors, Chief Andy Mills, and the broader community 1:30 PM 1-10 in front of the Police Station at Laurel and Center St.
  • Support the Downtown Santa Cruz Bathroom Task Force, Food Not Bombs,  the Warming Center’s 24 Hour Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action, Monterey County Homeless Advocates, HomeFree, and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at every Thursday 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   If you must, expropriate items from chain stores.  Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless!

HUFF meets 11 AM Tomorrow with Conscience & Action Wednesday 1-2-18 at the Sub Rosa

HUFF has taken to holding tempestuous weekly meetings recently.  We weren’t sure how active Conscience and Action was going to be in the new year.   However co-founders Phil Posner and Nick Whitehead have expressed interest, so it looks like they’re revving up again.

HUFF hardroaders (as well as Conscience and Action activists) are invited to come early (10:45 a.m. or earlier) to meet with RV survivor Alicia, who will be bringing up the issue of RV harassment she and her three children have recently faced in their RV on the West side.

Other Likely topics:

HUFF Agenda Prospects:
  • The expanding Gateway/Ross campground: any chance for real protections from the “Progressive” City Council?  Think not?  Then how about from the Community?
  • How are RV dwellers doing in the wake of the Boise v. Martin decision and Coastal Commission’s “take down the “no parking signs” orders?
  • Homeless (Lack of) Service Center Update–Changes or More of the Same: an Examination of the latest answers from workers inside.
  • SCPD capers:  Reviewing police records perhaps to check for the frequency of Stay-Away Orders and Racial Profiling–a possible field trip after the meeting.
  • Is it any easier to get one’s property back from the “open only 4 hours a week” SCPD?
  • A Laundry List of Reminders for the Incoming Shitty Council
  • Evictions or support for those threatened in early January?  Are evictions increasing?  How goes the possible homeless/tenant Coalition?
  • Is Winter Shelter access any less difficult with its e-mail sign-up requirements than last month?  How are conditions out at the 7th Avenue Shelter and Salvation Army?
  • Any restoration of services out at MHCAN?  Is the Board of Directors still slumbering?
  • Upcoming Martin Luther King Day rally of the state Union of the Homeless including tours of homeless camps in Chico.
Come and share coffee, questions, and answers at 703 Pacific (next to the Bike Church) at HUFF.

  • Support the Downtown Santa Cruz Bathroom Task Force, Food Not Bombs,  the Warming Center’s 24 Hour Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action, Monterey County Homeless Advocates, HomeFree, and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at every Thursday 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   If you must, expropriate items from chain stores.  Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless!

HUFF meets 11 AM Today Wednesday 12-26 at the Sub Rosa

 HUFF Agenda Prospects:

  • The expanding Gateway/Ross campground: contacts, organizing, prospects for eviction down the road
  • How are RV dwellers doing in the wake of the Boise v. Martin decision and Coastal Commission’s “take down the “no parking signs” orders?
  • Homeless (Lack of) Service Center Update–Changes or More of the Same?
  • Is it any easier to get one’s property back from the “open only 4 hours a week” SCPD?
  • Directing the new City Council’s attention to repealing the anti-homeless laws.
  • Are City Council members, tenant activists and their homeless advocate allies taking any action over the Xmas vacation to deter evictions or support those threatened?  Are evictions increasing?  How goes the possible homeless/tenant Coalition?
  • What should HUFF ask of Conscience and Action, if it returns in January?
  • Is Winter Shelter access any less difficult with its e-mail sign-up requirements than last month?  How are conditions out at the 7th Avenue Shelter and Salvation Army?
  • Any restoration of services out at MHCAN?  Is the Board of Directors still slumbering?
  • Any news from the state-wide Union of the Homeless, Marysville, Santa Barbara, San Diego, and/or L.A.?
Come and share coffee, questions, and answers at 703 Pacific (next to the Bike Church) at HUFF.

  • Support the Downtown Santa Cruz Bathroom Task Force, Food Not Bombs,  the Warming Center’s 24 Hour Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action, Monterey County Homeless Advocates, and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •  Check out Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz  on facebook at for updates.
  •   Read Updates and Post Them on Santa Cruz Indymedia at
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at every Thursday 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   Hear archived shows at .
  •   If you must, expropriate items from chain stores.  Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless!

HUFF meets 11 AM Today Wednesday 12-19 at the Sub Rosa

  • What’s happening at the Ross/Gateway/River St. Camp?   Is portapotty/washing station/dumpster access increasing as more people seek sanctuary there?  What’s up with the SCPD/P & R policies of “herd ’em to Ross”?
  • How are RV dwellers doing in the wake of the Boise v. Martin decision and Coastal Commission’s “take down the “no parking signs” orders?
  • Are cop/ranger seizures of property any less than last winter?
  • Is it any easier to get one’s property back from the “open only 4 hours a week” SCPD?
  • Is harassment downtown and in residential neighborhoods dropping or rising?
  • Are Coral St.’s Homeless (Lack of) Services policies improving?
  • Are City Council members, tenant activists and their homeless advocate allies taking any action over the Xmas vacation to deter evictions or support those threatened?  Are evictions increasing?  How goes the possible homeless/tenant Coalition?
  • Why is bathroom access restored at San Lorenzo Park, but not at Louden Nelson and City Hall?  Any updates on cafe bathroom access, portapotty accessibility?
  • Is Winter Shelter access any less difficult with its e-mail sign-up requirements than last month?  How are conditions out at the 7th Avenue Shelter?
  • Any restoration of services out at MHCAN?  Is the Board of Directors still slumbering?
  • Any news from the state-wide Union of the Homeless, Marysville, Santa Barbara, San Diego, and/or L.A.?
  • Whatever happened to Conscience in Action ?
Come and share coffee, questions, and answers at 703 Pacific (next to the Bike Church) at HUFF.

  • Support the Downtown Santa Cruz Bathroom Task Force, Food Not Bombs,  the Warming Center’s 24 Hour Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action, Monterey County Homeless Advocates, and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
  •  Check out Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz  on facebook at for updates.
  •   Read Updates and Post Them on Santa Cruz Indymedia at
  •   Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
  •   Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
  •   Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at every Thursday 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
  •   Hear archived shows at .
  •   If you must, expropriate items from chain stores.  Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless!