New Homeless Dispersal with Beach Ban–Next Steps for Conscience & Action at 11 AM Sub Rosa at 703 Pacific, followed by HUFF Wednesday September 18th


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.  Bathrobespierre Robert may be absent for some of the meetings.

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items; Timekeeper & Time Limits; Vibes Guy 
  • Reports from the Beach on the Curfew Imposition and Homeless Displacement
  • Upcoming City Council Meeting:  Glover’s 5:30 PM 9-20 Agenda Meeting
  • Keith’s Proposed “No Forced Containment Camps” Meeting & Concern
  • Any Requests for the Union of the Homeless NYC meeting?
  • Results of the Salinas Union of the Homeless Hearing
  • Laura’s Report on Shelter Calls
  • Ross Lawsuit and Union Organizing Report: Phone a Cop for Service Proposal
  • 1220 River St Camp Council, Union Critique, Media Coverage                                                                    

For HUFFsters  New Street Spirits and Street Sheets will likely be available at this meeting.

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street and Campground Report

Done Deal Main Beach Ban–Next Steps for Conscience & Action at 11 AM Sub Rosa at 703 Pacific, followed by HUFF Wednesday September 11th


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.  Bathrobespierre Robert will be absent, with medical probs.

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items; Timekeeper & Time Limits; Vibes Guy 
  • Beach Campground Update
  • City Council’s Done Deal–Suggestions for Follow-Up
  • Louden Nelson Update: Building on the Same old Shit
  • Continuing the Posner Petition to Downtown Businesses Organizing Efforts along with Homeless Union organizing
  • Staff Reports for Council Agenda for 9-25–deadline Thursday
  • Ross Lawsuit and Union Organizing Report: Phone a Cop Proposal                                                                          


For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street and Campground Report
  • 9 AM September 13th Monterey Court Hearing 1200 Aguajito Rd for Salinas Injunction Against Cop Harassment at Sherwood Park Contact Robert at 423-483
  • Updates: Stepping Up in Santa Cruz Poverty Pimp PR Checking: Eli and Laura Report; Helping Homeless Union Tabling
  • End of Recycling Report
  • Public Records Updates: Bathroom Data–Norse and Colby’s Data  Some at

Digesting the Two Protests at 1220 River and Louden Nelson– 11 AM Sub Rosa at 703 Pacific, followed by the woeful warriors of HUFF Wednesday September 4th !


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items; Timekeeper & Time Limits; Vibes Guy 
  • Louden Nelson Bathroom Protest Success: 8-27 Council Implications; Upcoming Council Meeting; Glover Pre-Meet Friday 5:30 PM
  • Continuing the Posner Organizing Efforts along with Homeless Union organizing
  • 1220 Protest Aftermath and Campground Organizing
  • Any City Council Issues to be Raised for Agenda or Plans for September 10th?
  • Ross Lawsuit and Union Organizing Report: Phone a Cop Proposal
  • FREE Mime Troupe Show Sat & Sun Sept 7-8 2:30 PM San Lorenzo Park “Treasure Island”  Union Table Organizing There?

For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street and Campground Report
  • August 29th Monterey Court Hearing 1200 Aguajito Rd for Salinas Injunction Against Cop Harassment at Sherwood Park 1:30 PM
  • Chief Mills Latest Responses on Choke-Holds, Rape Kits, and the SCPD Bathroom
  • Updates: Stepping Up in Santa Cruz Poverty Pimp PR Checking: Eli and Laura Report; Helping Homeless Union Tabling
  • End of Recycling Report
  • Public Records Updates: Bathroom Data–Norse and Colby’s Data  Some at

Council Chaos and Protests Impending: Join Us at the 11 AM Conscience and Action group to work it out– Sub Rosa at 703 Pacific, followed by the weary HUFF meeting, Wednesday August 28th !


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items; Timekeeper & Time Limits; Vibes Guy 
  • Follow-Up on Marcos Meeting; Protest Prep for Tomorrow
  • Potty Protest at Louden Nelson on Tuesday
  • City Council Update: Small Victory on City Hall Bathroom Reopening for a Month; Draw on the CACH Referrals; Defeat on Louden Nelson
  • Any City Council Issues to be Raised for Agenda or Plans for September 10th?
  • Ross Lawsuit and Union Organizing Report: Phone a Cop Proposal
  • Possible Glover call (10 minutes available on his end)                                                                             

For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street and Campground Report
  • August 29th Monterey Court Hearing 1200 Aguajito Rd for Salinas Injunction Against Cop Harassment at Sherwood Park 1:30 PM
  • Chief Mills Latest Responses on Choke-Holds, Rape Kits, and the SCPD Bathroom
  • What’s to be Done With SC Homeless Union Documentation?
  • Stepping Up in Santa Cruz Poverty Pimp PR Checking: Eli and Laura Report?
  • End of Recycling Report
  • Public Records Updates: Bathroom Data–Norse and Colby’s Data  Some at


  • Thursday August 29 1:30 PM   Court for the Sherwood Park Plaintiffs seeking to enjoin Salinas authorities from harassment of the homeless  1200 Aguajito Road MONTEREY.  
  • Thursday August 29 10 AM   Press Conference at Protest outside 1220 River St. 
  • Tuesday, September 3, 1:30 PM Louden Nelson Potty Protest

Another Round With 11 AM Conscience and Action Conclave at the Sub Rosa at 703 Pacific, followed by the weary HUFF meeting, today Wednesday August 21st !


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items; Timekeeper & Time Limits; Vibes Guy 
  • Meeting with Marcos Marquez
  • Follow-Up Discussion
  • Old Biz:  Committee Report on Bathroom Protest; Diapers for
    Decency Campaign
  • Any City Council Issues to be Raised for Agenda or Plans for August 27?
  • Ross Lawsuit and Union Organizing Report: Phone a Cop Proposal
  • Possible Glover call (10 minutes available on his end)                                                                             

For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street and Campground Report
  • August 29th Monterey Court Hearing 1200 Aguajito Rd for Salinas Injunction Against Cop Harassment at Sherwood Park 1:30 PM
  • What’s to be Done With SC Homeless Union Documentation?
  • Stepping Up in Santa Cruz Poverty Pimp PR Checking: Eli and Laura Report?
  • End of Recycling Report
  • Public Records Updates: Bathroom Data–Norse and Colby’s Data  Some at


  • Wednesday Aug 21 11 AM  C&A Meeting w/Morales or Thursday Aug 22 Salvation Army  11 AM (or Aug 22nd at Salvation Army HQ)
  • Thursday August 29 1:30 PM   Court for the Sherwood Park Plaintiffs seeking to enjoin Salinas authorities from harassment of the homeless  1200 Aguajito Road MONTEREY.  
  • Thursday August 29 10 AM   Press Conference at Protest outside 1220 River St. 
  • Tuesday, September 3, 1:30 PM Louden Nelson Potty Protest

Coffeedown with the 11 AM Conscience and Action Conclave at the Sub Rosa at 703 Pacific, followed by the weary HUFF meeting, today Wednesday August 14!


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items; Timekeeper & Time Limits; Vibes Guy 
  • Old Biz:  Report from 1220 River St.’s Eric Snickars; prep for protest; Possible Protest Burnout
  • Old Biz:  Committee Report on Bathroom Protest
  • Brief City Council Reports
  • Facebook Fallout on RV Harassment/Calif Homeless Union Organizing:  A Possible Business Picketing Response?
  • Proposal for Glover and/or Krohn to have Public Agenda Proposal Receiving Session on Thursday after Tuesday Council
  • Ross Lawsuit and Union Organizing Report: Phone a Cop Proposal
  • Possible Glover call (10 minutes available on his end)
  • CACH committee’s reaction to City Council Actions                                                                               


For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street and Campground Report
  • Glover Call on City Council Votes; Possible P     
  • RV and Vehicle Seizure; Gen-I on Vehicle Tow and Alicia’s Latest on Haebe’s Green Stickers
  • August 29th Monterey Court Hearing 1200 Aguajito Rd for Salinas Injunction Against Cop Harassment at Sherwood Park 1:30 PM
  • What’s to be Done With SC Homeless Union Documentation?
  • Stepping Up in Santa Cruz Poverty Pimp PR Checking: Eli and Laura Report?
  • Odds & Ends:  Needle Exchange Expansion Debate/Forum…Alicia Homeless Union Report
  • Recycling Report
  • Public Records Updates: Bathroom Data–Norse and Colby’s Data  Some at


  • Thursday August 29 10 AM   Press Conference at Protest outside 1220 River St.   
  • Wednesday Aug 21 11 AM  C&A Meeting w/Morales or Thursday Aug 22 Salvation Army  11 AM (or Aug 22nd at Salvation Army HQ)
  • Thursday August 29 1:30 PM   Court for the Sherwood Park Plaintiffs seeking to enjoin Salinas authorities from harassment of the homeless  1200 Aguajito Road MONTEREY. 
  • Tuesday, September 3, 1:30 PM Louden Nelson Potty Protest

All Aboard for the 11 AM Conscience and Action Conclave at the Sub Rosa at 703 Pacific, followed eventually by the HUFF meeting! Coffee likely! Edibles near certain.


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items; Timekeeper; Vibes Guy
  • Old Biz:  1220 River St. Report & 8-15 Protest/Press Conference; 10 AM  Postponement? 
  • Old Biz:  Committee Report on Bathroom Protests
  • Possible Glover call (10 minutes available on his end)
  • Any Follow-Up for Phone-A-Cop-for-Shelter-Transport Proposal ?
  • Follow-Up on Expenditures & Local Effectiveness in the Cash-for-Care Poverty Pimpery Masquerading as Social Service; CATCH Committee ?                                                                                

For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street and Campground Report
  • Glover Call on Release of Infraction Examination, Investigation, Housing Problem       
  • RV and Vehicle Seizure; Gen-I on Vehicle Tow and Alicia’s Latest on Haebe’s Green Stickers
  • August 8th Monterey Court Hearing 1200 Aguajito Rd for Salinas Injunction Against Cop Harassment at Sherwood Park 1:30 PM
  • What’s to be Done With SC Homeless Union Documentation?
  • Stepping Up in Santa Cruz Poverty Pimp PR Checking: Eli and Laura Report?
  • Odds & Ends:  Needle Exchange Expansion Debate/Forum…Alicia Homeless Union Report
  • Public Records Updates: Bathroom Data–Norse and Colby’s Data  Some at


Friday August 9 5:30 PM City Manager’s Conference room (knock at side door) Councilmember Glover’s Pre-Council Public Info Session
Saturday August 10   noon-3 PM   Really Free Market   Sub Rosa Cafe


Thomas:   perhaps get on the 1220 Visiting List.

Robert:  ask Eric for Marquez’s phone number—or Phil.

                Contact Keith to ask about Interns

                Mail list of 1220 Infractions and E-mailed Drew request for “fixed/transient” clarity.

                Send out e-mail on Friday date.

Greg, Laura, Phil:  Bathroom Planning

Eli, Laura: Make calls about the homeless Shelter/Resources  list, specifically around Shelter

Everyone:  Camp protest/press conference postponed to the 15th 10 AM

ADDITIONALLY:  Someone needs to examine Louden Nelson documents and the County’s Salvation Army shelter contracts. E-Mail if you haven’t got these documents & want to help.

Any volunteers to go by the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center or phone them and find out if they have a procedure for dismissing homeless vehicular citations?

11 AM Wednesday July 31, 2019 Conscience and Action followed by HUFF: Coffee, Conversation, and a Touch of Conscience & Huffiness


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items; Timekeeper; Vibes Guy
  • Minutes Prep Help
  • Old Business:  1220 River St. Report & 8-8 Protest/Press Conference; 10 AM
  • Old Business:  1st Friday Tabling to Advertise Direct Action on Bathrooms 5 PM…Prep.
  • Kevin’s Response to SCPD National Night Out Tuesday Aug 6  4-6 PM responding to  station tours, live demonstrations, and snacks at 155 Center St
  • Possible Glover call (10 minutes available on his end)
  • Follow-Up for Phone-A-Cop-for-Shelter-Transport Proposal
  • Follow-Up on Expenditures & Local Effectiveness in the Cash-for-Care Poverty Pimpery Masquerading as Social Service; CATCH Committee Update.
  • California Homeless Union: Supporting Salinas’s August 1st Hearing
  • Glover Call on Release of Infraction Examination, Investigation, Housing Problem                                                                                           
  • Odds & Ends:  Needle Exchange Expansion Debate/Forum…Post Office Box: Alicia Homeless Union Report
  • Linking Up with ICE Resistance

For HUFFsters

  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street and Campground Report
  • RV and Vehicle Seizure; Gen-I on Vehicle Tow and Alicia’s Latest on Haebe’s Green Stickers
  • August 2nd Monterey Court Hearing 1200 Aguajito Rd for Salinas Injunction Against Cop Harassment at Sherwood Park 1:30 PM
  • Police Auditor Contract; Mills GT Article
  • Public Records Updates: Bathroom Data–Norse and Colby’s Data  Some at


C & A/HUFF Meeting

Alicia, Kevin, Rapha:  Subcommittee on how money is being spent.
Alicia:  August 2 and previous prep tabling downtown for bathroom demo, round up some toilet art, very visible sign

Alicia, Steve, Kevin, Robert, Gloria: Downtown Tabling

Rapha: Sending copies of  1220 River St. Contract to Robert

Robert:  List of demands for August 2nd

Keith, Robert (Keith not at meeting): Perhaps Follow Up on the “Call a Cop for Shelter Transport”, Alicia and Kevin may join

Robert will ask Keith to do a Press Release for August 8th

Phil will contact New Director with Demands.

Robert will e-mail Drew with request for specific addresses on Infraction data, and/or specific definitions of “fixed” versus “transient” residence.

Robert will send Rapha the 12 categories Drew requested.

11 AM Wednesday July 24, 2019 Conscience and Action: Summer Shoutback–Following Up on Various Projects


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items
  • Downtown Follow-Up for the “Give a Shit; Open the Shitters” Campaign
  • Follow-Up for Phone-A-Cop-for-Shelter-Transport Proposal
  • Follow-Up to Create a Forum on Local Effectiveness in the Cash-for-Care Poverty Pimpery Masquerading as Social Services
  • Follow-Up on Demo to Publicize Unaddressed 1220 River Deficiences and Challenge the Wretched Concentration Campground “New Normal” Model
  • California Homeless Union: Supporting Salinas’s August 1st Hearing
  • Glover Call on Release of Infraction Examination, Investigation, Housing Problem                                                                                           
  • Odds & Ends:  Needle Exchange Expansion Debate/Forum…Post Office Box: Alicia Homeless Union Report
  • Linking Up with ICE Resistance
  • For HUFFsters
  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street and Campground Report
  • Public Records Updates:  Infraction Data Crunching; New Delays
  • RV Attacks & Restricted”Reforms” in Other Cities
  • August 1 Caravan to Provide California Homeless Union Support for Salinas Sherwood Park Survival Campers
  • SNAIL Update?
  • Berkeley Report

Keith, Alicia, Robert:  Interested in working on  audio recording evening calls for shelter from folks on the street.
Keith, Robert: Planning a forum to debate local effectiveness in providing real services and shelter versus grant grabbing and surveillance stats.
Phil, Alicia, Robert, Greg, Rafe, Others at 1220: A return demonstration to 1220 around issues of free access in and out, access to tents, showers, salaries for “monitors”, potable water, cooling temperatures in tents, etc.
Conscience and Action voted 7-17 to support Nick and Phil’s proposals, though we didn’t discuss them at length.
Rafa:  Talk to Brent about Charging Stations at His Storage Area.
Rafa: Work the Police Data on Infraction Citations.

11 AM Wednesday July 17, 2019 Conscience and Action: Next Steps in Bathroom Battles followed by HUFF at Noon or soon after


Note:  Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group.  They cover a wide range of possibilities.

  • Announcements: Choice of Action Items
  • Reviewing Last Monday’s “”Give a Shit” Demo at Louden Nelson & Follow-Up’s
  • Planning for Follow-Up’s Assist Sanitation-Challenged Bureaucrats There: Exposing P & R Dirty Laundry Downtown?
  • The Posner Proposal for Supporting Migrant Camps
  • Nutcracker Nick’s Suggestions on Hostels for the Homeless
  • 1220 River St. Report on Unaddressed Deficiences and Changing the Oppressive City-County Campground Model
  • California Homeless Union: Supporting Salinas’s August 1st Hearing
  • Police calls in concert with FNB and/or SC Homeless Union to Document Failed SCPD Shelter Assistance for Front St. Sleepers
  • Glover Call on Release of Infraction Examination, Investigation, Housing Problem                                                                                           
  • Needle Exchange Expansion Debate/Forum…Post Office Box: Alicia Homeless Union Report
  • Stepping Up Santa Cruz Resource List–Who’ll Do the Follow-Up?

  • For HUFFsters
  • Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
  • Further Action on C & A Items
  • Street and Campground Reports
  • Seeking Cell-phone and Charger Assistance for Union Campground Organizing
  • Public Records Updates:  Martinez Mendacity, Bathroom Stallin
  • RV Attacks & Restricted”Reforms” in Other Cities
  • SNAIL Update?
  • Berkeley Report